Chapter 197


“awhile. Wait, wait, wait…!”

“Lune-sama, what now……!”

“Huh? Is it because you are attacking the 7th Dungeon?”

Yes. I didn’t hear it wrong.

Now, Rune was said to be the attacker of the 7th Dungeon – The Watcher’s Prison.

No, to be more precise, the ‘attack moderator’.

Doesn’t that mean ‘still attacking that dungeon’?

According to Rune, 10 years.

watcher’s prison.

As one of the 7 major dungeons, it is a dungeon managed by the Allied Powers on a continent that is somewhat distant from Eugracea.

‘Labyrinth Saraha’, where the news of Liquia was cut off,

The ‘Moonlight Sea’ challenged by powerful mediators, including Gareth.

Unlike them, it is a place where the pattern of appearance is not fixed.

It’s against the laws of the world.

A dungeon difficult to even enter.

A dungeon raider like that.

To be honest, it’s almost like a joke.

It’s hard to believe because it’s beyond common sense.

But why?

Eud instinctively believed it.

It was different from what my brain couldn’t accept.

Perhaps it was because he felt the energy of those who had visited the 7th Dungeon from Rune, like Gareth, Liquia, and Deut.

“I can’t tell you the details, though. I am ‘still attacking’. For that reason, except for the royal family on the Delberg side and some nobles, this situation should not be disclosed. So, please take good care of me.”

Rune took out another cookie and ate it as if it was no big deal.

Flora must have been quite confused.

In the case of Czerny, he was feeding Kururu sweets on his lap.

…… Whether Familia could eat the sweets, he’ll have to take a second.

Meanwhile, Eud asked what came to mind.

“Does that mean that it was sent out, not directly?”

At Eud’s words, the faces of the three men changed at once.


Rune, who had been light until recently, looked at Eud and revealed an interesting look.

The voice of admiration that came out at the moment was strangely similar to Bernay.

“How did you find out?”

That means that Eud’s question is actually the right answer.

Eud picked his words out of his head for a brief moment.

“If my knowledge is correct… The Watcher’s Prison, ‘Sky Palace’, ‘The Aircraft of Annihilation’, and ‘Dimension Tower’—it’s a difficult dungeon to enter together.”

That’s what I studied with Jessica before.

Also, the story that it is difficult to enter is-

“It’s hard to get in because it’s not even free to go out. My father said so too.”

“Oh, Gareth.”

Of course, among these, the airship of extinction is said to be known by the existence of ‘hazards’. For those who are in contact with them, entry and exit can be relatively free.

Yes, just like Liquia.

Liquia 3 years ago. It is said that before entering the labyrinth in that way, he had visited the Aircraft of Extinction first.

Liquia has a connection with Hazard – ‘the strong who claim to be kings’.

But other dungeons don’t.

For example, the moonlit sea that Gareth visited.

The dungeon was relatively easy to access, but Gareth said he had only been to the first part of it.

The reason was simple.

‘If I go in more than this, I never know when I will be able to come out.’

But now Rune is here.

At the same time, he even said, “It’s a story that has been going on for 10 years already.”

The conclusion that Eud can draw from these clues is-

“‘‘While you were attacking the prison of the 7th Dungeon Watcher who entered 10 years ago, Rune, you were forcibly released by some deterrent.’ And- Whoops.”

Eud swallowed lightly as Rune’s eyes became sharp.

No, it should be sharp.

Like ‘Okay, more! Tell me more!’ It must have been like cheering.

Immediately clearing his throat, Eud continued his speech.

“Gee, what it is now, the situation that happened in relation to the observer’s prison. That’s why I think that Rune’s existence should not be known. ……Is that right?”

No matter how much magic there is in the world.

Even so, ‘the magic of rejuvenation’ is unprecedented.

At any rate, it’s just a story that comes up occasionally from myths and folktales. There are no real examples at all.

If it was a race like a gnome, I would have understood it right away.

As long as they belong to the Alfale family, the noble of Eugracia, it is certain that all of them are human.

If that is the case, it means that ‘a situation beyond common sense’, not magic, acted on Rune.

So, it was Eud’s guess that something had happened in a place that was equally beyond common sense.

If it’s a place beyond common sense in this world, of course the 7th Dungeon.

While Eud was also speaking, I thought it was a half-elixir.

Even so, the mere presence of the word “7th Dungeon” is certainly convincing.

“Heh heh heh.”

When Eud finished all these explanations, there was a momentary silence in the basement.

Flora, Cerny, and Familia.

Also, even the pixies that were spread around stopped eating the sweets at Eud’s words.

