Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 648: Lord Lord is a **** walking on the earth

The passengers in the seat next to each other suddenly started talking and talked about their opinions endlessly.

"I personally think that Lord Lord's approach is far-sighted..."

"After'that incident', the Qianhu Kingdom lost its monarch...In order to maintain the order of the kingdom, the lord united the nobles from all over to establish the parliamentary council and changed the political system to a republic..."

"This is definitely a very groundbreaking idea. In the case of the downfall of the royal family, if a new king is forcibly elected, it will only incur huge opposition and eventually lead to the complete collapse of the kingdom... But the Lord Lord’s genius initiative, let More people shared power, miraculously stabilized the political situation of the kingdom..."

"This approach has another advantage. Because the power is dispersed, the nobles are busy fighting inwardly, and it is difficult to concentrate their efforts against the lord..."

"In addition, Lord Lord also proposed to let more than 20 big businessmen join the Senate. Due to the small number of places, the nobles did not strongly object, and finally the proposal was passed..."

"At that time, the stupid nobleman did not realize that it was the joining of these merchants that a tiny crack appeared in the hard dam..."

"In the next two years, Lord Lords used various means, either by intimidation or inducement, to expand the size of the parliamentary council twice in a row, gradually increasing the number of merchant councillors, and finally let the strength of the merchants and the nobility Chamber resistance..."

"After the parliamentary council laid a solid foundation, the lord talents began to promote the "Knightship Donation Act", and finally gathered all the businessmen's power to successfully pass the bill..."

Igos was dumbfounded:

"So, Lord Lord planned to implement the "Knightship Donation Act" after'that incident'? The subsequent series of actions were all creating conditions for the bill?"

"That's right." The passenger next door nodded affirmatively. "After the bill was passed, the nobles of the Thousand Lakes Republic wanted to understand the deep meaning of the lord, the manpower, and the merchants to join the parliament... It is ridiculous that it is too much at this time. late."

"It took 2 years to lay out... Tsk tsk, it's really amazing..." Igos praised sincerely, "Lord Lord's wisdom is really admirable!"

"Who said no?" The passenger next to him was also very admired. "Although many nobles in the Republic dislike Lord Lord very much, in private, they have to admire Lord Lord's superb skill and profound political wisdom. "

"Yes." Igos raised his head slightly, his eyes out of focus, as if he was thinking about the demeanor of a certain crown.

Then he looked at the passenger next to him as if thinking of something, and said respectfully:

"This gentleman, your knowledge and insights are amazing. It is really fun to chat with you... Well, take the liberty to ask, can I have the honor to know your name?"

"Of course." The passenger next door smiled and stretched out his right hand to Igos. "My name is Michelin. I just came back from the Thousand Lakes Republic yesterday. I am preparing to report to the Department of Commerce today."

"Oh, Mr. Michelin, I'm very happy to meet you." Igos hurriedly took the other's right hand and shook it vigorously. "I am Igos. I am currently working in the breeding department under the Department of Agriculture."

The civil servants, who are also the government affairs office, suddenly brought the relationship between the two people closer, and the chat became more and more harmonious.


"Boom... boom..."

The sound of wheels hitting the rails continues to spread into the train compartment.

Igos felt his body leaning back slightly, and he immediately understood that the train was climbing.

He turned his head and looked out of the car window, and saw that the continuous forest swept back quickly, a little, the forest disappeared, and the window suddenly opened up.

A vast shoal, with no borders in sight, appeared in front of Igos's eyes.

At this time, it was the ebb tide at the beginning of the month, and the tide had receded a full tens of kilometers away, and this was a miracle.

"The train has reached the viaduct..." Iggos pointed to his feet and said with a smile.

"Viaduct?" Michelin asked suspiciously.

"It seems that you have been on the mainland for too long, and you don't know much about this railway around the island." Igos patted his head and began to explain.

"I think you should know that the beach is too soft and easy to settle, and it is impossible to build a railway... But the Engineering Department of the Government Affairs Department has cleverly solved this problem by erecting a viaduct."

Michelin nodded slightly.

When Igos saw the other party showing interest, he quickly gave out more information.

"When I was building the viaduct, I would deliberately come over after get off work every day. The process of its construction is really amazing. I still remember it clearly..."

"The hollow concrete columns supporting this viaduct are as high as 10 meters in diameter. The internal structure is a steel frame, and then concrete is poured. They are stronger than stone..."

"Each pillar uses dozens of tons of steel and hundreds of tons of cement, plus the bridge deck on top of the pillars. God knows how many Kinnars the entire viaduct consumes..."

"In my opinion, it is simply a miracle of engineering, and only our Hai Chao Ling has enough financial and technical strength to build the viaduct..."

"...By the way, there was also a sensation in the entire territory during the construction process. As the related construction machinery has not been completed, the progress of the project has fallen behind by a lot, and the lord personally made it once..."

At this point, Igos's tone was extremely excited, his complexion flushed red.

"The great lord actually used supreme supernatural power to lift pieces of bridge decks on the uprights... You may not know that each bridge deck weighs more than 3,000 tons. Can you imagine how amazing this is?"

"On the day the lord took the shot, everyone who was available on Odin Island came, and even the Sairon Island to the west came many people, and the construction site was surrounded by tens of thousands of people..."

"Everyone watched, Lord Lord standing on a bridge deck, flying the bridge deck into the sky, and placing it on the pillar with a ‘bang’..."

"This over 2,000-meter-long viaduct took only 20 minutes to complete... If you use ordinary methods, I am afraid it will not be completed in a month..."

"Oh, I will never forget that scene in my life... I absolutely believe that Lord Lord is a **** walking on the earth..."

Michelin imagined that magical scene, with fascinating expressions in his eyes.

"Yes, Lord Lord is indeed a **** who descended to the world..."

He sighed in a low voice, with a pious look on his face.

At this moment, a large black spot suddenly passed by the window, and they gathered on the shoal in the extreme distance, seeming to be busy with something.

Michelin stared at it for a few seconds and asked curiously:

"Mr. Eagles, do you know what it is?"

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