Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 358: Son of a bitch

A long-necked red-tailed turtle buried most of its body in the mud, tilted its neck, and stared unblinkingly at a palm-sized "small" flying insect in the distance.

This long-necked red-tailed turtle is a species unique to the Thousand Lakes Kingdom. It has a milder temperament and likes to live in warm swamp areas. The Nassau Wetland is one of their main habitats.

They are a kind of omnivorous turtles, generally between 1-1.5 meters in length, and the tortoise shell is black-gray. The most striking thing is that they have a red tail and a neck that is nearly 40 cm long. This is where their names come from.

The long-necked red-tailed turtles are good at swimming. They often dive into the Nassau River in the middle of the wetlands and prey on a variety of freshwater fish.

In addition, the long-necked red-tailed turtles have very wide feet, with webbed feet connected between their toes, and their flat turtle shells, which allow them to move freely on the soft silt without worrying about getting caught in it.

This is another important way for long-necked red-tailed turtles to survive in addition to the hard shell.

If you encounter some powerful enemies of huge size in the water, they can quickly escape into the silt. When the enemy is chasing, they will be trapped in the silt and have to give up.

This amphibious nature also greatly expands the hunting range of long-necked red-tailed turtles, and also allows them to live in the Nassau Wetlands quite moisturized.

The flying insect didn't seem to notice the long-necked red-tailed turtle, and flew towards it crookedly, without knowing that it was approaching the **** of death.

When the flying insect just flew within 1 meter of the long-necked red-tailed turtle, the long-necked red-tailed turtle suddenly moved.

Its bare ghost head bounced out like lightning, and bit the flying insect in one bite.

Then the long-necked red-tailed turtle retracted its neck, chewed a few times, swallowed the flying insect, and continued to stay motionless in place, like a black-gray stone.

Only the juice left at the corner of its mouth shows what happened just now.

The "ghost assault" just now is the skill of the long-necked red-tailed turtle.

Its neck bone structure is extremely special, it can be stretched freely, just like a spring, and the stretch range is quite amazing, the longest can be extended to 1 meter, the foot is more than twice the normal state.

Relying on the strong neck muscles, it can "bounce" the ghost head out, and the ejection speed is as fast as thunder.

The most common hunting method for long-necked red-tailed turtles is to hide quietly in swamps or underwater mud, waiting for their prey to be delivered automatically.

In the face of the terrible "ghost assault", most of the prey are in a hurry, and it is almost impossible to escape, and they can only obediently become a dish for long-necked red-tailed turtles.

The hunting scene of this long-necked red-tailed turtle fell completely in Renault's eyes, and he couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

The tortoise of the otherworld is so amazing, it can evolve such incredible hunting skills.

However, marveled and marveled, since the long-necked red-tailed turtle has exposed itself, it is destined to become Renault's plate Chinese food.

The irony is that this kind of hunting method of "waiting for the rabbit" is very clever against other creatures. It saves energy and is very efficient. But in front of Renault, it seems extraordinarily stupid, almost indistinguishable from a live target.

Squatting there like a fool, is there a better target than this?

of course not!

Renault drew a metal spike with a thick finger, activated the new skill [Laval Nozzle], and lightly waved his right hand.

The spikes turned into thunder in an instant, and at a terrifying high speed of nearly 3 times the speed of sound, they hurriedly toward the long-necked red-tailed turtle more than 600 meters away.

The moment Renault took the shot, the long-necked red-tailed turtle seemed to feel something, but the spike's speed exceeded 1000 m/s before it made a head-turning motion, and the spike hit the shell of the turtle.


The spikes penetrated the long-necked red-tailed turtle directly, followed by a roaring scream, which completely broke the silence of the swamp.

Dinner is here!

It can be said unceremoniously that Renault is the most powerful sprayer in history after acquiring the [Laval nozzle].

Who is spraying, who is dead!

Any wild beast, as long as it appears within one kilometer around him, can hardly escape the bad luck of "becoming wild."

An hour later, the long-necked red-tailed turtle became a big pot of soup.

No, it is a "giant" pot.