The silence was engulfed in this huge and messy place, was it really that cool?

Soon, Rune spoke again.

“……Eud, do you, by any chance, want to be my assistant?”


“It’s not really a good feeling…”

I almost got an unexpected scout.

For a while from then on, Rune looked at Eud and repeated admiration.

After a while, only the true Rune spoke again.

“- Uh huh. as you said right. I was forced out of that dungeon now. And they are hiding here to hide it, and for various reasons.”

“…Is it because of the relationship between the nobles that we have to keep it a secret?”

At Flora’s question, Rune nodded his head.

“Almost right.”

“Then is it okay to tell me and Eud-sama that you are the leader of the 7th dungeon? And about his present form…”

Rune responded to Flora’s words, lightly dampening his neck with his car.

“The son of Gareth, the daughter of Soil. I also heard about you from time to time. First of all, they both knew. As long as they are that bloodline, you can trust them.”

“Father!?” (Flora)

Gareth and Soil knew about Rune-

So, did Czerny think it was a good thing that Flora found out earlier?

Immediately, Rune giggled at Eud, saying, “That’s right, you’re not particularly blood-related.”

“Flora, have you heard of my pseudonym of ‘Rune’ from Soil?”

“Oh, yes!”

“Because I can’t reveal the name of Rune yet. She must have already told you, your daughter, under her pseudonym. Because he’s strict about it.”

“For some reason, I thought he was telling me about my father’s personality quite vaguely……!”

Flora muttered with a slight sigh.

Or maybe even Soil was aware of the quest that Gareth gave to Eud.

So, his daughter noticed Eud’s request to protect Czerny in some way.

She may have predicted that she would come into contact with Czerny and Rune afterwards.

…if this is true, Eud really thought that both Keynes and his wife were awesome.

“But this story is not the main point. Let me pass now.”


Was Rune really trying to pass this story by? She turned her horse’s head in an instant.

In the meantime, he realizes that Eud wants to say something.

“- I’ll say it again. As a matter of fact, I can’t tell you everything. The 7th Dungeon and the Watcher’s Prison are still full of things I don’t know. I have no intention of arguing.”

“…….is that so.”

“Rather, it was more unexpected for me that you grasped my situation at once. At first, I didn’t even want to talk about it.”

Rune said to Eud, as if still curious.

“Well, if you want to hear more than this from me- well, no. I’m getting weak for nothing, so let’s not do it now.”

Seeing Eud’s expression, my heart was moved a little.

Immediately, Rune shook her head and finished her speech again.

It seems like now, even if I asked more than this, I wouldn’t have been able to get an answer.

Rune whispered to Czerny, who was keeping her mouth shut.

“Cherrynia. As you can see, Eud is no ordinary kid. Why don’t you just be escorted in a quiet way?”


“escort? Eud-nim?!”

“Flora that-”

Flora doesn’t even know what the mission is.

Eud hurriedly delivered the conversation and quest he had previously had with Gareth.

“Eud-sama is the escort of His Majesty Chernia……”

Flora glanced at Eud and Chernia lightly alternately.

Then, somehow, both cheeks are inflated.

Why did I not like something?

“Eud’s ability… I admit… But… heh heh!?”

When Eud glanced at him with a frustrated heart, Czerny shivered.

“Eud has no intention of listening to Chernia.”

“Yes, it was a request from his father. Even if you don’t like it, I’m just going to force it.”

“Turn it off……”

Cherny grabbed her cheek involuntarily.

Maybe he’s defending himself from being bullied by Eud like in the morning?

“So, let’s make a compromise as we said earlier in the morning.”

Rune held out a cute hand to Eud.

“Eud, can I get your Cattleya pocket watch?”

“…….Yeah? Ah yes.”

“Oberon, Titania. Find that box too. I don’t know where you are~”


But why suddenly the story goes back to the pocket watch?

While smirking, Eud followed Rune’s words and handed the pocket watch.

After that, Rune received the box brought by Oberon and Titania-

“Come on, let’s go back and try again.”

There he took out the iron tools.

“Wait a minute, wait a minute!?”

Eud sprinted to get his pocket watch back in his arms.

He was almost immediately disbanded.

“A compromise?! What are you going to do now?!”

“Huh? Of course it’s a remodel.”

“remodeling?! of course?!”

“Ah, I guess it’s Rune……!”

Does Czerny know what he’s modifying?

Flora, wondering what the hell was going on, tilted his head.

“I’m going to treat you like a Cherny pocket watch. From now on, not only from Czerny’s side, but also from your side so that you can contact Czerny right away. How much can we solve the street problem?”

