Chapter 154: The Slave Trade.

“Have you arrived?” Wouldn’t you still be hanging out at a roadside stall? ”

“Hurry up and come to the Red Devil auction hall, I’ll send you one.”

At this moment, Fang Liang is enjoying the massage service of the magic boss lady in a shop that provides sculpting and pinching services.

The comfortable enjoyment was suddenly interrupted by the fire, although it was a little unpleasant, but in the presence of the hostess, the image of a rabbit man returned to the street.

It’s not that she’s obsessed with the magic tricks, it’s just that the sheer feeling of his burnt cake face being rubbed by him is just too scary.

“Yikes! But even the skin, the barbershop is arranged! Really attentive service. ”

It’s a rugged demon town. Red Devil Town!

On the street, in addition to some local residents, there are also some cartoon people! It should be the attendant of the Lord’s belt!

Fang Liang just glanced at it hastily, and walked directly towards the highest, biggest, and most magnificent auction in Red Devil Town! I came to a room on the second floor, and a round table was already full of people.

The number is not very large, just like 30 people.

Nodding slightly and apologizing, Fang Liang casually found a place to sit down! This secret private auction of the Red Devil begins!

The first to speak was a charm demon lady, and Fang Liang was not very good at all-knowing eyes in this situation. But identity is not so hard to guess!

“This Red Devil private trade fair was formed by me! In order to just help everyone deal with some of the extra materials in their hands, take what they need to achieve the purpose of rapid development. ”

“And the purpose of this auction is to exchange some resources that you can’t use but cherish!”

The sound of fire is crisp and capable, and it is usually less feminine.

“No more nonsense, let’s get started!”

From my right hand, I spoke in turn, and the people who met their own needs or the items they sold could make a verbal deal with them on the spot

“In order to ensure the smooth arrival of the materials, I, as the organizer, may draw some guarantee fees, I hope you understand.”

The scene was quiet for a short moment, and finally a trader spoke.

“I want to buy a batch of high-quality weapons and armor! I can trade this for this! ”

An information sharing appeared in front of everyone, and Fang Liang was also quietly watching!

【Epic Narcissus Fruit】

[Description: Contains the breath of water spirits, which can help demon beasts transform into shapes, and there is also a small probability of triggering the epiphany of swordsmen! 】

The information depicted is very simple and straightforward.

Fang Liang smacked his lips, but he shook his head darkly.

It is indeed a good thing, and he also has a corresponding weapon to redeem. But he couldn’t use it at all!

Although he was also envious of the Sword Immortal’s set, it was obvious that there were no corresponding professionals in his Void City at all. All the demon beasts were captured and farmed.

Even plants are running wildly with their roots and whiskers. The ethos has long since changed.

Fang Liang didn’t need much, but the other traders seemed very interested. After successive bidding, Fang Liang was also watching the liveliness on the side.

As the traders continued to speak, Fang Liang also quickly reached verbal deals with several people.

Consumed a portion of the epic set and purchased several Class Legacy weapons with very big side effects! It’s all chicken rib-like items.

Fang Liang could throw the latter into the Dream Island to enrich the prop library.

The atmosphere on the field is also enthusiastic with the successful sale or purchase of traders one by one. Even somewhat cheerful.

Everyone has a feeling in their hearts that this trip has not come in vain.

It even gives the impression that the goods in this bazaar are very complete! However, as a trader with the image of a brine egg shows a picture of the time.

The enthusiasm that was originally gradually climbing to the peak was instantly cold for eight beats!

It is not that the items are not precious, but that this black market at this moment reflects the corner of blood and darkness. Inside the iron cage, several beautiful girls of warblers and swallows, like lambs to be slaughtered, are bound with their feet and bracelets. Of course, there are also beasts, strong men, etc.!

The species are very mixed, and the other party should be a patchwork!

“Slaves! All are extraordinary professionals! Void coins or supernatural items can be traded. ”

There was a silent state of nearly five seconds in the whole room, but Fang Liang was the first to raise his hand.

It immediately attracted countless surprised eyes.

Fang Liang didn’t care about these things now, his eyes were staring straight at the displayed picture, like a hungry ghost in the color. With the appearance of a rabbit gentleman, it deserves the title of rogue rabbit.

Fang Liang chose to make a decisive move, naturally not because of the boring speculation of some people.

The capital of sin was already short of slaves, and as long as the price was right, he would choose to contact it. What’s more, there is a fantasy-level existence among them.

However, his profession is a bit confusing.

【Orange Lily Ling】

【Quality: Fantasy Level!】 】

【Occupation: housewife, college student, middle school second club cadre!] 】

[Ability: Eat, cute… 】

Looking at such a mark, Fang Liang almost laughed on the spot.

This trader, regardless of his previous identity, definitely does not understand the second dimension. This insoluble annotation is also simply amazing.

When Thor, Kobayashi appeared, Fang Liang was already consciously paying attention to the virtual characters he knew online.

Although I don’t know what caused these original fantasy beings to appear in reality, it is accurate to collect them as much as possible.

Although she may really be useless.

Just like the rogue rabbit, in addition to contributing ingredients, it can only serve as the atmosphere group of the ball!

But in the whole void system, special professional talents are like strange buttons, as long as they exist, they will eventually be useful.

Even, it may not be lacking!

But fortunately, everyone’s eyes are currently focused on Fang Liang’s toilet! It is even more with a kind of stupid look, undisguised contempt.

During this period, there were several “righteous people” who raised prices, but although Fang Liang had just recently been bleeding, he was not without millions of deposits.

A stake, directly make the audience angry and helpless.

The fire was also increased twice, but looking at Fang Liang’s momentum of not giving up! Blinked, smiled playfully, and also chose to give up in the middle of the way.

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