Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 483: Flattering

In the colorful garden, a grand engagement ceremony is being held.

"...Your Excellency Moose Theron, Miss Deborah Byron, the two can exchange rings..." the "Silver Ribbon Priest" who presided over the ceremony said kindly.

The silver ribbon priests are senior clergy members of the Church of God the Father. They have a very high status in the church and are generally responsible for all church affairs in a city.

According to tradition, weddings and funerals of foreign nobles often invite clerics to serve as masters of ceremonies. Deborah, as the granddaughter of the duke, is naturally qualified to let a high-ranking silver ribbon priest preside over the wedding.

At this time, the two maids were holding the gilt jewelry box and quickly walked to the unmarried couple on the stage. Moose in a black dress took a deep breath, took a ruby ​​ring carved with intricate hollow patterns in one hand, and in the other. Holding Miss Deborah's white and slender hands, she put the ring on her ring finger a little nervously.

This extremely beautiful and novel design ring immediately caught Deborah's attention, her eyes flashed with a striking color, and the pretty face couldn't help showing huge affection.

Although she is a noble lady, she sees a lot of jewellery on weekdays, but rings that can be so exquisite to this level are the only ones in her life.

It wasn't until the maid on the side reminded that Deborah remembered that she should put an engagement ring on her fiance now, a red cloud flew up on her white face, and panicked picking up another ring.

The design style of this ring is quite similar to the one on Deborah's hand, except that many of them are larger in size and the details are not the same, with a hint of roughness, but they are also delicate and beautiful.

The two rings are obviously a pair. This ring is a male ring and the other is a female ring.

Deborah couldn't help but glanced a few more times before putting the ring on Moose's thick finger.

At this point, the ceremony is almost over.

The silver ribbon priest cleared his throat and said with a smile:

"Congratulations to both of you, may the eyes of God Father always follow you..."


There was a warm applause in the garden.

Seeing that Deborah's eyes were almost sticking to the ring, Moose whispered:

"Miss Deborah, this is the ring made by Renault's crown..."

"Ah..." Deborah was taken aback, turned her head and looked down the stage involuntarily, trying to find the figure under Renault's crown.

She saw Renault at a glance, because his position was so eye-catching. At this time, many nobles surrounded Renault like stars arched over the moon.

It can be said unceremoniously that the real protagonist of this engagement ceremony is not Moose and Deborah, but Renault!

Therefore, in this garden, more than half of the people's eyes are focused on Renault, and he is the focus of the focus.

In another world, the Upanishads are so rare that there are only 10 in the entire human world. Even if it is a noble, it is a rare thing to witness a Upanishad with his own eyes.

Not to mention that this Renault crown is so famous, this powerful man who turned out to be born, actually captured another upright man, this kind of terrifying record is simply staggering.

As long as anyone with a little common sense knows, the battle between the same ranks is often easy to defeat and kill, and extremely difficult to capture the opponent.

The former means that there is a gap in the combat power of the two sides, but the gap is not too large; the latter is different, which means that the advantage of crushing, only when the power gap between the two sides is very large, will one side be captured by the other side. situation.

How can such a strong character and still such a young man not be curious?

Deborah retracted her gaze, glanced at Moose, and then sighed silently.


Why is it that the person I want to marry is not crowned by a mysterious, powerful and young upright person, but a middle-aged man with a bald head?

She stretched out her finger and looked at the ring on her finger. Under the shining of Yanggu, the ring looked dazzling, as if with a red halo, which made people deeply indulged.


Why does this diadem even make jewellery, and the design is amazing, but the bald guy next to me only giggles?

I don’t know that it’s the lucky lady who will marry Renault...

Deborah was melancholy for a moment, and then forced herself to suppress all the sorrows. She smiled sweetly, stretched out her hand to hold her fiancé’s arm, and said with a smile:

"Your Excellency Moos, can you tell me about the Tide Islands? I am very interested in them. I think I will settle there in the future. It is necessary to know in advance..."

Before the engagement ceremony, her grandfather and father repeatedly reminded her that she must maintain a close relationship with her fiance, because this is extremely important to the future of the Byron family.

Deborah also knows very well that she is a descendant of the Byron family and was born with the mission of safeguarding family interests, and her marriage can only be an exchange of interests.

What's more, since childhood, she didn't know how many resources she had obtained, and how many conveniences she had enjoyed from the family. It was a matter of course to give back to the family.

