Chapter 205

Mysterious Day 204.


“Ah, that blue wolf girl……!”


This is Kirumina.

Kirumina is clear.

But it must have been a little weird.

She got it wrong from the beginning when she was hanging outside a five-story window.

Why are her eyes pink…? It’s not really pink. eyes like that.

Eud knows.

Those eyes are that- the eyes I saw in Dream Land in the past.

Eyes full of lust or lust.

It is the ‘eyes of the unknown woman’ who wore a mask and came to Eud.

But should I still say Eudra? Once it is postponed.

Still, it’s too dangerous to hang outside the window.

I have no idea how it was hung.

Eud hurriedly opened the window.

But sooner than that-

“Wait a minute, Kirumi Mina, why are you swinging her fists-ahhh?! I’ll open the door for you!”


Boo woo-woong- quaaaaaang!

Take it on!

Kirumina’s fist smashed the window of the break room.

As it turned out, if we went all the way here, both Eud and Truth had no choice but to overcome their astonishment.

Then, with a movement full of flexibility, it enters the interior at once.

With great momentum, he lands while stepping on the broken pieces of glass.

It was just a quiet conversation between Eud and Truth. What a mess it turned into.

Besides, the sweet body odor that Kirumina felt from before.

In addition to that, even the spirit of wildness like a giant wolf.

What I can tell for sure is that Kirumina’s condition isn’t right now.

“Hey… Kirumina, what the hell are you doing……?”


“Oh, maybe this.”

On the way, did Truth know what was going on?

But before Truth could say anything about him.



This time, Kirumina ran towards Eud.



It was great speed.

Euddo had considerable body sight.

A speed so fast that even a Truth with magical eyes could not capture the moment.

It is a move that is truly the ‘prodigy of the blue wolf’.

Eud, who was supposed to be a provisional SS-class, was shot down in a mount posture.

And in an instant, Kiru Mina grabbed Wood’s arms and climbed on her body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

“……Kee hee heeing.”

“Keek…… huh?”

“Sniff, Kiaeeng…….♡♡”

“Hey, Kirumina……?”

He put his nose in Eud’s body and sniffed repeatedly, and smiled contentedly.

Then, as if scanning his entire body, he continued to sniff.

It was like enjoying the aroma of well-made alcohol.

Then, as if drunk by her scent, Mina Kiru reddened her face even more.

The pink light that rose over her eyes grew even brighter.

“Eud, Eud, Eud…♡”

“Oh, yes. This is Eud.”


Should I be happy?

After she got close to Wood, Kirumina didn’t act like she did before.

“Aha… It’s estrus.”

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

“It’s the beautician’s heat phase… Besides, the condition is quite severe. I was very drunk.”

“heat? No, Kirumina? …More than that, even beasts have estrus?!”

“Because this is somewhat taboo in the conventional wisdom of each race. It is not well known, but…”

Indeed. After all, estrus is a sexual thing.

Just look at the aristocratic society. In normal conversation, I don’t touch that side as much as possible.

Not only the nobles, but also the beasts.

As Drowah said when returning to her dormitory, there are still many ‘unknown habits’ of other races.

…and the tail as well.


If so, is the sweet smell that I felt earlier is the effect of estrus?

After that, the sweetness began to spread more strongly.

“Even the beast people have estrus depending on the tribe. Oh, in the case of black lions, there is no set heat period… But all canines definitely have heat periods. Come to think of it, recently was when the estrus started slowly—”


Kirumina glared at Truth.

Since I talked to Eud, I wonder if Kirumina is instinctively hostile.

Truce quickly shook his hands.

“No, it’s okay. I won’t touch Eud. Because I don’t have many hobbies for men. Truth Symmetry is innocent and harmless. safety.”

In response to Kirlumina’s sudden hostility, Truth insists on being innocent and harmless as much as possible.

I didn’t know that it was innocent, but I thought it wasn’t harmless.

…….Let’s not ask for it now.

No but……

Aside from estrus, why did it come so far?

No stairs, no windows.

