Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 332: City sensation

After the hot air balloon was fully erected, a giant suddenly appeared on the ground. Its height was more than 30 meters, and its surface was still painted with colorful patterns.

At this time, the staff of the Chamber of Commerce hurriedly hung a hanging basket under the hot air balloon, and then hung the magic inflator on the hanging basket. The jet pipe was aimed at the air inlet of the hot air balloon. In addition, a small propeller was installed at the tail of the hanging basket. , This is the power device that controls the movement of the hot air balloon.

To some extent, this hot air balloon should be regarded as a combination of "airship" and "hot air balloon."

Afterwards, the two island guards, Gulum and Lanster, climbed into the gondola, and the staff of the Chamber of Commerce on the side moved a lot of flyers into the gondola.

Because driving a hot air balloon is dangerous, for the sake of safety, Renault decided to let the daring (not afraid of death) team members of the island guards go out.

As for the "flyers", this is the real purpose of the Chamber of Commerce using hot air balloons!

Lanster will be in charge of flying the hot air balloon, and Grum will be in charge of distributing flyers from a high altitude to create momentum for the upcoming trade fair!

I have to admit that this approach is extremely extravagant and very whimsical, but its effect is unquestionable. A hot air balloon of this size floating in the air can be seen by anyone who is not blind.

Besides, when did the earth turtles in the other world have seen this kind of pulling stuff?

As long as a hot air balloon orbits the city of Copernicus, it will definitely cause a sensation in the city, and the fair will be a hit.

In the following time, until the opening of the fair, the Haichao Chamber of Commerce does not need to do anything, just wait for the local turtles to come and block the door obediently.

"Ready to lift off..."

"Loosen the rope..."

With Goode's shout, all the cables were untied, the hot air balloon separated from the ground and slowly ascended into the sky.

"The height is enough, lower the temperature of the hot air..." Grum hurriedly called when it rose to a height of about 200 meters.

Lanster hurriedly operated the rune plate of the inflator, and then connected a magic silver wire to the small magic motive that controlled the propeller.


The propeller spun quickly, pushing the gondola slowly forward.

Gurum approached the edge of the gondola and looked down tremblingly, and saw that the figures below all turned into small black dots. He couldn't help but shudder, and muttered a few words in a low voice, praying that the hot air balloon would not malfunction. .

At an altitude of more than 200 meters, this sense of helpless panic is extremely strong, and people who are calm at ordinary times will also be panicked at this time.

At this time, in many manors on the outskirts of the city, many people have noticed the hot air balloons in the sky. Grum has seen that piles of small black spots appeared on the open space of each manor, and as time passed, The number of black spots is increasing.

He also faintly heard a lot of exclamations, but because of the distance, he heard them not really well.

However, no one made any stupid actions such as kneeling and worshipping. After all, this is a fantasy world with various powerful creatures, and the mental tolerance of the alien turtles in this respect is quite high.

A bit funny and a bit startling, Gurum also saw someone take out a weapon such as a crossbow and aimed at a hot air balloon.

This makes him a little bit ridiculous, is this a beast that can fly a hot air balloon?

But Gurum didn't worry about the threat of these turtles. With the broken bow and crossbow with an initial speed of only more than 100 meters, even if the crossbow arrow could fly to a height of more than 200 meters, its power was weakened to the extreme, without any threat.

It is difficult to use a magic air gun with a higher initial speed.

Seeing a few slender shadows rushing into the sky and falling again, he snorted disdainfully, what a group of innocent turtles!

After several attempts, the turtles gave up this futile move.

Gurum picked up a stack of flyers, and when he saw a manor, he threw a few down. The population in the suburbs was small, so you didn't need to throw too many flyers, just a few tokens.

The paper fluttered in the air, swirling and falling down. Grumm noticed that there were some small black spots running past the flyer.

