Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 629: 5 impressions of Mr. Odin

The "crashing" river rushed to the south, and because the current was extremely turbulent, many eddies appeared on the river.

The fresh earthy smell permeated the air, and the river was full of black mud piled high, fluffy and soft, one step on it, often sinking into the ankle.

This is a newly dug ditch.

It was the steel Titan that made the civilians in the Indiana Lake area talk about it.

This type of canal is therefore called the "Titan Canal".

More than 20 half-aged teenagers in tattered clothes rushed to the Titan Canal in droves, screaming happily while running.

"Oh oh oh... the ‘water cage’ is accepted... the ‘water cage’ is accepted..."

"Hey, I hope today's harvest can be a little more..."

"It would be great if we could catch a spiny ball. Recently this kind of thing is selling well, and the noble lords are willing to pay for it..."

"It's okay to catch a few fish...This is a newly dug Titan Canal. It's easier to catch fish..."

"God, Yabuli, do you still want to catch'how many fish'? It would be nice to have one...I don't want to catch fish, because they are too big and often break the water cage..."

The "water cage" in the mouth of the teenagers is actually a cylinder woven from vines, with an open end and a special structure similar to "barbs". It is difficult for prey to get out again when it gets in.

In other worlds, people also know how to use this simple tool to fish. They are large and small. The large water cages are as tall as a person, and the small ones are half as tall.

The method of using the water cage is very simple, just put the bait in the water cage, fix it in the shallow water area on the shore, and then come to the water cage the next day.

If you are lucky, you can often get some good results.

However, alien creatures are too fierce. Big guys in the river are everywhere. After they smell the bait, they will use sharp teeth to destroy it, and then eat the bait inside.

Therefore, in many cases, the fishermen only harvest damaged water cages.

For the clinking poor fishermen, the water cage is a relatively important property. Even if it is damaged a little bit, it will be heartache for a long time.

The small river ditch that has just been dug like the "Titan Canal" is only 6 or 7 meters wide, and the probability of large ones is relatively low.

In addition, it is directly connected to Indiana Lake, and the aquatic creatures that "relocated" with the current are not dangerous, and it is the most suitable location for water cages.

Even Renault did not expect that the irrigation net he built for agricultural companies would become a very popular fishing spot and feed a large number of fishermen.

As for the "spinball", of course Renault brought the trend.

As the famous God of War in the human world, not only the small and medium aristocrats will rush to follow suit, but even the great aristocrats such as marquis and duke will regard this as a "noble and tasteful" fashion.

The behavior of the group is so ridiculous.

When your status reaches a certain height, even the "fart" you release will be interpreted with a distinctive meaning.

Due to Renault's relationship, spiny ball has been regarded as a high-end dish in the northern part of the kingdom. However, the speed of information transmission in this era is so slow that it is still unknown in the Indiana Lake area, and even dogs are not ignored.

However, this wave has reached Indiana Lake.

On the deck of the Black Iron Angel, Renault hosted several banquets, each time there were dishes made with spines, and every time he praised the deliciousness of spines in front of the nobles.

As a result, the spiny ball was quickly recognized by everyone, and it was quickly recognized as a noble food, and it was extremely sought after.

This kind of ugly stuff that is so dark, with spikes all over, has become worth a hundredfold overnight.

I have to admit that this world has always been dominated by a few people.


"Everyone pull together..."

"Strong...strive together..."

The teenagers rolled up their sleeves, grabbed a few dry vines, and pulled back vigorously. The other end of the vine disappeared under the water.

"Oh, it's out... it's pulled out..."

When a half-length blue-black tube was pulled out of the water, the teenagers couldn't help but let out a cheer.

A round-faced teenager excitedly dropped the sentence "This is my water cage", and moved forward, using both hands to push away the silt, water weeds and other things, and looked at the mouth of the thick thigh.

A dark thing was curled up motionless in the bamboo tube, and its body was covered with sharp spikes.

