99. Who is Telling the Truth?

Translator: Antonia

The team of people walked rapidly, and when they arrived, those in the wing palace were still in shock. On the way here, Du Chuxuan had maintained an attitude of an on-looker and briefly told everything to Yuxing Tianrui. Yet, it was unknown whether his listener was Yuxing Tianrui or the rest of the others.

Mr. Xing was in a frightened horror. Especially after Du Chuxuan said that the man claimed to be a prince, his heart gave a violent beat against his ribs. He was a senior official in the Turkic court and over so many years, this was the trickiest situation he had ever encountered, so he couldn’t help inwardly blaming the eldest prince.

For some reason, surprisingly, the Emperor didn’t prevent Du Chuxuan from talking about it in everyone’s presence and just let him expose everything. At this time, there was another man who wore a sulky face, that was Old Master Zhao. But who would care what he was thinking now?

“Your Majesty!” Seeing the Emperor walking over, the Empress finally calmed down a little. With such a scandal taking place in the palace, she feared, once the news was spread out, it would not only be a shame on the imperial family but also a damage to her ability in managing the palace affairs. Probably, she would be unfortunately the one to blame. Therefore, the way she looked at the Zhao mother and daughter became more deprecating.

Somehow, Madam Zhao managed to stop Zhao Zheng from desperately rushing at Ashina Fei, but she still mumbled in a voice neither high nor low, so that some officials and madams near her heard all of what she was saying.

On seeing this scene, the Emperor’s expression changed at once. At this moment, Ashina Fei happened to get fully dressed and took the woman out of the room. He was a satyr that cherished every girl that impressed him, so after he opened his eyes and found such a beauty next to him, he wouldn’t give up on her.

Immediately, he told her his identity and promised that he would be nice to her. Hence, the two came out hand in hand in a sweet fashion. Zhao Zheng already calmed down, but at the sight of this scene, she became agitated again. For a time, the palace was in an uproar.

“Enough!” The Emperor roared with a frown. Did they really regard this Emperor as a decoration? His anger was like a sigh, by which, the well-trained guards around the palace all reacted and quickly pressed Zhao Zheng down without any mercy for a woman. Zhao Zheng couldn’t move a little under the seize of two guards and bitterly cried.

As for the woman who was with Ashina Fei, she looked in an utter panic and hid herself behind Ashina Fei, only showing a pair of flustered eyes looking at others. The way she gazed suggested no kind person.

“Mr. Xing, won’t you explain for us?” Everyone already knew the identity of Ashina Fei, so the question raised by the Emperor intended to leave no face for the Turkic Envoy. Why should he bother to care their face when the Turks were messing around in his palace? To bring a shame on Shenglan?

Many drops of cold sweat ran down Mr. Xing’s forehead. He took a stealthy glance at Ashina Fei and, seeing the latter was undauntedly careless as though the incident had nothing to do with him, felt weary, “Your Majesty, don’t be mad. This is our eldest prince, the bridegroom of this planned marriage and came to this end.”

He could only make up an excuse which sounded official. On this trip, the identity of Ashina Fei was intended to be exposed. On the surface, they were defeated in the war, and it was great that Shenglan was willing to accept their proposal of a political marriage, but leaving the eldest prince here as a hostage was also an option. Mr. Xing grew more anxiously disconcerted.

Ashina Fei didn’t care and looked up at the Emperor, cupping his fists, “I didn’t intend to hide my identity, but after all, the one I’m marrying will be my wife and I just want to take a look at my future wife.”

The Emperor gritted his teeth and held back the exploration of his rage. Before he came, he had learned the whole story, so right now the trickiest part was—both of the two women had a relationship with Ashina Fei. However, it was alright to send off one woman. Now he had to give him another woman as a gift? That would be absurd.

“I will not blame you for this, but you have to give me an answer, given the rumors say you’re in love with Miss. Zhao. If that’s true, I’d be happy to do you a favor, but this woman—” The Emperor narrowed his eyes which contained a touch of murderousness.

How could Ashina Fei not sense it? Immediately, he stood in a protective posture. At first, he did appreciate this Miss. Zhao due to her own ability and her powerful family. His plan would benefit a lot from marrying her.

Nevertheless, Zhao Zheng single-mindedly liked Yuxing Tianrui, so however interested he was in her, would he keep a potential traitor around him? Hence, after several times of communication, his interest in Zhao Zheng was worn out. This thought brought a sudden cooling down in Ashina Fei’s eyes. His original plan didn’t go like this.

Subconsciously, his eyes were directed to Old Master Zhao and sneered inwardly seeing the man now pretended not to know anything. What a useless man whose great ambition just turned out in vain!

There was a pause before he turned and said respectfully to the Emperor, “As you know, we Turks is a nation of freedom. I did intend to marry Miss. Zhao and asked Mr. Xing to bring it up to Your Majesty. However, later I heard that the one Miss. Zhao loved was His Highness, so I don’t want to be the bad third wheel.”

The implication was that it wasn’t that he didn’t want Zhao Zheng but that he was afraid Zhao Zheng and Yuxing Tianrui had already made a secret couple. Du Chuxuan raised his eyebrows. This man wasn’t a complete idiot! He should know how to shift the baby?!

The officials couldn’t help taking a glance at Yuxing Tianrui, and some couldn’t figure the real situation. They still remembered the request of the Zhao family, but after that there began to be rumors that Zhao Zheng had an affair with the Turkic Envoy, which seemed more real in view of her current behavior.

Now there popped out another accusation. Who on earth was telling the truth?

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