Just as I was deep in thought, Zhang Tiangang came over with a cup of tea and chuckled.

"Boss, look at you fighting day and night. Don't tire yourself out."

I rolled my eyes at him, how could I have the nerve to mention it?

But I am a little curious about this person's identity, and I want Zhang Tiangang to explain it all to me.

"Actually, I'm not too familiar with him either, it's just that I've met him a few times. He's an old friend of mine, and he's a fierce person in the yin and yang lines. However, she still acted as if she was a grandson when she saw Sun Yangjun. " Zhang Tiangang's face also revealed a little confusion, and said:

"He was introduced to us by my old friend. My old friend said that if we can help Sun Yangjun in the future, it won't be a problem for us to walk all over yin and yang lines."

This person is really that powerful, I don't really believe it.

Zhang Tiangang laughed: "At least it's a Lushan descendant. In our line of work, knowing a few people from the sects isn't wrong, if we do good, we might really be able to rise above the rest."

I didn't say anything, but my heart was pounding.

"Brother Qin, if you don't know a few more capable people, your Dragon Slaying Art will be stuck in this shop for the rest of your life. As the old saying goes, 'wealth comes from danger', maybe Sun Yangjun will become our opportunity to make a fortune."

Zhang Tiangang spoke in a manner that no one could deny.

I only let out a bitter laugh. Today, I don't have the mood to think about this Scarlet Tooth fire dragon. Putting down the brush in my hand, I said:

"Let's call it a day. I'm going back to bed."

"I want to sleep together with you." I want to sleep together with you. Zhang Tiangang happily followed behind me.

Without even thinking, I shouted, "Scram!"

However, I used to be the only one in the shop. I slept in the cubicle on the top floor of the shop, so it was quite spacious.

Now that there was an additional Zhang Tiangang inside the shop, and because he did not have a room, he could only sleep inside the warehouse. The entire shop had become crowded, and it was time to go out and find a house.

But as I lay there, tossing and turning, I couldn't sleep. I thought about what had happened recently.

Initially, I had earned thirty thousand from Xiao Cihu and A Jiao, then came Yao Boqing's fifty thousand, and Li Ru's one hundred and twenty thousand.

Throwing away the debt that he paid Song Nian with close to twenty thousand yuan, he took out twenty thousand yuan and redeemed A Jiao. I've earned a hundred and sixty thousand dollars in the meantime, and that's nothing to worry about.

In the past, I might not be able to earn this much in half a year.

I was a cautious person, and even then I couldn't help but feel a bit of panic.

But I couldn't bear it, so I went to sleep without thinking too much about it.

When he woke up, it was already noon of the second day. Gu Shenwei was no longer in the store.

I asked Zhang Tiangang, "Where did the old overseas Chinese go?

Zhang Tiangang gave me a big thumbs up, and said:

"Brother Qin, that move of yours was really impressive yesterday. After saying those few words, Gu Ruoyun will go and settle the score with Developer right now. I have to have Developer open the foundation for him in front of him."

Damn, this old Chinese is fast and swift.

When he came to take a look, he saw that the floor of the living room, which was as respectful as a house, had been smashed open by the demolition hammer, creating a large hole that went straight to the surface of the foundation.

A dozen or so burly laborers started work in the living room that was as respectful as Gu Ruoyun.

"Are you sure that you're looking for the Developer, not the demolition team?" From the looks of it, I'm a bit suspicious.

Gu Xianglin's face was ashen as he said: "Developer has long disappeared after selling the houses. These wicked people don't smoke. Where am I supposed to find them? I hired people to tear them down."

Gramps, you sure are unwilling to part with a child. Zhang Tiangang picked up Gu Shenwei who was at the side.

Fortunately, the foundation was made of reinforced concrete and had a prefabricated frame structure. If the floor was taken down respectfully, the foundation would not be damaged.

If he hadn't guessed wrongly, there must have been bones or ashes under the house.

I let a few of the laborers shine their flashlights on the ground.

A few minutes later, a laborer exclaimed:

"Look, there seem to be three big jars here."

It looked like I had dug up a burial altar. I looked down at the flashlight of the laborer. There were three half-buried jars at the corners of the foundation. Each jar was as tall as half a person's height.

"You guys think of a way, can you pull these jars out?"

When the workers heard this, they hesitated.

An elderly man took a puff on his pipe and said, "Young man, I know what this is. I can't use it to bury someone."

I said, the few of us are all from the yin and yang lines, so we shouldn't be afraid of this.

The older man still refused, as if he had some authority in the group, and the other labourers did not move as long as he did not speak.

"Hehe, it's not impossible." The man took a drag from his cigarette, a sly look in his eyes. "If you want us to do it, we'll need more money."

Didn't you say so earlier? I slammed the table.

Dig out a jar and pay an extra two hundred dollars.

This time, the laborer was full of energy. He used the rope as thick as a thumb to make a rope and pulled a few jars up with Gouzi on it.

As soon as the jar was opened, the cats at the door immediately surrounded it. Their eyes were wide open as they stared at the jar, grinding their teeth and wiping their palms.

A few of the cats tried to climb onto the vat, but I forcibly pulled them down.

I asked Zhang Tiangang why these cats were so excited when they saw the burial altar.

Zhang Tiangang tsk-tsked. "These cats have a lot of yin aura on them, so when they see something as heavy as yin aura, they naturally do it this way."

Zhang Tiangang also told me that during a funeral in the countryside, there must be someone there to guard the corpse. Firstly, there was a lack of medical expertise in the past, and people might just be faking their deaths, so people have to watch them. Secondly, it's to guard against these cats.

This was because cats would rush forward whenever they smelled corpse aura and yin aura. When people died, their three souls were not yet gone, and their seven souls were still close together. There was a long breath in their chest, and when the cat jumped, the yin aura and the long aura mixed together, their corpses would definitely be extorted.

After hearing what Zhang Tiangang had to say, the older worker at the side nodded his head repeatedly.

"We do have such a custom over there. This mister really knows a lot about it." Speaking to this, the laborer could not help but nervously look at the three burial altar and said, "Then …" "Then will these three be like what you said?"

Zhang Tiangang looked at it and was also stunned.

This extortion of a corpse was something that he might not be able to do.

I asked curiously, "But why are these corpses in jars and not in coffins s?"

"These three corpses were buried using a method." Zhang Tiangang lightly patted the ground on the three altar.

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