"Wow!" the boy exclaimed with excitement, "This is a spiny ball... I caught a spiny ball..."

This sentence immediately drew a large envious look, and other people scrambled around, looking into the mouth of the tube with eyesight.

"It's really a spiny ball... not a small size..."

"Hey, Vincent, you have made a fortune... This spiny ball can be sold for at least 150 copper nar..."

"If you encounter a noble master who is willing to bid, 2 silver nars are not impossible..."

The discovery of the first water cage inspired everyone.

However, when the teenagers pulled out the second, third, and until the sixth water cage, the atmosphere of disappointment grew stronger and stronger.

Because there are only a few slap-sized little guys, and they are either slightly toxic or bitter in meat, they are all inedible and can only be fed to livestock.

As the teenagers were on their way to bury the seventh water cage, a curious voice suddenly came from behind them.

"Hey, little guys, what are you doing here?"

The teenagers were suddenly shocked, and none of them even noticed someone approaching.

A group of people hurriedly turned their heads, and a smiling young man caught their eyes.

The youth is not tall or strong, with ordinary appearance, the only bright spot is a pair of extremely energetic eyes, with an indescribable temperament.

He wore linen clothes, the style was common, but it was very clean and neat.

Although judging from the appearance of the young man, it seems that the young man is just a commoner with an average family background, which also makes a group of young people feel embarrassed.

Because the clothes on their bodies were washed white, and there were traces of stitches and mending everywhere, and a few teenagers even wore "avant-garde" hole attire.

However, this is already the best clothes for teenagers.

"Hey, what's the matter with you? Can anyone answer me?"

Seeing these young people standing stupidly, the youth urged.

The headed boy, Vincent who was lucky enough to catch the spines, bent over and bowed a little flusteredly, stammering:

"Sir, I...we plan to take out the...water cage that was buried yesterday, and see if there is any gain in it..."

"Water cage?" The young man repeated the word questioningly. He glanced at the cylinder Vincent was holding and suddenly realized, "I see, it turns out to be a ground cage..."

He suddenly showed interest:

"Hey, let me help you get the water cage. I don't want your money or your gains, how about it?"

The young man did not wait for the other party to answer, and clasped Vincent's shoulder skillfully, and said:

"Little guy, don't froze... Time is money, you know?"

This sentence "time is money" made Vincent stay for a while, and instinctively felt that this sentence was very reasonable.

But before he had time to think about it, he felt his shoulder being pushed slightly, and then there was a urging sound in his ear again.

"Hurry up and lead the way...Master Ben, uh, I want to see how the water cage catches fish..."

He is knowledgeable and friendly, this is Vincent's first impression of young people.

Well, he doesn't know how knowledgeable the specifics are, he only knows that he knows too much better than himself.


The process of taking out the seventh water cage was so fast that Vincent couldn't believe it.

Because the youth shot.

He rushed in front of everyone, grabbed the two vines, and pulled out the water cage with a gentle pull, and the teenagers couldn't help but stare.

Everyone knows that in order to prevent the water cage from being dragged away by big fish, most of it is buried in the mud and fixed very firmly.

Under normal circumstances, it takes 3-4 adults, or twice the number of half-aged teenagers, to drag them out of the mud.

But the young man did it on his own, and he did it effortlessly. How could this not be surprised?

The strength is amazing, this is Vincent's second impression of the youth.


"Oh, there are no spines, only two small yellow-spotted bass. The door is so pitiful, I can swallow one in one bite..." a teenager glanced at the mouth of the tube and said dejectedly.

"You all want spines?" the young man asked suddenly.

A group of teenagers nodded in unison.

The young man picked up the water cage, checked it over and over, and said with a smile:

"Little guys, you are using the wrong method, it is difficult to get a spiny ball...Forget it, let me show you something..."

He turned to look at Vincent:

"Your name is Vincent, isn't it? I need you to get some ‘Likepinia’ and ‘Blattle Grass’, do you know them? Very good, go now..."

He looked at another slightly thin boy:

"Are you'Ackert'? I need..."

