Master of Fist

Chapter 112: 1 crash

As soon as Jiang Heng finished speaking, a faint mist began to slowly evaporate on his body surface. As he slowly took half a step forward, his burly body suddenly swelled up, his muscles were constantly wriggling like pieces of squirming, breathing flesh rising and falling, and blue veins began to quickly cover his whole body like spreading vines. In just a few breaths, the originally burly body of two meters further expanded into a terrifying existence of nearly three meters!

Luo Yongnian looked at this scene in astonishment, what kind of martial arts is this?


Is this really martial arts?

As the head of a sect, Luo Yongnian naturally has much wider knowledge than ordinary people. He knows that there are many martial arts with unusual characteristics. Just never seen anything like this.

It is only possible to practice some extremely difficult horizontal kung fu in the rumors that ordinary people can't match, but is this really possible?

What's more, the other party is still so young!

However, when he saw a red star suddenly lit up on the opponent's chest, and then quickly spread to the next one, the next one, each red star was more than a hundred red stars like a red nebula in the shadow, he Even more frightening and inexplicable!

"Demon... demon?

Streams of hot and scorching red air flowed into the red stars, exuding a scorching breath!

Luo Yongnian was a little panicked. He looked at the young and ugly face in front of him, but at this moment his face was covered with crimson light and thin lines like cracks, and his eyes stared at him indifferently like two red stars. he.

The heat wave emitted by it even made Luo Yongnian, who was several meters away, feel his skin was hot, and his skin even felt a little uncomfortable.

"Hey! Either you beat me to death today, or I beat you to death!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Heng suddenly disappeared from the spot.


Sawdust splashed on the ground and exploded. Jiang Heng was faster than when he was below. He approached Luo Yongnian in the blink of an eye. He stretched out his hands, and the power of the wind blowing from the front of his fist soared, hitting Luo Yongnian directly.

Although Luo Yongnian likes to have fun, after all, he has been in the pulse refining state for a while, and the martial arts he has mastered are also excellent fourth-rank martial arts.

"So fast!"

Although such a long corridor is enough for him to make full preparations. But the opponent's movements were too fast, and he was dazed for a moment just now, but fortunately, his years of actual combat experience allowed him to react quickly. The stick was dancing rapidly, and the shadow of the stick instantly blew up layers of defense in front of him. The inner qi shot out quickly, and quickly attached to the body surface and the ring stick!


The shadows of sticks flashed randomly, but Luo Yongnian only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and suddenly lost the sense of control over his body. The severe pain first broke out from the waist and abdomen, and then rushed to all parts of the body, feeling pieces of severe pain deep into the body.

He had a premonition of what would happen next, and his eyes were tearing apart.

"how is this possible-"

Luo Yongnian's body was like a rag sack, flying upside down, his normal body lying on his back and smashing into the luxurious large compartment where he was before. Blood gushed out, and the muscles and bones all over the body were stabbed like they were broken, and the whole body trembled in pain.

The inner qi shield was broken in an instant?


At this moment, there were bursts of screams from a woman in the compartment.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a mess of coquettish women with crisp breasts, holding their skirts and walking out. It seemed that they saw Jiang Heng, who was like a murderous god, covered in blood in the corridor, and all of them were so frightened that their faces paled. The cry escaped back into the compartment again.

Jiang Heng ignored those women, but walked straight in the direction of Luo Yongnian, his steps were steady and neither too fast nor too fast, but every step on the wooden board seemed to be on Luo Yongnian's heart.

Jiang Heng bullied him, and with a grin, Bai Fang raised his fist to blow Luo Yongnian's head off!


At this moment, there was a sound of gold and iron clashing suddenly from behind the body.

Jiang Heng turned his head slowly to look, but saw a beautiful and coquettish woman, holding a dagger in her delicate little hand and stabbing at Jiang Heng's body with all her strength.

But her forehead was already dripping with sweat, no matter how she struck, the opponent's flesh was like copper skin and iron bones, and the sharp dagger could only leave some white marks on it!

Without saying a word, Jiang Heng raised his hand and slapped it with his palm, like an unstoppable heavy hammer, which opened the dipper on the woman in an instant.

Boom! ~

The female assassin hidden among the women fell limply to the ground, bleeding profusely, her beautiful eyes were unbelievably full of remorse.

what! ~~~

The women screamed even more terrified. Although Luo Yongnian ambushed a female guard to protect his own safety, the rest were ordinary women who had seen such a **** scene there.

Ta Ta Ta! Bang!

There was a sound of hurried and fast footsteps and the sound of the carved wooden window being smashed suddenly.

Luo Yongnian was going crazy at this moment, he touched the heart armor on his chest in horror, he would only take it off when he was sleeping, and it was usually hidden in his underwear. This prevented him from many fatal injuries.

But now, when he touched it, the whole thing was sunken in, and even directly shattered his breastbone!

But what is strange is that he didn't feel any trace of inner The other party has great strength but no inner energy, so there is only one possibility!

The opponent is indeed only a master at the level of horizontal training at the lower third rank!

Martial arts practitioners have always been the kind of people he looks down on, and in his opinion, they are just reckless if they have no inner spirit. Horizontal training is extremely important to talent. Moreover, the cultivation of every master of horizontal training requires a large amount of resources and medicinal materials to nourish.

And the limit of the physical body is not to say that breaking through can break through. Some people will be in the third rank and first rank in their whole life, but they are just ants in the face of the pulse refining state!

Moreover, the peak period of the third-rank horizontal training master was before the age of forty-five, and then began to decline rapidly.

Moreover, the shortcomings of horizontal training masters are obvious, that is, they cannot withstand the erosion of inner energy in the pulse refining state. The meridians, internal organs and six internal organs will all fall apart under the erosion of internal energy.

But Luo Yongnian only felt that his scalp was numb for the low-level third-grade horizontal training master he met today, and he felt unable to compete with just one blow.

That terrifying speed and astonishing strength.

All directly overturned his previous understanding of horizontal training.

Is this still practice?

He has been to the capital, and he has seen some masters who are dedicated to horizontal training. It is true that before the fourth rank, these masters of horizontal training have no rivals in the lower third rank, sweeping the third rank and below. Even if there are two or three third-rank masters at the same level, they can't help those third-rank masters who specialize in torturing the physical body, but when they meet a pulse-refining state, even if they have just entered the pulse-refinement state, these horizontal training masters will have no power to fight back.

But a lamb to be slaughtered!

And why is this person not afraid of my internal energy?

Mine is the extremely powerful Gangyang Kung Fu!

And the opponent is so powerful, the energy and blood consumption of each action is even more terrifying, but why...


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