Chapter 176

Assault 176.

Gareth and Lorona headed to the office to talk to DS.

We greeted each other in an informal way, but we thanked each other formally. On the other hand, as a teenage nobleman, I would like to talk about this situation.

Jessica and Suga also went to the office together because they were friends with DS.

And Eud came to the annex for a while.

As a member of For Enix, he was there to make sure his guests were resting comfortably.

First of all, I was afraid that my two older sisters would get my cheeks caught again, so I sneaked in without saying anything.

The room that Kirumina and Aru & Meru decided to stay in was a 4-person room that was temporarily used by the Torrang maids in the past. It is a spacious and luxurious room.

Aru & Meru went to the maid dorm with Feria for a while.

Neither Feria nor Arumeru were injured during the incident, so I wasn’t too worried.

Thanks to that, only Kirumina remained in the room.

Because of the bright night eyes of the Beasts, only the magic stone lamps were lit in the room.

“We also had a dormitory, so we could stay there… Oh, just turn on the fire—”

“My father told me to say thank you. Because I really wanted to say thank you. And I can see well, so I’m fine with it.”

Eud’s night eyes were too bright for beasts.

The more you look at him, the more benign and trustworthy the boy is than other men of the same race, and Kirumina unconsciously exhales a hot sigh.

“…You worked really hard today, Kirumina. Thanks to that, the damage was reduced even more.”

“Oh, no! It was only natural to help!”

To Eud’s polite greeting, Kirumina reacted hastily, but shyly bowed her head together.

There was a sense of humility and regret in Kirlumina’s tone of voice. Still, her cheerful tone and her moving tail are not easily hidden.

It was something that Kirumi had longed for, no, she never thought it would happen.

She wanted to meet E. Wood on the street, and she was even invited to her mansion like this.

She couldn’t even think of her brother, whom she had cursed so much when it happened.

Thanks to that, Eud smiled as he looked at Kirumina’s tail.

Beasts are tough and warlike – I’ve heard a lot of things like that. On the other hand, Eud felt it too. (Thanks to the Black Lion)

Still, it’s true that I feel that ‘everyone is honest people’.

So did Carltus. Her sincerity, whether in her tone of voice or in her reaction, was clearly revealed, so she was very nice.

Did Kirlumina feel Eud’s gaze?

She pecked her ears up, and she wiggled her own tail.

Perhaps she was shy.

“Because I can’t stop the tail…!”

“Are all wolf beasts like that?”

“All canines are like that… Hmm, even kids like black lions have their own reactions.”

Indeed. Carl Tooth and its members also raised her tail when she first came to Daejeon.

But is it like any other animal?

Among the beasts, it is said that the tails of dogs and beasts show their emotions better.

Kirumina fiddled with her fluffy tail, as if trying to stop her bouncing tail.

The other canine beasts I saw at the academy also have fluffy tails.

The blue wolves’ tails were the richest of them all.

Should I say that if I touch it, I will be buried softly?

When Eud saw it with wonder, Kirumina was taken aback.

Then I thought about it for a bit…

“But, would you like to touch it?”

She swung it to Ewood and asked it.

Eud unknowingly raised his head up.

“Is that really okay…?! Aren’t the beasts’ tails pretty sensitive?”

“Ew, if it’s Eud, you can touch it anywhere other than the tail (muttering)- Oh, but you know it surprisingly well…?”

Eud replied without hearing Kirumina’s murmur.

“Ah- I used to be taught by my teacher, ‘When you fight with beasts, take control of your tail first’.”

Obviously Jessica Marlow said that when you subdue beasts, it’s better to aim for the tail.

Then, as Eud spoke about the number-in-the-counter relativity that Jessica had taught her, Kirumina made a squeaking sound: “Hey …”.

“…that teacher must have been the one who fought often with the prisoners.”


“It’s cruel…”

Most of it seemed to be something that the Suin really hated.