The youths were assigned several tasks in a row to command this group of youths round and round.

I don't know why, the teenagers always feel that there is a kind of magical power in the youth, and people can't help but obey his orders.

Ten minutes later, the teenagers found all the materials.

The young man squatted on the ground, handling the materials quickly in his hands, muttering something in his mouth:

"Look at my actions clearly, fold off the stems of Ichthyosoma japonicus and put them in the water cage...Remember, don't want leaves. Acanthophylls do not like leaves..."

"There is also the grass juice of wilt grass. Mix them with a small amount of mud and rice juice to make a jelly and stick it inside the cage... Believe me, the spiny ball likes its smell very much..."

A group of teenagers looked intently and looked extremely serious.

"Oh, by the way, the structure of the mouth of the tube is not very reasonable. The spines are not easy to climb in. It has to be I did...and do it you understand?"

A circle of small heads nodded fiercely.

The young man stood up and muttered again:

"Next, I need to find a place where spiny **** exist... Well, I remember they don't like places where the water is too clear... Let me feel it..."

The young man actually closed his eyes tightly and walked forward along the embankment, but he walked fast and steadily, and he was flexible enough to avoid obstacles.

This weird thing surprised the teenagers.

A group of people looked at each other, and then unanimously followed.

Mysterious, this is Vincent's third impression of young people.


"Haha, I found it!"

After walking several tens of meters, the young man gave a happy cry.

"Guys, watching my actions, you must remember it...this will bring you a lot of money..."

The youth greeted a group of teenagers, tied the water cage with a dry vine, threw it to the center of the river, and watched it sink slowly.

A group of people waited quietly.

A minute later, the youth violently tugged the vine.

The water cage shoots out of the water like a cannonball and falls steadily to the ground.

"Hey, what did you think I caught?"

The young man picked up the water cage and showed the mouth of the tube to the young man, proudly showing off.

I saw a black thorn ball, slowly wriggling inside impressively.

"'s a spiny ball..."

"This...this is amazing..."

The teenagers were so happy they were going crazy.

The mysterious young man in front of him was right, as long as he mastered this method, he would definitely make a fortune.

At this time, anyone who is not a fool understands that the other person is definitely not an ordinary person.

"Whose water cage is this?" the young man asked again.

"Sir, it's mine..." a teenager said respectfully.

"So." The young man nodded, "I'll give it back to you... The spiny ball inside belongs to you..."

"Oh, you are so generous..." The boy jumped up with excitement.

Others looked at their companions with envy.

Hey, picking up a spiny ball for nothing, this guy is really lucky... Why doesn't this gentleman use my water cage to experiment?

Generosity and full of wisdom is Vincent's fourth impression of young people.

A valuable spiny ball, just give it away. Isn't this what generosity is?

The method of catching spines is unheard of by ordinary people. He is not a real wise man. Can you think of it?


The young man shook the vine again. A one-meter-long freshwater fish rushed out of the water and landed heavily on the ground with a "bang".

"Wow hahahaha... I just said that I can catch fish with a rope, you still don't believe it...hahaha, believe it now..."

A group of half-aged children stared at the stunned fish. They only felt that the young man who claimed to be "Mr. Odin" was too powerful.

The wonder that a single rope can catch fish has never been heard by teenagers, nor has their parents and grandparents heard of it. This completely subverts their perceptions.

In the next period of time, Mr. Odin was trembling all the way, trembling non-stop.

The teenagers wow, wow, and wow.

The generous Mr. Odin said that everyone can get a fish, and everyone has a share.

How can young people be unhappy?

For them, this afternoon in the Moon of Tracing the Wind is the most magical and incredible day they have ever remembered.

Vincent is no exception.

It is so powerful that it is looking up. This is Vincent's fifth impression of Mr. Odin.

Unfortunately, happiness is always short-lived.

When Mr. Odin demonstrated how to use a rope to catch two fish at the same time, a figure suddenly fell from the sky.

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