All for the family, this was originally the innate consciousness of a nobleman.

Renault, who became the focus, only felt annoying.

In exchange for being a nobleman, he would definitely be extremely satisfied with such a situation.

Every nobleman has undergone strict social etiquette training. They have always been comfortable with such occasions, and what every nobleman strives for is to become the focus of everyone's attention.

In their view, this is not only their own glory, but also the glory of the family.

But for a mechanical dog who is not good at socializing, this is terrible.

A lot of old men and middle-aged people surround you whispering, chattering, saying things that are not interesting at all, it is simply a torture.

However, this is the first time Renault has officially appeared in public as an upright person. His every move represents not only himself, but also the power he controls.

Every minute of his movement, even a casual glance, or a trace of unpleasant emotion, will be interpreted by many people seriously and treated with solemnity.

Since participating in a certain game, of course, you will be involuntarily bound by the rules of the game. This is something the Profound One can do nothing about.

Just after dealing with an earl, the earl left with his forefoot, and the next gentleman appeared in front of Renault, as if an agreement had been made between the two.

There is still a circle of people around who are staring at each other. Obviously they are all waiting in line for the "audience". They don't know how the group of people discuss the order of the audience. Anyway, Renault didn't notice any communication between them, only saw them come forward one by one. The order is in order, without a trace of confusion.

"Under the crown of honorable Renault, please allow me to introduce myself. I am Silang Eberber. I currently hold the title of Viscount..."

"It is my greatest honor to be able to see a powerful Upanishad crown with my own eyes..."

"Viscount Eberch, hello..."

When the Viscount Eberhard spoke, he flattered, but these flatteries have been repeated many times, and Renault was tired of listening to it. It was only out of politeness that he had to put on a serious look. Listen again.

"...I have been using toothpaste and toothbrushes sold by your chamber of commerce. They are really great inventions. I have never seen a product that cleans teeth so well..."

"... Under the crown, when does your Chamber of Commerce plan to hold another trade fair in Copernicus City. After experiencing the products of your Chamber of Commerce, I plan to replace all the similar products used in the family with Hai Chao brand... "

Renault squeezed out a formulaic smile and uttered a sentence repeated many times:

"Viscount Eberhard, we are already preparing for the trade fair..."

"This is really good news, I can't wait for it..."

Viscount Eberch immediately smiled with surprise, as if he really looked forward to it.

But Renault knew that this was impossible.

The viscount ran over and forced a punch. The real purpose was to express a meaning:

Uncle Renault, the reason why I must give you a sum of money is to let you know that I am trying to get closer to you...

"...By the way, I have something very presumptuous, I want to trouble you..."

"Last year there was a severe reduction in food production in my territory. At present, several villages are running out of food. I can no longer support the hungry villagers..."

"...I heard that your chamber of commerce is in urgent need of manpower. Can your chamber of commerce provide a job for these 500 villagers? If possible, I am willing to pay a certain amount of remuneration. What do you think of 50 silver nars/person?"

I was giving money just now, but now I’m giving away people.

"Food reduction" or something is absolutely false. Renault has heard all sorts of strange excuses before, and has only one purpose-please take in the poor villagers.

For example, a fire in a granary...

For example, the granary leaks rain, which leads to mildew of grain...

Another guy actually talked about "Unfortunately encountered a thief, the food was robbed"...

It is extremely speechless.

I have to say that these nobles are very prosperous, and their flattering methods are also quite superb.

When Renault collected the population, he had to spend money to buy it from the Duke of Castro, and Miss Alietti took the opportunity to shovel a handful of wool, and paid a lot of money to get a population of tens of thousands.

But now, every nobleman starts with 500 people when he speaks. In just half an hour, Renault has received nearly 10,000 people.

The most touching thing is that they not only don't want money, but they also plan to reverse the post.

Hey, it's good to be mixed into the upright...

"Of course!" Renault forced another smile.

"Your kindness is really amazing..." Viscount Eberch looked grateful, "I will contact Mr. Goode of your chamber of commerce immediately and send people over as soon as possible..."

At this time, a waiter walked over with a few glasses of red wine on a tray and asked respectfully:

"Under the noble crown, would you like some red wine? This is the best red wine in the Duke's collection, Starry Night Wine."

Renault nodded:

"Give me a glass, and a glass of Viscount Eberch."

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