Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 369: Show off

In the thin morning mist, Renault saw Leiyunbao standing in the river bend from a distance.

When the Canterlot River passed through this vast plain, it happened to make a sharp bend here, forming a river bend, and Leiyunbao was built in the river bend, and it also created a city surrounded by water on three sides.

This unique geographical situation is extremely beneficial to the defense of the city. The wide Canterlot River is naturally the moat of Leiyun Fort. The enemy can only attack from the north of the city wall if they want to capture Leiyun Fort, which is very unfavorable for the deployment of troops. .

It is impossible to siege a city from the surface of the water. After the ship approaches Leiyunbao, it will become a living target. When the defenders of the city wall pass by a round of rockets, the ship becomes a large torch.

The significance of the Cantera River to Leiyunbao does not stop there.

It not only provides enough clean water for the city, it is also an important business route. Commodities from all over the world can be shipped to Leiyunbao in an endless stream, and the transportation cost is significantly lower than that of land transportation.

Thanks to the above-mentioned advantages, Leiyunbao has become a town in the north with developed commerce and trade in just a few decades.

From this point, it can be seen that the founder of Leiyunbao, the first Duke of Castro, is indeed a nobleman with great vision.

When a group of people walked along the trampled road to 2 kilometers away from the north gate of Leiyunbao, they found that a large number of people gathered at the gate of the city, and the noisy noises were heard far away. There seemed to be a large number of wooden structures outside the gate. There are guards patrolling around the roadblocks.

Renault remembers that when he left Leiyunbao a few days ago, although there were guards at the gate of the city, it was mostly symbolic and there would be no such large-scale congestion.

Obviously, this should be a checkpoint that has just been established. Anyone who enters the city must be carefully checked by the guards. Reminiscent of the recent Black Orcs attack, it is not surprising that Leiyun Castle reacted this way.

This was the idea of ​​most people, but Renault saw the figure of Duke Castro jumping up and down.

Fort Leiyun is more than 150 kilometers away from the border. The black orcs who cross the border have limited strength and their purpose is only to retaliate. How could it be possible to hit the heavily-armed Leiyun Fort? Do you want to kill the black bastard?

This old dog understood everything in his heart, but he didn't say a word, but instead added to the flames, deliberately creating a tense atmosphere.

Reynolds can know with his toes that the old thing will probably send a large number of people to control the various traffic arteries in the northern border and fully control the entire northern border. Anyone entering or leaving the northern border will be firmly monitored by this guy.

The reason is also easy to find. A single sentence of "attack black **** and stabilize people's hearts" can easily refute all opposition parties.

The "main way of control" may sound trivial, but please note that this is a foreign world that implements the "enfeoffment system", and the so-called "main way" is often the territory of other nobles.

In other words, the Duke can take this opportunity to openly stretch his hand into someone else's bowl.


Of course awesome!

The benefits of this are great. Once the Duke takes control of the North, anyone who dares to secretly engage in small actions will be pressed on the ground and rubbed vigorously for the first time.

The old man is very bad, he must be able to do such a thing.

Renault didn't know that Duke Castro started faster than he thought. The morning when the black orc crossed the border reached Leiyun Castle, the Duke came up with this plan.

I have to say that anyone who has slipped to a certain level will have a special taste of bad water in their stomachs.

At this time, there were two lines at the gate of the city. The line on the left was nearly a hundred meters long. The guards in charge of the inspection searched very carefully and had a very rough attitude. They yelled at every turn. The team's forward speed could be described as squirming.

There are only a handful of people on the right side, and the guards’ inspections are almost non-existent. They are just visual inspections, and almost no hands-on search and salute, and the service attitude is extremely good. Everyone welcomes them with smiles and bows after the inspection. Farewell.

The former is a passage for civilians, and the latter is a passage for nobles, and only nobles and their relatives, servants, or capable persons can pass.

In other worlds, this kind of thing is so common that everyone takes it for granted and takes it for granted.

Even if the noble passage is empty, no civilians will try to pass through the noble passage.

In fact, it is not just this matter. In everything, civilians and nobles will be treated differently. The word "class" has penetrated into the blood of the people of other worlds.

After approaching the city gate, Gollum, who was walking at the front of the team, under the gaze of hundreds of civilians, gently pulled the reins with both hands, drove the mount to the right passage, and the other island guards immediately followed.

Seeing that Renault and his party were all riding tall horses, the guard understood that the identities of these people were not simple, so he did not make any blocking actions, just smiled and asked loudly:

"Gentlemen, may I ask..."

Before he finished speaking, the guard had a dumb look on his face.

Because Grum slowly floated from the saddle, stood in the void, staring at the guard blankly.

No one knows, Grum's heart is already blooming at this moment.

God knows how long he has been looking forward to this moment. On the way back, this guy with a slapstick has imagined countless times how to enter Leiyun Castle in what position to show (show off) his identity as an extraordinary person of the wind element. .

After thinking about it, he finally decided to follow the example of the lord, which is to "stand in the air with no expression", because this posture looks the most majestic (with force), so he has quietly practiced it several times. .

It’s not that Gurum never thought of playing this trick in front of other island guards, but every time he thought of a box on the back of the pack beast with the heads of two extraordinary people, his heart was just about to move. It was completely quiet.

Hey, let's forget it, wait until someday after hacking to death a black-skinned transcendent, let's show off again...

However, I am embarrassed to show off in front of the island guards, but in front of civilians...

Many civilians have never seen an extraordinary person in the wind system in their entire lives. This master is not showing off, but giving them benefits!

Therefore, when entering Leiyun Castle, Gurum walked at the front of the team uncharacteristically, and he couldn't wait to float up before he could finish asking the guard's words.

Oops, this is the highlight of my Grumm’s life...

Had it not been for the gate of the city gate to be only 5 meters high, he really wanted to jump to a height of more than 10 meters in one breath to make himself more eye-catching.

Afterwards, Gollum heard the crowd in an uproar with great satisfaction, and saw the guard bow and salute respectfully, and stepped aside in awe.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the desperate experience of being chased by the magic water giant crocodile had obtained enough rewards.

Behind Gollum, Renault watched Gollum "squirm" from the air onto the saddle at a "high speed" of 20 cm/sec, and couldn't help covering his face.

But he didn't say anything.

The problem of class solidification in other worlds is much more serious than that on Earth, and the cost of ordinary people who want to cross a class is unimaginable.

Lucky guys like Grum's ascend to the sky are rare in ten years. It's totally understandable to be a little bit overwhelmed.

The fact that Grumm can bear it has only begun to show off, which makes Renault feel quite strange.

After entering Leiyunbao, Renault only traveled tens of meters, and suddenly he sensed that many people were staring at him closely on the small buildings on both sides of the road.

With strong mental power, he keenly noticed that several of his eyes contained strong malice.

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