Song Nian was prepared to make the supernatural sculpture, but due to her lack of money, he wasn't able to gather enough money. At this time, he heard the surrounding people going to Tang Fusheng's place to borrow money.

Without any collateral, as long as there was a video, he would be able to quickly release the money. Under the urging of his desire, Song Nian's heart moved.

She then contacted Tang Fusheng and borrowed 20 thousand yuan from him. Originally, Tang Fusheng had promised her that she would only take 2% of the interest if she could repay the debt within a month.

Song Nian did not think too much into it, and immediately took out a video and signed the contract. However, that contract was only a single copy. When Song Nian finished signing the contract, Tang Fusheng that brat actually added another clause in the empty space of the contract.

The terms stated that the interest would be two parts per month, but there was a 45% service fee.

The little girl was instantly dumbfounded.

Seeing that the repayment date was about to arrive in a month, Song Nian didn't have any other choice. The video was still in Tang Fusheng's hands.

Song Nian started crying loudly.

When he was crying, Song Nian continued:

"Brother Qin, and I've been having dreams lately, where a human-like toad always appears, knocking on the abacus in my hands and repeating the amount of money I owe."

When I heard it, I nodded. The person who appeared in my dreams should be the old man who guarded the place, and the fact that it appeared in Song Nian's dreams should be to warn Song Nian and tell her to quickly return the money.

I said to Song Nian: "Don't be scared, I'll lend you the money first. Let's get the video back first."

"Really?" When Song Nian heard this, he was clearly a little moved and said: "Brother Qin, you're really willing to help me, why are you being so nice to me? I really love you to death."

He called me 'uncle' earlier on, but now he calls me 'big brother'. This made me feel like I couldn't change my mind.

"Eh, that's all I can help you with." I smiled helplessly and told Song Nian to come to my place tomorrow.

Song Nian happily agreed.

When the morning of the second day arrived, Song Nian had already arrived at my shop. However, this time, he looked at Song Nian with frighteningly black circles around his eyes.

I asked her what she had been doing and how she had become like this.

Song Nian yawned and said, "I don't know what's going on recently, but I feel an urge to study. I have to stay up until five or six in the morning to sleep for a few days straight.

I almost jumped out in shock. I only slept for two hours a day, how could a little girl like Song Nian be able to take it?

"No, it's nothing. Ever since I worshipped the Venerable Elephant Nose, I have been very energetic during my studies every day. I can persevere on." Once Song Nian said the word "study", he took out an Oxford dictionary from his schoolbag and started to memorize it.

I immediately told her to stop and tell her why she was here today. Only then did Song Nian put away the book.

I had already wrapped the cash in a brown paper bag and piled it up at $35,000. It was as thick as a brick.

Song Nian looked at the money and sighed: "I have Brother Qin to help me with is pretty good. I have a few students who are really scary recently."

"You don't know, recently there have been many students who have had the same strange dreams as me. They have been dreaming about that toad, but after dreaming about that toad, they seem to have gone crazy. They have been desperately searching for money to return to that borrower at all costs." As Song Nian spoke till here, he was obviously a little apprehensive. He rubbed his arm and continued:

"Some of the better students went home to their parents for money and paid it back. Some of the less well-off students even went out to work as pickpockets. I even heard that some female students are still out there."

When I heard this, I immediately felt that something was going to happen to Big Brother Tang. The spirit of the Old Man Shentu was greedy for money, he could pay any price to get back the debts of his previous life.

If those students couldn't return the money, they might be forced to death by the Old Man Shentu.

I wanted to advise Big Brother Tang to stop, but he didn't listen to me at all.

I have no choice but to save one.

I told Song Nian to take the money and return it to me first. He will return the money to me when she has the ability.

However, Song Nian took out 20 thousand from the stack of money and said: "Previously, you only took a little from me, and I will keep the rest, so you don't need that much, but since you lent me that much money, I don't know how to repay you. If you, Brother Qin, are willing."

As Song Nian spoke, he undid the buttons on his Clothes, revealing his snow-white upper body.

Only now did he realize that Song Nian's collarbone was extremely deep, his black bra caused his skin to be extremely white, and on his belly there were also faint lines on his vest.

When I saw it, I couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, but my reason quickly triumphed over everything.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and put the Clothes on. Who do you think I am?"

"Brother Qin, I'm sorry." Song Nian was a little confused by my drinking.

I looked at her and smiled. "Even though Brother Qin has never gone to university before, you know that life in university is very good. You are a lucky person so you should properly cherish all of this.

Song Nian thoughtfully nodded his head, and smiled as he told me that she understood.

That smile was the unique smile of a young girl.

I told her to quickly return the money. When Song Nian left, he was still staring at the Oxford dictionary in fascination.

When she returned the money, Big Brother Tang immediately called me. The person on the other side of the phone laughed and said: "Brat, you're not bad, this is called a hero saving a beauty, return the money to me."

"So what?" I wasn't angry at Big Brother Tang in the slightest, but after he said that, I immediately became angry.

However, Big Brother Tang smiled and said: "Let's not talk about this. Let me ask you, does that old man Shentu have any side effects."

I asked him what was wrong.

"I don't know what's going on, I did take a lot of money back, but I feel like there's someone behind me recently." Big Brother Tang's tone seemed to be a little scared as he nervously said, "Other than this, I wake up every morning to find my bed covered with money I took back from you."

The most horrifying thing was yet to come. In order to clarify the situation, Big Brother Tang had specially installed a camera at the head of the bed the night before, wanting to see what had happened that night.

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