Master Blacksmith in the Blade of Demon Slayer

Master Blacksmith in the Blade of Demon Slayer Chapter 495

Tie Zhicangjie watched silently, then gently covered his face.

I jumped up and down, jumping up and down to the present, just for a sword?

This kind of thing, if you want, you can make a hundred or ten pieces at any time, OK?

Frustration and anger emerged instantly, but were suppressed by Tie Zhi Cangjie in an instant.

"Look carefully first..."

He took the sword in his hand, and it turned out to be lighter than he thought.

Looking closely, he could see what was there on the end of the knife and collar. He squeezed it lightly with his fingers and pulled it out, and a thread was turned out.

The thickness is probably like silk, but it is exceptionally tough.

It is sticky and sticks to the tip of Tetsu no Sangsuke's finger. It takes proper strength to remove it completely. Otherwise, no matter how hard it is, it will be difficult to remove it.

Tie Zhi Cangsuke thought for a while, wound the thread around the tree, and then pulled it back, it was more than ten meters long!

In the midair, a thread that might not be visible even if you look carefully with the naked eye, just hangs in the midair.

"What's the use?" Tie Zhi Cangsuke pondered, reaching out his hand and touching it lightly, only feeling extremely hard.

Once one's own side is tight, a terrifying trap will be formed between the trees and invisible to the naked eye.

Tie Zhicangsuke patrolled around, found a piece of wood, tightened the knife, and then swung the wood towards the wire.

In the next second, the wood was divided into two, and the thread floating in the air did not sway.

Tetsuzhi Cangsuke carefully pondered: "What can I do with this? Wandering among the buildings in the city, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility?"

He shook his head, put the silk away, and began to study the entire structure of the blade.

There are different mirrors on the top, which can refract different light to the opponent from different angles.

"If this is the case, does it seem to be a bit lacking..."

Tie Zhi Cangsuke touched his chin, and his eyes lit up suddenly: "But what if it is a room with traps that are triggered by light? Then my hand is not a sword, but a mechanism controller!"

Chapter 439? This second

Tie Zhi Cangsuke didn't know whether his thinking was correct.

However, exploring the workshop left by this Tiangong, what touched him the most was this person's idea of ​​organ traps. When it was extended to this knife, this idea naturally appeared in his heart.

He pondered for a long time, feeling that this idea is highly likely to be correct.

And whether it is correct or not, this seems to be one of the topics that I urgently need to add.

Immediately he wrote to Shiki Yoshiya, asking for what he needed.

Unlike when he first joined the ghost killing team, he nowadays, no matter what he wants, his face is not blushing, he made a big list, and then wrote a few words to express the reasons for his needs.

Then let the hidden person send it out.

After he was done, he continued to study the sword in his hand.

But from the perspective of the'mechanism controller', it seems that the value of this thing is still not enough...

I feel that giving and gain are not proportional.

Of course, this is just looking at the swords and horns. If you count the other things found in the workshop, then I have to say that the harvest of Tetsuzhi Cangsuke is actually extremely rich.

It's just that as the most important knife, it seems a little lacking in level.

He looked at the sword over and over many times, confirmed that there was nothing special, and sighed with disappointment.

But soon, he set his sights on the box.

This Tiangong feels that he tends to simplify complicated things and complicate simple things.

While the knives are hidden in the box, are there other things hidden?

According to this person's logic of doing things, there may not be such a possibility!

Tetsuzhi Cangsuke carefully took the box over and began to explore.

Because it is a trap box, there may be other organ layouts inside, occupying the space of the box.

Therefore, Tie Zhi Cangsuke's movements are extra careful, these mechanism designs are very important things.

It will greatly expand his own insight and knowledge. It would be a pity if it is damaged.

However, Tie Zhi Cangjie soon discovered that he didn't need to be too careful...because the bottom of the box opened with a slight pull, and there was indeed a sandwich.

Inside the mezzanine is a stack of silk books. Tie Zhi Cangsuke took it over and opened it and read the record on it. For a while, he was a little bit dumbfounded.

The crying and laughing had to be because of the recorded content, but because of such an important thing, it was really so simple to store.

Although the trap box itself is not simple, the method of adding a layer of layout is too simple...

In short, it is very speechless.

And the content on the silk book is about the silk in the sword and the blade.

It's not sky silk, this thing is called cold silk.Only because of the production method, it needs extremely low temperature to make it. At the same time, this is not something like silk, but a mixed metal.

The silk book has a clear mixing ratio, production method, and also detailed the characteristics of cold wire.

See softness, softness, strongness, coldness!

It can be attached to the palm of the hand, or it can be cut into limbs such as tofu.

Tie Zhi Cangsuke revisited Lengsi based on these descriptions, and indeed found many interesting uses.

But he felt that it was not very suitable for his situation.

And maybe it was another guy who suits him... so he wrote another letter.

After the letter was sent out, Tetsuzhi Cangsuke felt that he had to rest for a while.

I have consumed too much energy during this period of time, and if this continues, I always feel that my energy will be unable to hold on.

Before the person called in this letter arrives, before Yoya Shiki delivers the things he wants, he plans to take a good rest.

The weather has been just right recently, and Chanel's belly is getting bigger and bigger, always feeling like she is about to give birth.

But depending on the time, there is still one month left.

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