I also broke it with a chin.

It collapsed like an ice sheet in winter.

It was so shocking that it was not at all expected that Eudroe had come to this point.

“Kirumina, how did you get here?”

“Keiyeing, Eud, I missed you……”


“I missed you ♡♡♡”

“Oh, yep.”

Kirlumina is still attached to Eud without the world knowing.

Besides, it was not a respectful word, but a slurred word all of a sudden.

Well, originally because Kirumina is older.

She was rather grateful that she had treated Wood with respect on the go-

‘No, no, no.’

Is there still a lot left to point out?

As if to avoid reality, Eud had other thoughts.

Soon, a sound was heard from the hallway.

“What, what?!”

“The sound of glass breaking?!”

“What is this in the middle of the night?!”

Because it was so loud.

The students will know that something big has happened.

The students in the hallway close to the break room could hear the sound of them coming out of the room.

Of course. Even Eudra will come out and see when it makes such a loud noise.

– But the real problem was next.



Suddenly, a loud noise resounded throughout the dormitory.

It’s definitely an alarm.

It was similar to the sound of fire protection magic.

[invasion! invasion! Magical reaction! An intruder appeared in the dormitory of the opposite sex by breaking the rules!][Game Knights, the number of people on standby at all times! Hurry up to start the search!][Arrest him! Arrest!]

what’s this scary

Listening to the contents, it seemed to be an alarm that sounds when the ‘unauthorized opposite sex’ enters the opposite sex dormitory.

But really, there are people who enter the dormitory of the opposite sex without permission.

Even that Ragnaril faction obeys the rules and always gets a permit. (Only 10 people)

Even Phoenix always forgets to get a permit.

““……”” (Eud, Truth)

“Kee hee hee hee ♡♡ ki hee hee hee…♡”

Maybe it was natural, I didn’t know.

There was no such thing as her permit hanging around Kiru Mina’s neck.

““It’s Kirumina!?” (Eud, Truth)

what The culprit is right in front of you.

Is it only in front of him, or he is sitting on Eud’s body?

Is Kirumina getting an alarm or not? She only smells Wood more.

The sensation of being sucked in by the body odor on her skin was really strange for Ewood Law.

Still, this is not the time to be so dazed.

Maybe it’s because Eud was in close contact with the floor.

A rumble is heard now.

Massive footsteps. According to the broadcast by the magic loudspeaker, the search was really started.

Besides, that wasn’t the only thing.

(Rump! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!)

(Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!)

“Ugh? up this time? why?!”

“Huh? Eud, Weerani?”

“Now, I heard a huge door open from above…?!”


There are two floors allotted to human races in the dormitory.

The current floor is the 5th floor, so the 6th floor is a human dormitory.

But the sound that Eud heard was probably higher than that.

Eud has a good ear. If it was on the 6th floor, it couldn’t be heard so faintly.

In other words, the source of the sound now is higher than that – the 7th floor.

It was the dormitory floor of the male students of the Suin tribe.

But what happened to the beasts coming out?

Was the intrusion alarm such a big deal?

Contrary to Eud’s bewilderment, on the other hand, True’s face turned pale blue.

“right……! Blue wolf, most of today are stuck in the dormitory…?”

“uh? Ah. I’m sure I heard something like that…”

Come to think of it, my two older sisters told me about it during the day.

There were more blue wolf students in the dormitory than usual.

“Kiaaeeng…..♡ hehehe ♡”

“Ah, Kirumina, if you stay here now, you will be caught by the guards! You must run away quickly!”


When Eud, who was bewildered by the rumble upstairs, spoke urgently, Kirumina became pale.

Her dog’s ears and waving tail droop.

Wood’s heart weakened for a moment, but he couldn’t get over it now.

In the meantime, Kirumina is arrested by the guards on charges of trespassing. She had to let it go quickly.

Then Truss said urgently.

“Then it must be a really big deal…?!”

“What, what?!”