“Communication? …Wait, you mean communication magic?! Communication magic function on Eud-sama’s watch?!”

“It’s only a temporary measure, so there may be some functional limitations.”

In other words, it is to convert Eud’s pocket watch into a magic item.

At those words, Flora’s eyes twinkled.

Apparently from the Colosseum, he showed a great interest in communication magic.

Flora’s surroundings seemed to have gotten brighter for nothing.

“For a while, we set up a time together and looked at the situation on the pocket watch. In the event of an emergency, call the other party immediately. I’m in hell, so this would be more comfortable.”


I also understood

If Eud can confirm Czerny’s situation, I think that’s good.

……. Still, it was difficult for Eud to leave the watch easily.

A Cattleya pocket watch is a sign of recognition as her real son to Lorona – to her mother. It is an important item like the ring of the Phoenix family.

I am well aware that this is only a sign to some extent.

Loro I see Ewood as her family without any of that.

Still, as much as her heart was special, it was difficult for her to hand it over right away.

“It doesn’t matter if we call it a remodel. You put a magic stone inside, and spread the magic stem so that the magic circle can work. Cherrynia, take out your pocket watch.”

Is it difficult to ask you to correct your name now?

Czerny pulled out his pocket watch with a timid movement.

“Come on, you can barely see it?”

If it’s really a tee, it’s the ‘small gemstone’ that hangs inside Czerny’s pocket watch. The watch was also functioning well.

“Besides, I also learned techniques from your maternal grandfather.”

“With my maternal grandfather……?!”

“It was about 10 years ago. We’ve worked together before, so I know the structure of a Cattleya pocket watch. Chernia was also made by me through it.”(Read more @

How the hell is this woman in a relationship?

Come to think of it, I said that the watch was also ‘the model virtually identical to the Cattleya pocket watch’. She even said that it was made by Rune, the owner of the Familiars.

To be honest, the family and the magic items.

Evidence supporting Rune’s skills, such as dealing with pixies, was everywhere.

There was a point of being unsure about her appearance because she was a child.

Even so, Eud knew a little bit about the pink-haired girl.

Is it because of the old age that I feel a little bit from before?

“……I beg you to be quick.”

“do not worry.”

Eud closed her eyes and handed her pocket watch to Rune.

At that, Rune told Wood, she smiled bitterly, as if to appease her own child.

“-Ah! Rune-sama, then, will this watch be remodeled?! Is it possible to mass-produce?!”

a little later. Flora, who had been watching her situation, took out her pocket watch with her hopes that she might not know.

It was a luxury pocket watch from the Keynesian company, which Eud knew well.

However, Rune looked at it carefully and shook her head.

“I can’t. Not bad though. Still, it’s almost a Cattleya-class pocket watch, so I can open the stem.”

This is because Cattleya pocket watches have high durability as well as precision of parts.

The more and more precise the number of parts in the watch, the more different kinds of stems can be laid inside for communication.

It also seems to have enough durability to withstand those stems.

“Aww, is that so… Whoa!”

As if it were a pity for Flora, she clasped Wood’s arm tightly for a moment, then rolled her head around.

Flora’s blue prongs roll round and round on Eud’s shoulder.

“-That’s right, Rune-sama, what I wanted to ask you this time on behalf of her father…”

She immediately noticed that she was fooling Wood at all she could.

Flora went to Rune and quickly shifted the conversation to the next thing.

In the meantime, Cherny spoke to Eud while holding Kururu.

“…I’m so sorry about me, Eud.”

“It’s not because of Czerny-senpai, what?”

“That, though.”

The reason I felt sorry was because the watch was being remodeled.

Or maybe it was because Eud’s expression was a little gloomy.

Czerny seems a bit uncomfortable.

Eud had no intention of saying anything to Czerny.

In terms of efficiency, it would have been better if I could contact you from this side.

It’s probably a bit like asking Weiss to send you a note all the time.

In the first place, Czerny is afraid of Wise, so it will cause more confusion.

A little while later, Eud looked at Czerny, equally pale, and—

“……Huh? Me, that Eud? I’m sorry, but I’m not staring at you too much…! Eyes, eyes scary, no, why are you coming closer again?! Baby, wait! uh, ah-”


He grabbed both cheeks and teased him.

“Ah, hzumyuo…!”

“Cherny unnie, your cheeks are straightening.”

Was Kururu curious about Cherny’s cheeks pecking at him?

I looked at Cherny’s cheeks for a while as I picked up a cookie and ate it.

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