Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 325: Ransom

On the white rattan paper placed in front of Renault, there is a line of neat and beautiful general text written on the top. This is the title, and the dense text is written at the bottom. The handwriting is equally neat and looks pleasing to the eye.

Renault recognized it at a glance. This is exactly Aisha's handwriting. She is the best writing person in the territory, and there is no one.

Because of this, she was appointed by Angela as the chief clerk of the Office of Government Affairs, responsible for the transcription of all official documents.

In addition, Renault also knows that there is a little cautiousness hidden in this appointment.

As the affairs of the Office of Government Affairs become more complex and the number of official documents is increasing, the number of official documents Aisha needs to be transcribed every day is by no means a small number. Renault has seen Aisha secretly rubbing his wrists at night, obviously. She is sour when she writes.

Through this small method, the girl firmly bound Aisha to her official duties, so that she didn't have much time to get along with Renault.

In a sense, this can also be regarded as a kind of "off the horse". The girl's purpose is to show Aisha her authority as a mistress.

Of course, Angela’s guise is that “the clerk is in contact with a large number of official documents every day, and is the role that can familiarize himself with territorial affairs as quickly as possible”, which seems reasonable and makes people unable to find any omissions.

Renault knew the twists and turns inside, but he didn’t say anything, and didn’t intend to intervene. This is a war between women. He just needs to watch it, and he believes Angela won’t do it. It's too much.

The girl is not a fool. She had the highest status in Renault's mind. Why should she do some annoying **** and lower her score in Renault's mind?

The title of this official document is impressively-Recruitment Order for the Haichao Leading and Protecting Island Team.

The selection criteria are listed in detail in the eloquent text with nearly a thousand words.

For example, the applicant must be an adult male between the ages of 18 and 40, and obtain the official resident status of Haichao, strong body, absolute loyalty to the lord, and a series of conditions.

After the registration is successful, you need to go through a series of assessments, and those who successfully pass the assessment can join the island protection team.

Once you become a member of the island guard, the salary is very attractive. The starting salary, that is, the salary in the first year is as high as 30 silver nars/month. This is definitely a high salary in Haichaoling. As the service period increases, the salary is annual All have a certain degree of increase.

In addition, there are various kinds of subsidies, each festival has a festival fee, there is a high temperature subsidy in summer, and there is a difference between heating in winter, even participating in the field training, there is no special task attendance subsidy.

It is worth noting that if a war breaks out and goes on the battlefield, there will be a special war allowance, the amount is directly equal to the salary, that is to say, during the war, the monthly salary is double.

If you have made military exploits, you can still receive a one-off subsidy based on the amount of credit. The amount will definitely satisfy you. If you become disabled, you will receive a disability pension. If you die unfortunately, the pension will be higher.

The above is only the treatment of the most ordinary soldiers in the island guard team. If the position is promoted to an officer, the treatment will be more generous and even more exciting.


It’s so cool, OK?

Anyone who sees this kind of extremely generous treatment will definitely break their heads to join the Island Guarding Team.

It is impossible for any nobleman in the alien world, including the king, to offer such a condition to an ordinary soldier, and only Renault, a guy with a wealth of money and an astonishing speed of making money, has enough confidence to do so.

It's rich and willful!

This is also the philosophy that Renault has always adhered to: high risk and high return.

If you want people to work for themselves, of course they have to be willing to give money. The risk of soldiers is inherently high, especially now that the world is not peaceful, they may go to the battlefield at any time, of course, they have to pay more.

Therefore, all soldiers who serve Renault will be relieved of all their worries and let them fight wholeheartedly, so that all their efforts and sacrifices can be repaid enough.

After reading the text carefully, Renault took a quill pen from Rachel standing aside and quickly signed his name. Then he nodded at his personal Xiaomi Rachel.

Rachel immediately took out the lord's special seal from the drawer, dipped it in red ink pad, and knocked it on the official document with a "bang". Then she bowed to Renault and walked out of the office quickly with the official document.

From this moment on, the recruitment order came into effect, and the first large-scale recruitment of the Hai Chao-ling armed forces is about to begin.

According to the plan of the Office of Government Affairs, in the next 10 days, the island guard team will recruit more than 260 island guards and expand the scale of the island guard team to 300.

And this is just the beginning.

According to Renault’s vision, before the end of Lunar and Ephemeris 747, that is, this year, the total strength of the island guard team will expand to at least 2,000. By the end of Lunar and Ephemeris 747, the force will expand to 10,000. even more.

In other words, Hai Chao Ling is walking on a road that is almost "retrospect for military use".

The reason why Renault behaved so eagerly was because he deeply understood that the pace of war was getting closer.

Once the black hybrids have completed large-scale colonization of the land of the original Dushan Kingdom and Fox Kingdom, they will definitely aim their fangs at the two remaining human kingdoms in the southern part of the Luminous Continent: the Thousand Lake Kingdom and the White Antelope Kingdom.

He estimated that from the middle of this year, border frictions between humans and black orcs will occur frequently, but the scale will not be too large, because the food problem of black hybrids is very tense.

However, this situation will be completely reversed after the autumn harvest, and the army of black orcs that have obtained enough food will launch an all-out attack.

This also means that blood and fire will burn all over the South, and the tragedy of the human race will be played again.

Renault sighed for a long time, leaning on the back of the wide chair, staring at the scene outside the window, sitting alone in the office for a long time.

On the square in the west of Redstone Town.

Before Renault became the lord, the square did not exist. After the first disaster on Odin Island last year, the western part of the town was the most severely damaged area, and a large number of houses were damaged by the storm.

So the consul simply asked the buildings in this area to be demolished and cleaned up. The residents here were all resettled to the newly built low-rent housing area outside the town.

In the subsequent urban construction, this vacant land was zoned as the commercial area of ​​Redstone Town. The Government Affairs Office successively built a square here, and built many shops around the square, which were leased to merchants in Redstone Town.

This kind of plan is from Angela's hand, it is very close to the concept of "urban integrated commercial body" on the earth, even Renault knew about it, he greatly appreciated the girl's approach.

This time, when the Government Affairs Office built a concrete road that runs through the island, it also renovated the square and spread a thick layer of cement on the square. This large-scale work amazed the civilians in the town.

You must know that this square is not small. It covers an area of ​​more than 10,000 square meters. In this ground hardening project, the cement alone consumed thousands of tons, which is expensive if it includes manpower and material resources.

In the eyes of ordinary people, spending so much kinnal on a square just to look neater and more beautiful is simply too extravagant. Only the most **** prodigal would do this.

Therefore, the local turtles called the square "Kinnar Square" privately, and some even quietly called a certain lord the "Prodigal Master".

But no one dared to call this publicly, because doing so is no different from "making a big death." A commoner who is deeply favored by the Lord Lord without the government affairs office will beat him into a pig's head in a pig's head.

The well-known department store on the island is also a commercial area, and it occupies the best location near the square. It is also the largest building in area, and it also brings enough people to the square.

Reiter was holding a large bag of hard brown bread in his left hand, and a fresh sea fish in his right hand. He walked out of the department store tiredly, and just turned a green area. He suddenly saw the center of Kinnar Square, which was built. There are several tall wooden frames.

A huge linen cloth hung on each wooden frame. Standing in Reiter's position, many patterns could be vaguely seen on the surface of the cloth.

There was a bustling crowd around the wooden frame, and the enthusiastic discussion gathered into a clear sound that even Leiter could vaguely hear.

Are these linens... paintings?

Is this another new thing put together by the Government Affairs Office?

When Reiterton was curious, he raised his head and glanced at the sky. Seeing that it was not too late, he walked towards the square.

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