Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 434: Meat grinder

There is a saying called "every tens of thousands of people, boundless." When the more than 6,000 black-skinned collectively charged, they also had a somewhat "boundless" momentum. Looking up, the black-skinned team could not see the end.

The black skins knew that humans occupies favorable terrain, and they also understood that the opponent's weapons had amazing lethality, but they still launched an entire army charge regardless of their huge numbers.

The strength ratio of the two sides is as high as 25 times, and the black skins firmly believe that even if the life is used, it is enough to kill the enemy.

The entire trumpet of the wild dog mountain pass was filled with black and crushed figures. The black skin was like a stormy sea, patted the human position at Taniguchi, and the sound of rumbling footsteps shook the entire valley.

This astonishing momentum made all the island guards unavoidably discolored, and many people's hearts "pounded" and even their breathing became much faster.

After witnessing this scene, the vast majority of the island guards were involuntarily shaken. A thought came to them naturally: Can we stop so many black bastards?

But the long-term rigorous training allowed the team members to stick to their positions. Before getting the order, no one shot, and everyone stayed quietly in the fortifications.


When the black skins rushed to 200 meters, Renault's voice detonated the war.

"His hiss..."

"His hiss..."

At this moment, 12 magic heavy machine guns and more than 200 magic air guns madly poured firepower on the black skins, and a deadly torrent of bullets suddenly appeared at the mouth of the valley.

Renault held a heavy machine gun in both hands, and squeezed the trigger with his fingers. The bullet shot out like splashing water. The moment each particle ejected from the chamber, the angle would be fine-tuned by [Nian Power], and no shot was missed.

Next to the heavy machine gun, two island guards were holding the ammunition box and staring at the heavy machine gun. They provided ammunition for the lord full-time to ensure that the lord was relieved to fight and shot happily.

Almost at the same time, there was a roar in the black skin array. Hundreds of strong black skin shouted loudly. They put in a lunge, swung their right hand forward, and threw the short spear in their hands.

A large black shadow rushed into the sky.

It's not over yet. In a place farther away, the black orc strong archers drew their longbows, hit the arrows, and fired a round of projectiles.


Amid the trembling of the bowstrings, hundreds of arrow shadows rose into the air.

This is still endless, the black skins have more long-range weapons, and the strong crossbowmen scattered in the crowd picked up their weapons and pulled the trigger.


There was another string trembling, and hundreds of crossbow arrows pierced the air.

Short spears, long bows, and powerful crossbows together form the long-range strike firepower of the black orcs army. This is the strength of the black orcs regular army, and it is also where they have the confidence to launch a charge.

With this combination of long-range attacks, in a war between humans and black orcs, the human army is often shot so hard to show its head.

But this is only before.

Today, here, in this contest between cold weapons and firearms, the latter has the absolute upper hand.

While the various arrows and crossbows were still flying, the rain of bullets had already fallen in the crowd.


The impact of bullets, metals, and human bodies was as dense as raindrops. Hundreds of black skins fell to the ground. The wave of black animals stopped, and then, the screams sounded loudly. .

"Be careful to avoid..."

Renault's anxious voice reminded all the team members to be careful of arrows.

Although the island guard team specially built fortifications, the black skins shot almost all projectiles, and the angle of attack was quite large, and the threat to the players was not small.


Large swaths of arrows, crossbows, and short spears finally fell, and the endless black shadows hit the stones of the fortifications, stuck in the mud, and made various collisions.

In this wave of long-range strikes launched by the Black Orcs, a considerable part of the attacks were aimed at Renault.

Because this guy was the most arrogant, everyone else was hiding behind the fortifications, only a helmet and half of his face were exposed. He actually dared to stand up with a heavy machine gun, and his upper body was completely exposed.

For the black skins, this is the best target.

Strangely, Renault was unscathed. He was surrounded by arrows and crossbows, faintly forming a ring. The center of the ring, where Renault was standing, did not have a crossbow or short spear. This picture looks quite strange. .

Not only that, none of the other players within 30 meters around him were injured. It seemed that the arrows had eyes long, and they all avoided them.

This is naturally a masterpiece of [Nian Motive].

The purpose of Renault's standing up was precisely to attract the firepower of the black skin, and to do his best to share the pressure for his men. The players standing next to him were all taken care of by him.

As a lord, his performance is not incompetent, but this still cannot prevent casualties. In this round of attack, the Island Guard team paid the price of 4 injuries and 1 death.

Especially the short spear, the four wounded all appeared because of it.

Although the team members wore metal helmets and wore leather armor made of giant monster leather, they were fully protected. The short spear could not break through the tough monster leather and helmet. However, once the team members were hit by the short spear, the impact of the spear body The force is enough to hurt them.

The threat of arrows and crossbows is not great. Several team members have been hit by several arrows and crossbows. There are only a few slight marks on the leather armor or helmets, and they have nothing to do with themselves.

But the only death came from arrows and crossbows. A team member was hit by an arrow on the unprotected neck. The sharp cluster of arrows instantly penetrated the neck and killed him directly.

This is the third person killed by the island guard team.

However, this is also the biggest result achieved by the black skins.

After the island guard team was downsized again, Renault immediately pointed the muzzle at the black orc crossbowman. Under the control of [Nian Power], bullets traversed arcs of various shapes, and the black that was ready to continue shooting Pi knocked to the ground.

With almost one person, he firmly suppressed the long-range fire on the opposite side.

Under the fierce firepower of the island guard team, the black skins have to pay huge casualties every step forward. At every moment, dozens of black skins are shot and fell down, from 200 meters to 80 meters. In the distance, at least 1,000 black-skinned people lay on the ground.

Taniguchi's blood flowed into a river. In some places, the bodies of the black-skinned people were piled up into low mounds, and crying and crying sounds filled the valley, and the scene was like hell.

The wild wolf mountain pass suddenly became an out-and-out meat grinder.

However, the black orc army is still charging.

This behavior of going to the execution ground and their tolerance for heavy casualties made Renault a little moved.

After entering 80 meters, as the distance narrowed, the team's shooting became more accurate. Correspondingly, the casualties of the black skin were even more tragic, and the pieces of fallen corpses even formed a width of 1, 2 meters. Obstacles, the black skin at the back must climb over.

At this point, the black skins finally hesitated.

Most of the black skins, including the officers, deliberately or unconsciously suppressed their steps and no longer ran desperately. Many black skins deliberately slowed down their hands and feet and hid behind the corpses when they were climbing the pile of corpses.

No one is a fool. Whoever rushes to the front will die the fastest. The black people don't want to die, and of course they don't want to run stupidly.

Renault noticed this accurately, and he decisively shouted:

"Armored car, attack!"

The rumbling sound immediately sounded, and three metal chariots rushed out of the position and drove madly towards the black leather.

At this moment, a strong wave of magic energy suddenly appeared in the distance.

Renault's eyes condensed, and the "Master's Big Gun" standing next to him automatically turned an angle, and a faint blue light spilled from the gap between the parts.

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