“Eud, did you hear that before?! ‘The sound of the door opening upstairs’! I don’t know how much pheromone is coming out of him right now…! If you take that much-”



Suddenly, a loud noise rang out from the central staircase.

“At least, the pheromone has spread throughout this male dong, the pheromone that makes canine males into estrus…!”

Truth was genuinely perplexed.


“-What, that?! Beast people!?”

“All dogs and wolves beasts?!”

“Huh?! huh?! Whoa!?”

“Heh heh heh heh heh!!”

quagga gag!!


The boys who were observing the situation in the hallway were astonished as if they had seen the forces of disaster.

The ‘army of male students’ passing by in an instant.

No, some were hit or even trampled on. An intermittent shriek is heard.

Eventually, the army of male students who were beasts, ignoring their astonishment and screams, advanced and—


“””found…….! Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!””

I quickly reached the front of the break room.

how many people is this

From what I see now, it’s probably twenty.

But if you measure the footsteps accurately, there are at least twenty more coming from behind.

But even that is increasing.

sound. smell. prominence.

And, up to ‘the spirit of wanting to take over the female’.

““Hey…!”” (Eud, Truth)

All the senses are entangled as if drawing a chaos, conveying a crisis to Eud and Truth.

Woo woo woo!

But this time, another sign came to the two boys.

It was also outside the window.

“Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh Heh heh heh heh…!”

Ranfus, sweating profusely, arrived above the window that Kirumina had broken.

“Miss Kirumina, here you are – come on, please.”

…and quickly turned into a serious expression.(Read more @

“After all, even our children were drunk on pheromones! Hey, blue wolf madmen, what if you get drunk on a girl! -Ah?!”

But at the same time with profanity. The presence of Eud and Truth is also quickly recognized.

In a little while, the situation will be swept away together.

Everything is full of suddenness.

Was it like blue wolf number 2 after all?

Ranfus did not give in and made a quick judgment of the situation.

“-Eud-kun, Metri Leader! Take the girl and jump over here!”

This way – Kirumina came in, and Ranpus just arrived…

broken windows.



“Huh?! here?! Five stories high here-”

“hurry! If you make a mistake, even you will be caught by them!”

“Damn, let’s jump, Eud!”

“Truth, don’t you have any hesitation!?”

“No matter what country it is, it’s an emissary to get tangled up with male prisoners!?”


Truth also moved quickly, urging Eud and Kirumina.

and at the same time.

“““Kirumina aaaa ♥♥♥””

The canine and beast male students rushed in like beasts.

Her athletic ability isn’t as good as Kirlumina’s. Is it because of the innate body of being a beast?

The speed at which they hit was amazing.

The tables in the break room were already overturned like being pushed by the waves.

If I make a mistake, not only Kirlumina, but Eud and Truth will be swallowed up by the waves of those beasts.

‘Rather, it’s all in my eyes……!’

In this nonsensical situation, it was when Truth was about to reveal her magic eyes.

“Truth, Ranpus-senpai! Cover your ears-!”


Eud, who tightly covered Kirumina’s dog’s ears, roared throughout the break room.





At the roar that tingled the skin, the bodies of the beasts who were flocking to them shook all at once.

However, it could not be neutralized because it was already in a state of half-running, or because it was full of noise.

Beyond that, they keep coming back. Even the roar didn’t reach there.

Would I have earned some time though?

this is the gap You need to get out of this gap quickly.

When I heard the sound, the guards had already gone up to the floor below.

“Ugh, good, good! Jump-!”

At Ranfus’s cry, who had already roared for the second time, both Eud and Truth resumed their actions.

Fortunately, it seems that both of them covered their ears in time.

Eud, Truth, and Ranpus.

And even Kirlumina that Eud was holding.

All four of them jump from the window on the fifth floor of the dormitory.

“““Ahhhhh-!””” (Eud, Truth, Ranfus)

Two leaders of the teenage noble faction and two blue wolf executives.

Was it really unexpected?

“Pick, sneeze♡”

Of course, in the meantime, Kirumina smelled Eud’s scent and fell in love with it.

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