Because the diameter of the pot is 1.5 meters, this long-necked red-tailed turtle weighing nearly 150 kilograms was directly stewed in a pot by Renault.

The nonsense of "the tortoise is so big that it can't be stewed in a pot" does not exist in front of Renault.

How big the game is, he can make a big pot.

Even if Kun comes, labor and capital can cook it for you!

A lot of wild vegetables were added to the pot to relieve the greasiness. Unfortunately, it is the Moon of the Orioles and there are no mushrooms in the wild, otherwise this pot of king eight soup will definitely be more delicious.

But that's the case, the players who protect the island can't be satisfied anymore.

It is a great blessing in life to be able to eat the supreme delicacy cooked by Lord Lord himself...

After Renault opened the lid of the same huge pot, he took out a spike and poked a round **** in the pot.

That's right, it's the "bastard".

This is not a curse, but food.

Because this long-necked red-tailed turtle is a female tortoise, when the island guards decomposed the ingredients, they found a lot of **** in the tortoise's belly.

Renault let out a breath, and the hot **** instantly cooled to more than 40 degrees. This is the most suitable temperature for the entrance. It is neither too cold nor hot.

He opened his mouth and took a bite of the bastard, and his extremely tender taste made him squint with satisfaction.

Not bad!

It seems that due to the influence of magical energy, this **** egg is more delicious than the quail eggs and eggs on the earth, and the yolk has a very unique taste. It is soft and mixed with a Q bomb, and it also has a slight sweet smell.

When the island guards saw the Lord's hands, they started to move, and a group of people surrounded the giant cauldron and gobbled it up like a group of hungry wolves.

After eating and drinking, Renault was ready to work.

At this time, the sky was dark, and the flames on the two bonfires were constantly fluttering in the night wind, and the figures on the ground were swaying frantically, looking like demons with teeth and claws.

The two island guards led the two pack beasts to the fire. The pack beasts neighed uncomfortably. Obviously, their fear of flames made them instinctively not want to get too close to the bonfire.

Pack beast is a kind of livestock unique to other worlds. It has stubby limbs, sturdy body, and extremely wide back. It is not suitable as a mount. If a person sits on the back of pack beast, he may have his legs stretched out as a horse.

But its load-bearing capacity is extremely strong, and it can easily carry half a ton of cargo.

More than a dozen team members from the island guarding the island gathered around and lifted down the heavy wooden boxes carried by the pack beast.

After the wooden box was opened, several pieces of blue-black armor parts were exposed, which was indeed the Shura armor!

Renault made a gesture with his right hand, and the team members immediately retreated. His right foot lightly pushed on the ground, his body floated 2 meters high, and the armor parts in the wooden box rose into the air, flying towards him, one set on him.

With a few "dangdang" metal collision sounds, the armor parts are connected to each other, the connection mechanism on the joints automatically rotates, the clamping is completed, and the different parts are firmly fixed.

After putting on the body armor, Renault beckoned to the claw helmet again. The helmet drew an arc in the air and buckled it accurately on Renault's head.


The helmet turned slightly, and the connecting mechanism snapped into the groove reserved on the armor.

At this point, a blue-black metal can appeared.

Under the indefinite light of fire, the relief of Shura on the chest of Shura's battle armor seems to have come alive. Both eyes seem to blink in a blink, with a ferocious face and sharp fangs, a bloodthirsty and brutal breath. Bashing.

Even if they knew that it was Lord Lord that manipulated the Asura armor, these island guards dropped their heads in awe, not daring to look directly at the armor.

Anyone who sees this scene will have an idea in their mind:

The devil has come.

Yes, this is the real devil, the devil who kills countless people.

The next moment, the devil spoke.

Across the thick helmet, his voice sounded extremely dull and extremely majestic.

"You guys, stay here and wait for me to come back..."

Then he took a step forward, and his heavy boots fell on the ground with a muffled noise.


Renault bent his knees and kicked the ground, and the armor rose from the ground, quickly rushed into the sky, and disappeared into the vast night sky in a flash.

The hunt officially begins.

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