Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 615: The chicken has chopped its legs, and the storm is migrating

Indiana Lake.

"Close the net!"

The chief officer of a magic fishing boat roared loudly.

The sailor on the deck immediately activated the magic motive.


With a trembling sound, two alloy cables were pulled up.

More than 400 meters away, another fishing boat also pulled up a cable.

The long cable leaped out of the lake and stretched forward rapidly, bringing out the fishing net woven with metal wire, like a giant beast gradually emerging from the water.

Finally, the 4 cables merged in the middle.

It turned out that the two fishing boats were dragging the same metal fishing net, and it was also a surprisingly large super-giant fishing net with a width of more than 400 meters.

The fishing nets used by ordinary fishermen are only 20 meters long, which is nothing compared with giant fishing nets.


The magic drive drives the winch to continuously rotate, the cable is recycled in circles, and more and more parts of the fishing net are exposed to the surface of the water.


Every moment, there are a huge number of freshwater fish crashing into the fishing net frantically, or jumping high out of the water, trying to cross the fishing net and return to freedom. The scene is spectacular.

This piece of water surrounded by fishing nets is deep-fried.

When any fisherman in the alien world sees this scene, his chin will definitely "click" and fall to the ground.

Because there are too many freshwater fish in the fishing nets, too many to the point that they can't even dream of it.

The first officer looked at the boiling water and grinned happily:

"Hey, guys, this time we caught more fish than the last one. I estimate that there are at least 250 tons... It seems we hit a big school of fish..."

There was a slight cheer on the deck.


This operation method in which two fishing boats pull the net together is called the "joint fishing method".

It is an original stunt of the fishery department of Haichao.

In the past, when a single magic fishing boat operated alone, it used the largest metal fishing net and sprinkled one net. The largest record was that one net caught 22 tons of marine fish.

This data is amazing.

Even on the earth, this catch is very good.

Placed in another world, it is even more amazing.

Ordinary fishermen can't catch so many fish in a year, but the fishing boat can do it with a single net.

However, the Fisheries Department of the Tide Territory believes that the catch of 20 tons is seriously insufficient.

Because the "national conditions" are different.

In the alien world where everything is huge, the fishery resources are horribly rich. There is a school of fish in the ocean. The number of marine fish ranges from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. Large schools of more than one million fish are also everywhere.

Calculated based on the average size of each fish of 1.5 meters and weight of 50 kg, the total weight of small fish schools is at least 2,000 tons, large fish schools are no less than 20,000 tons, and larger giant fish schools are as high as hundreds of thousands. Ton.

Compared with a school of fish, 22 tons of marine fish are just "a piece of hair" on the body of a "chicken".

In other words, the fishing boat worked so hard to find "a chicken", only to pull out "a piece of hair", the "chicken" flew away.

How can this "chicken over-plucking" fishing method satisfy the Fisheries Department?

It's absolutely unbearable.

Then, to improve fishing efficiency, larger fishing nets must be used.

The original largest fishing net was only more than 60 meters long and was obviously unusable. The Fisheries Department needed a giant fishing net with a total length of 300 meters or even 400 meters.

This leads to a paradox.

Larger fishing nets must be matched with larger tonnage fishing boats, and 400-meter fishing nets require at least a thousand-ton fishing boat.

However, this is impossible.

The ocean-going capacity of Haichao is extremely tight, and it is not yet luxurious enough to use a thousand-ton ship as a fishing boat.

However, there are always more solutions than difficulties.

A civil servant of the Fisheries Department suddenly thought of a way: one boat can't pull a giant fishing net, can't two boats work? If it doesn't work, just three or four.

Tests have proved that this method is feasible!

Another difficulty of the "joint fishing method" is the creation of giant fishing nets.

After changing to other human kingdoms in other worlds, because they did not master the metal wire drawing process, a 10-meter-long metal fishing net could not be made, let alone hundreds of meters-long exaggerated things.

This is just a piece of cake for the Haichao leader, whose industrial ability far exceeds that of an all-other world.

what? Want 450 meters of wire?

No problem, when the magic wire drawing machine is turned on, the wire can be as long as you want, and it can be pulled out for 4500 meters.

what? If the length is too large, the material strength must be strong enough?

No problem, we have Magic Alloy.

As a result, the combination of joint fishing with giant fishing nets has greatly improved the fishing capacity of the Fisheries Department, reaching the level of "chicken cuts off legs" in one fell swoop.

In short, after finding "a chicken", the fishing boat can successfully "cut" "a chicken leg" before the "chicken" flies away.

Described by data, the catch of a single net has reached an average level of 200 tons, which is almost 10 times the previous level. If you encounter a large school of fish and throw a net down, 300 tons is not impossible.

At this moment, the two fishing boats operating in Indiana Lake were originally mainly active near the "base island" off the coast of the Thousand Lakes Kingdom.

Most of the marine fish caught by this fleet are made into high-quality and inexpensive "Haichao brand" dried salted fish, which are sold throughout the Thousand Lake Kingdom. It has a huge reputation among the middle and lower classes of civilians.

Nowadays, the common people in the kingdom want to eat meat, their first reaction is to buy a pound of "Haichao brand" dried salted fish for a tooth sacrifice.

After entering the storm season, the marine fish in the waters around the base island ran out, and the fleet temporarily had no fish to catch.