At Kirumina’s words, I thought that Eud would too.

Something like ‘Inflict intensive wounds on the tails of beasts’.

Like ‘burning your hair with fire’.

Something like “pull the tail and pull it up through the crotch”.

…….It’s the way Jessica told me in advance three years ago.

That’s because Eud heard it back then and thought, ‘Wow, this guy isn’t that easy…’

Even the last time Jessica knew how to make the biggest apology among beasts.

Jessica Oldegrante, a scary woman…!

Anyway, let’s talk about it for a moment.

Kirlumina said, “Uh-huh.” She made a sound, and she turned her body slightly on the bed. She sits back on her bedside chair and turns towards Wood, with her back visible.

“Well then…”

Kirumina’s fluffy tail moved softly toward Eud. Like a child touching a doll for the first time, Eud looked at it in amazement.

“Whoa… it’s so soft, really…”


dreamy dream.

As soon as he touched it, Eud remembered such a touch in his head.

“……(Wheeze, wince)”


“-Oh, nothing. You are free to touch it…”

For a moment, I felt like my body was tight.

Kiru Mina still turned her back, she told Ewood that she was fine.

When I touched her tail more, did she really feel her heart at ease?

Kirumina also took a bath after coming to her mansion earlier.

Her tail is dry and soft like new.

The high-quality soap used by Phoenix.

Or maybe it’s a hair supplement for the beast people that Flora gave me.

Along with the sweet smell of various bath products, warmth is conveyed.

Is it the smell of Kirlumina that smells slightly skinny? It’s so soft that it won’t hurt to hold it and sleep right away.


Unaware of such a sound, Eud was absorbed in his embrace as if hugging a blanket that had just dried in the sun.

It must have been when I fell in love with her tail for a few minutes.

“…Ahhhhhhhhhh, there, Eud.”

“-Sorry, I’m sorry. Are you sick?”

“Oh, no…! Nothing hurts!”

Realizing that he was too absorbed, Eud looked at Kirumina with regret.

Kiru Mina looked back at Ewood slightly and shook her head. It must have meant ok

Although her face is already red.

Although Eud’s nighttime eyes were bright, she couldn’t even see the color of her skin (and her lighting), so Mina Kiru wasn’t tall either.

And Kirumina looked back at Eud and said cautiously.

“…do you feel a little more at ease?”


“That’s… Blue wolves feel a little more at ease when they touch their tails.”

Come to think of it, had she ever touched her tail when she was shy?

It is said that she has a calming effect when touched when she loses her composure a bit.

Of course, it’s not that it’s as effective as a real potion or blessing magic, it’s just that.

It is said to be a self-suggestion characteristic of the blue wolf.

But when I touched Eud himself, I thought that it really deserves a soothing effect as well. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anyone who touches such a soft thing will be relieved.

Even now, Eud is unconsciously touching Kirumina’s tail.

Probably Kirlumina noticed that Eud’s expression wasn’t bright.

In order to appease it, Lily had lent her own tail.

……Actually, allowing canines and beasts to touch the tail of the opposite sex is half an act of courtship.

However, Eud did not know the habits of the beast people, so he did not respond to it.

Kirlumina knew that Eud didn’t know that, and even made him touch it.

‘Actually, it didn’t matter if I knew it……!’

That was the truth.

It’s also Kirlumina’s style to gently put a sign of courtship without Eud knowing it.

“Thank you. It really made me feel better.”

“Everyone, I’m glad…”

Well, whatever Kirumina’s intentions were.

Actually, she is the Church of Memory, or Mother Mage. Even Eud was a little worried.

In addition, there is the “News of Liquia” delivered by Mother Mage at the end.

Still, when I touched her tail tightly, it felt really comfortable.

Eud unconsciously hugged Kirumina’s tail slightly.

oh oh oh-


While Kiru Mina was delighted with it, she quickly turned her head to keep her from making as sweet a sound as possible, closing her mouth tightly.