After the hot air balloon floated in the air for a while, it finally approached the city of Copernicus. The scenery below was no longer a large green-covered field, but houses, with criss-cross streets in between.

The feeling of overlooking a city from a high altitude is amazing. Gurum stared at it for a while before remembering his mission. He picked up a stack of flyers in both hands and threw it vigorously.


This large stack of papers immediately dispersed and was blown by the high air currents. Every time the hot air balloon floated for a certain distance, Grum would throw out a stack of flyers, like a heavy snowfall in the air.

This vision directly caused a sensation.

When the first turtle noticed the falling leaflets, the first domino was knocked down.

"Look, there are a lot of things falling from the sky..."

"It seems that there is a big round ball flying in the sky. Isn't it a powerful beast?"

"Don't worry, the beasts don't dare to come down. They don't dare to approach crowded places..."

Countless speculations and discussions sounded loudly, and more and more people began to look up at the sky.

After the flyers fell on the ground, the turtles finally realized that the "beasts" were controlled by humans!

Because the leaflets are full of general texts and various patterns, it must have been done by humans. How could beasts distribute leaflets?

This incredible event caused a greater sensation. Soon dense black spots appeared on the streets. They were looting the flyers that had fallen from the sky, and it was more lively than the festival.

There are also many people running with the hot air balloon. Wherever the hot air balloon floats, the streets are blocked, and the loud noise can even be heard by Grumm.

After seeing the huge noise he made, Grumm couldn't help feeling a little triumphant, pulling on the edge of the gondola, poking his head out and looking down, he wouldn't worry about the danger anymore.

Later, even Lanster got a little eye-catching, and left the driving position and threw a few stacks of flyers.

Due to the limited capacity, the hot air balloon only flew half a circle around the city of Copernicus, and the flyers in the hanging basket were exhausted, and the two guys who hadn't had a good time had to return home regrettably.

In fact, Renault used the hot air balloon for other purposes besides promoting the fair.

And one of the goals will soon be achieved.

When the returning hot air balloon flew back to the manor and began to slowly land, a large number of heavily armed knights had appeared outside the manor. There were as many as 5-600 people. They surrounded the entire manor, and even put out one. Deputy offensive posture.

The hot air balloon floated over the city for nearly an hour, which was enough time for the Knights to find out where the hot air balloon started.

This kind of tense atmosphere has made many Chamber of Commerce employees feel uneasy.

At this moment, Renault smiled slightly and stomped his right foot on the ground. The strong wind wave radiated out, and his figure rose slowly, past the gate of the manor, and appeared in the eyes of all the knights.

At the same time, his clear voice spread throughout the audience.

"I am the president of the Haichao Chamber of Commerce, an extraordinary wind element, Renault Odin, who is the Lord on the opposite side?"

The knights were in an uproar as soon as the words "Wind Elemental Extraordinary" came out, and the knights in the front row couldn't help but step back a few steps.

Among all the transcendents, the wind-type transcendents are the rarest type. In the battle of the transcendent level, the wind-type transcendents will always be invincible. The reader took a high look.

In another world, power means status.

The hot air balloon of the Haichao Chamber of Commerce turned the city of Copernicus upside down. Although it achieved the purpose of propaganda, it also gave the local nobles an excuse to find faults. Only Renault, the "extraordinary wind system", would be able to control the scene.

For the sake of a trivial matter, whether it is necessary to provoke a powerful wind system transcendent, please weigh it yourself.

If you think you can withstand the revenge of the extraordinary wind type, then let it go!

After a breath, a sonorous voice came from the knights:

"Your Excellency Renault, I am the head of the Knights of the Earl of Byron, an extraordinary plant type, Alex."

"About your chamber of commerce's'flying ball', I hope to discuss with you face to face..."

Renault's heart moved.

Plant-based transcendents can also be regarded as a relatively rare transcendent. According to some novels on the earth, their power traits are similar to "druids", but they are only approximate, and the difference between the two is relatively large.

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