With a big wave of Renault's hand, the fleet came out, spanning more than a thousand kilometers, to Indiana Lake.


Seeing the extremely lively scene in the giant fishing net, the sailors started to talk about it.

"It's hard to imagine that the fishery resources in Indiana Lake are so rich..."

"Yes, the fish in the lake seems to be denser and easier to catch than in the coastal areas..."

"Are the local fishermen are stupid? You can't catch so many fish, and guarding such a fertile lake, you will still be hungry? It's incredible..."

"It may be the cause of the water monsters. I heard that the water monsters in Indiana Lake attacked fishermen frequently. Most fishermen did not dare to go deep into the lake at all and only dared to stay near the shore of the lake..."

"It's not necessarily a water monster, it has something to do with the storm season... I heard a civil servant from the Fisheries Department say that after the storm season, most fish schools will enter the deep sea, but a small number of fish schools will enter the interior. Waters such as freshwater rivers and lakes on land... Mr. Civil servant calls this phenomenon'storm migration'..."

"Storm Migratory? What a weird name... Hey, Little Wala, it seems that you are very interested in these things. Are you going to be a civil servant in the Fisheries Department?"

"Nonsense, who doesn't want to be a civil servant? The current civil servant examinations require very high professional knowledge. If you don't have enough fishery knowledge, you won't even be able to pass the written examination of the Fisheries Department..."

The first officer's roar interrupted the sailors' chat.

"Guys, ready to go back..."

"Okay, boss..."

A group of sailors responded in unison, and the deck suddenly became busy.

The two fishing boats did not retrieve the fishing nets, but dragged the giant fishing nets full of fish and sailed straight to the lake shore.

This is not difficult to understand.

The weight of the giant metal fishing net itself is staggering. Coupled with hundreds of tons of fish, the two boats can't fit it at all. It is better to drag the net to the shore and process it slowly.


Seeing the shadow of the magic fishing boat appearing on the lake, Lord Villarreal immediately jumped up, waving his hands and shouting again and again, commanding a large group of people around.

"Move me up, the fishing boat will be docked soon..."

"Rite, you and your people are responsible for taking out the fish from the fishing net... Remember to identify the type of fish. Put the precious fish in the designated area, and then sell them separately... Other fish are sent to the place where the catch is handled... "

"Dilahut, you are responsible for handling the fish, cutting off the fish head, scraping the scales clean, digging out the internal organs, and finally cleaning it again... You must work in an assembly line. Mr. Garnett from the Haichao Chamber of Commerce will give you training. Over..."

"Craig, you are responsible for transporting the processed fish to the'salted fish processing plant'. The speed must be fast... By the way, remember to put ice cubes in the wooden box. There is enough ice cubes in the ice maker. , This is something Garnett specially asked...If you forget, I will make you look good..."

When the fishing boat sailed to the shore, the Lord looked at the super huge metal fishing net and the net full of fish, and couldn't help but open his mouth wide.

Oh my many fish should there be...

He dared to swear that the fish he saw in his entire life were not as many as there were fishing nets in front of him.

Then the Lord became happy again, with a smile on his face.

Hey, this is all money...

At the Lord's side, Garnett, a staff member of the Haichao Chamber of Commerce, glanced at this guy's fascination and shook his head slightly.

To be honest, the Lord treats employees very harshly, which makes Garnett, who is used to the magnanimous style of the lord, very uncomfortable.

But what's the solution?

At least the lord abides by the "minimum 10 silver nar/month wage" and the "12 hours maximum working time limit" set by the lord.

Although these poor people working for the Lord were squeezed a bit harder, they were in a much better situation than the hired workers in the handicraft workshop.

When the fat freshwater fish were taken out of the fishing nets by the employees and transported to the shore, the lord smiled so much that he could not see his eyes. He suddenly bowed slightly to the lake in the distance and praised it religiously:

"Under the great crown, you are the **** of war in the invincible world, and you are also the lord of generous wealth."

At this moment, the lord deeply felt that he had spent a lot of money to hire extraordinary water systems to capture silver eels and dedicated them to his crown. It was really wise.

If there is no silver eel, how can one get the preferential treatment of the Haichao Chamber of Commerce to subscribe for 5% of the "Indiana Lake Salted Fish Processing Plant" at the price of 50,000 Kinnars?

If there is no silver eel, how can I become a "subcontractor" of the Haichao Chamber of Commerce and get part of the fish processing business from the salted fish processing plant?

The rumors are right. All those who follow Mianxia's footsteps will definitely get enough rewards.

The God of War deserves to be hailed as the fairest powerhouse!


"I remember that the number of fishermen who depend on Indiana Lake for their livelihood is at least 10,000... Well, after the fishing fleet came over, their life might not be easy..." Garnett sighed as he stared at the hot fish-killing scene. Screamed.

"Mr. Garnett, why do you think so?" The lord gave Garnett a strange look. "The retail price of salted fish set by the crown himself is only 12 copper nars/kg, which is so low. It's hard to imagine."

"The fishing fleet allows more people to eat and eat meat that they can't normally eat. Is there anything more kind in the world? Is there someone more kind than Mianxia?"

"Uh, Mr. Lord, you are right." Garnett choked badly. "This is indeed a good thing..."

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