If her stimulation becomes stronger than this, Kirumina’s instincts become dangerous in many ways. Still, she hoped that time would not end for her Kirumi Naro.

Of course soon-

Clever- clunky!

“Hey, Kirumina. Eud Maybe- ……I was here too.”

“Eud really! Watch thoroughly when moving! Sisters, this is an order!”



How did the two older sisters find out, they came to the room in an instant.

Opening the door at the same time as knocking is not really manners. There would be no time to worry about it.

The two older sisters puffed up their cheeks and looked at Eud, who had been secretly here.

And when the two older sisters show their dissatisfaction and try to approach Eud and Kirumina-


This time, from the end of the hallway, a rushing sound was heard.

Not long after, the ‘Udadada’ appeared in front of the door in an instant.

““Miss Kirumina!””

If it was natural, it would have been natural, it was Meruni & Aruni.

But what he had heard was not uncommon.

“Miss Kirumina, what Eud-kun was buying during the day was a ‘sensual novel’!”

“Miss Kirumina, look at this! Eud was trying to buy some real nonsense!”


For a moment, I was surprised by Meru Aru’s raid.

As soon as Eud heard those words, his mind went blank.

After that, Peria gasped and followed Meru & Aru.

“No, you really are Arumeru! It’s from Master Eud, so don’t take it carelessly……! hey hey?! Master Eud!? Were the girls here too!?”

Seeing the Bocchan’s young ladies gathered, Feria put on a look of disappointment.

“““……Naughty rumors?”””

“No, ah, no, that’s……!”(Read more @

At this time, Eud’s expression was probably the same as that of Gareth, who had read the sensual novel a year ago.

Guess who’s not Gareth’s son.

“Miss Kirumina, chance!”

“I want you to tell me what you like!”

The blue wolf twins were waving their flags innocently.

The dangling sign moves unsteadily.

* * *

Another place in the mansion annex.

Anat had his luggage packed in advance, as he had to leave for the Torrang mansion tomorrow daytime.

There was no worry as the carriage was to be prepared by Phoenix.

He later said that when he returned to the academy, he would send a wagon so that he could go comfortably to the Phoenician train station.

Anat’s return train ticket was already booked long ago. I was so thankful that I didn’t know where to put myself.

Seriously, when I came, most of my luggage was obviously light…

Thanks to Lorona’s affection, it is now filled with special items. I even got a bag as a gift.

But while my heart is warm with those gifts-

Anat had a hard time pounding on one side of his heart since daytime.

‘……I thought it was okay.’

While organizing his luggage, he sees his own knife leather holder and stops his hand.

When he remembered facing the Mother Mage who slaughtered the Thor Lang family, his hands trembled belatedly.

As he recalled that gloomy existence, goosebumps grew all over his body.

He remembers that the black iron sword almost cut his stomach.

If Eud had not stopped him, he imagined himself to have died in an instant by pouring out his intestines.

Nausea and fear are intertwined.

‘I’m weak… I was arrogant. I’m still too weak…’

What followed was a hatred of self, full of shortcomings.

And, it was his feelings for the boy who didn’t waver in the face of the monster.

…After all, was it the way it was decided?

Anat, as if drawn to something, left the room to find a boy. With the luggage he was organizing, he walks down the hallway with only the knife holder for some reason.

On the way to the main building of the mansion where the boy’s room was-

“Eud, what a nonsense! Without your sister’s permission! Once here! Confiscated!”

“Yeah, I’m old enough to be interested. But hey…”

“What do you like, Eud-kun?”

“Come on, Eud. Lady Kirumina, please listen and learn well for the future.”

“Key, hey hey…”

“Please, I’m wrong…”

“Aww, Master, I’m sorry……”

“……What, this situation.”

At a gathering of children full of chaos, Anat tilts her head sincerely.

What else is more nonsense?

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