"Bro, from what I see, this shouldn't be mutton, right? The taste is pretty good, but the taste is a bit strange. Can you give me some advice?"

Hearing this, the old man put down the cigarette, blew out a circle of smoke, and said with a strange tone:

"Sheep, of course, but two-legged sheep."

After hearing that, a wave of coldness went from the back of my neck all the way to my spine. I looked at the old man in front of me blankly and said, "Don't scare me like that."

This two-legged sheep were humans. Legend has it that in the past, the Yellow Nest had rebelled, and the army was short of food. When they marched, they had even brought along tens of thousands of civilians.

And the people became their food, and called them the two-footed sheep.

I don't know if this old man is joking with me, if he isn't, then I will eat human flesh.

Who knew that after Zhang Tiangang heard this, he snorted disdainfully, raised his chopsticks, grabbed another piece of meat, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Old brother, stop teasing my Brother Qin with these words. If I'm not wrong, the meat in this bowl should be wolf meat."

Hearing this, the old Ya Zi nodded his head, he looked at Zhang Tiangang who was also sitting on the wheelchair and said:

"Brother, you have sharp eyes, but you can see it with a single glance. It's indeed as you said. This is a wolf that I killed the day before yesterday. It was just killed, its wolf skin is still hanging on the back of my house."

Although it's not a two-legged lamb, but this is the first time I've eaten this wolf meat in my life, so I can't help but feel a little shocked.

The elder Ya said that there were many wolves in the northwest, but he didn't know why. These few years, it was like a ghost, that many wolves seemed to be against the chain of life.

Wild animals were almost extinct these days, but it was different here. There were more sheep and more wolves.

"You call those wolves the Plains Wolves, but we are hyenas. Don't you know that this beast is very smart?" Hei Zi took a long puff on his pipe and said to us,

"These wolves seem to have brains. Now that they know that there's someone guarding the sheep, and it's impossible to drag them away with a weight of over a hundred pounds, they purposely eat the young lambs. They even dig holes in the sides of the sheepfold and specifically run in to steal the sheep."

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