Master of Soul-Building

C77 Prompt from Dragon Lady

I somewhat understood that the Dragon Lady seemed to be hinting at something.

The fact that the mother and son reincarnated into a grievance did not mean that they had reincarnated into Wu Jie's son after the death of Huang Jiulang.

If he was father and son, could he be hinting that he would be born with the little weasel in his stomach?

That makes sense to me.

Zhang Tiangang also agreed.

Huang Jiulang's body had already been destroyed, so he had to reincarnate again. Therefore, he had chosen, the Wu Jie who killed him.

"The Soul did not die, so it might be possible to control Wu Jie with its cultivation." Zhang Tiangang said.

I asked again, "Then the reason it came to find us, was it to warn us not to help Wu Jie?"

"The weasel's desire for revenge is extremely strong. If Wu Jie were to kill it, even if it were to reincarnate, it would definitely take revenge." Zhang Tiangang took a deep breath. "Wu Jie wants to ask the people from yin and yang lines for help, so it will definitely stop it."

There is a saying is a one-day husband and wife hundred days of grace, a hundred days of husband and wife like the deep sea.

Even if the Huang Jiulang was a yellow fairy, Wu Jie would not have killed it.

When I thought about this, I couldn't help but think of Li Li. Compared to him, these girls were truly bad.

At night, I received another piece of news. It was from the Taug, and I found traces of Yao Boqing.

I went to find Taug early in the morning, and when I passed by the park, I just happened to see Zhang Jia walking around on a bench in the park.

Zhang Jia intentionally took out his notebook and wrote asking where I was going.

When I told him where I was going, Zhang Jia shook his hand repeatedly, not allowing me to go.

I asked him what had happened. Was it because of the Dianling?

But Zhang Jia only wrote it on the Paper s:

"The Infernal King has appeared, the Buddha has yet to appear."

The monk that was wandering around might have figured out some reason. Since the Demon King had appeared and the Buddha did not appear, there might be a deeper meaning behind it.

Taug said that Yao Boqing was kidnapped by three to five of his brothers, and is currently discussing this matter with the sales office's Office. He told me to hurry over, if I was late, Yao Boqing might come across him and play some tricks.

I had no choice but to agree as I asked Zhang Jia on my notebook: I don't understand what you mean, but can you come with me to the place we went last?

Zhang Jia hesitated for a while, before using his hands to pose as if he was drinking.

Looks like it's fine for this monk to have wine. I smiled and went to the small shop beside the park to buy a second pot of beef mini.

Seeing so much wine, Zhang Jia was overjoyed. He carried the wine and sat on my carriage.

When they arrived at the sales department, Yao Boqing was already tied to a chair.

Taug was very excited to see me and said:

"It took me a long time to find this son of a b * tch. Do you know where I finally found him after walking around the entire city a few times?"

I told Taug not to keep us in suspense. Taug chuckled:

"This bastard went to the Longevity Mausoleum to stay there. If it wasn't for my brother's friend being a tinker, I wouldn't have been able to find him."

The Longevity Mausoleum was located in the suburbs, and it would take several hours of driving to get there. It wasn't easy to find him.

I looked at Yao Boqing. This person was already much thinner than the one I saw a few days ago, the flesh on his face was completely sunken in, and his eyes were filled with dark circles.

When I saw him, I got angry and asked him,

"The statue of our god."

Yao Boqing lowered his head and did not speak. I shouted again, "Where's the statue?"

Yao Boqing giggled at me. His voice was hoarse, but his emaciated appearance made him look like an undead.

"Damn your mother." I was so angry that I almost went up and slapped him, but then I thought about it, this person is a boss after all, and I can't afford to offend him.

Taug was not in a good mood. He would slap him on the face the moment he got up there.

"Alright, I said you f * cking tricked me. This place is a ghost place, you almost killed me, do you understand?"

That slap had caused the second person to be injured and had to lose two of their teeth, but Yao Boqing was still fine.

"Hehe, True God Indian protecting me. With just you two, it's nothing."

Yao Boqing was ecstatic. When I heard about the Inscriptions God, I immediately became interested and asked him where the thing was.

Taug also added:

"Right, where did you take that thing? Also, tell me how you're going to deal with this place."

Yao Boqing didn't reply to all of this, there was calmness written all over his face.

Taug was most displeased that others would act shamelessly in front of him, his gaze wandered over his body, then stared at the golden chain on his neck.

"Alright, I won't say it, right? Give this to me."

Taug pulled forcefully, pulling down the golden chain.

If it was anything else, it would be fine. But Yao Boqing had used this thing to avoid death.

"Give that thing back to me."

Just as Yao Boqing's golden Necklace was pulled out, Yao Boqing's speed became visible to the naked eye as it sped up by a circle.

Zhang Jia seemed to have noticed that bunch of Golden Necklace and wanted to ask Taug over to take a look.

The Taug was also a rich master, but he didn't care about all these. He just wanted to vent his anger on Yao Boqing.

Since Zhang Jia came to ask for it, he naturally gave it to him. Zhang Jia took the Necklace and after looking at it, he immediately danced with joy and began gesticulating.

I didn't understand what he meant, so I quickly gave him the pen and paper. Zhang Jia wrote to me:

"This thing belongs to them. He had a senior brother called Kash who stole a lot of magic tools from the temple. He also came out with another purpose, and that is to get his senior brother back."

What a coincidence.

Thus, Zhang Jia wrote and asked Yao Boqing where his senior brother was.

Yao Boqing just stared blankly at his and said:

"Return the Necklace to me, hurry up and return the Necklace to me."

It would be useless for me to ask, so I pulled Zhang Jia to the side.

Suddenly at this time, a sudden dry thunder struck the sky, startling us.

Soon after, a gust of cold wind blew in the sky. This sales office was in the second phase, normally, other than a group of cats, Howe Court Apartments would not even have a shadow.

When the cold wind blew, the black and white cats seemed to have gone crazy as they howled with all their might.

I could vaguely smell Yin Qi in the air.

The sky was getting darker and darker, causing everyone to be unable to speak.

Seeing that, Zhang Jia actually sat down on the ground with his legs crossed, raised the scripture and started chanting.

"Brother Qin, hurry and invite Sung-ge over. If you come early, there might be hope."

Zhang Tiangang suddenly said.

I was stunned for a moment. "Why did you invite him?"

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