93. Commitment in the Night

Translator: Antonia

Whether Du Chuxuan was angry or not, he knew the clothes incident after all. Now he had a belly of anger which couldn’t be vented out and felt really grieved.

Yuxing Tianrui saw that, took off his clothes and went to bed early. Although he wasn’t doing very much, he could tell the ingratiation in his behavior, “Don’t worry, I got this.” In the darkness of the night, Yuxing Tianrui’s eyes shone brightly.

At the sight of this look of him, Du Chuxuan had no more anger. Annoyed, he took over Yuxing Tianrui’s arm and gave a hard bite on it, “Of course you got this. It’s all because of your little peach blossom. Should I be the one to blame instead?”

“So you are not mad anymore?” Du Chuxuan’s bite hurt a little, and Yuxing Tianrui carefully approached him. Since they didn’t know when, they had grown accustomed to sleeping by each other’s side. Like two matchsticks both fearing their lives would be worn out by the endless dark night, they clung to each other and got some warmth.

Seeing his look, Du Chuxuan swallowed all of his anger and whispered, “Keep it in your head that since you’re already with me, I don’t care whether you’re willing to or not, you can’t have another person. I’m telling you this right now. Whoever sends over the person, if she dares to come, I dare to kill. I’m wondering, then, whether you, the tree, will have more fearless peach blossoms.” His wording was blunt and made Yuxing Tianrui’s blush to the ears. But his eyes were still twinkling.

“I understand.” Almost without hesitation, Yuxing Tianrui closed his eyes, his fingers closely clutching Du Chuxuan’s dry and warm hand and feeling the roughness of it, which gave a peace of mind. Forget about the offspring, the responsibilities or whatever. He didn’t want to think about those now.

Since when he knew not, this man’s every move began to have an effect on his heart. When he was injured, he could skip the morning session; when he was angry, he couldn’t read a single word on the documents; he daren’t to imagine what his life would be without Du Chuxuan. Neither did he.

If this was the case that he wouldn’t fall into the hell alone, then what to be afraid of? He closed his eyes, moving nearer to the man next to him, “Then, you promise me that no matter what you’ll never leave me.”

Yuxing Tianrui said it in whispers, but Du Chuxuan still heard it. With a second’s surprise, he held him closer. There was a strange feeling growing in his heart. He really didn’t know what to do with him. He had been raised in the palace and offered the best of everything, but how could he have so strong a sense of insecurity?

A meteor slowly crossed the night sky. No one knew that the noblest two people of future Shenglan was secretly making a life commitment to each other.

Time fleeted. After Du Chuxuan returned to the palace from home, he must help the Empress with the banquet preparation. A small banquet, because the guests would be the Turkic Envoys, became very complicated.

For two full days, he scarcely had the time to sit down and enjoy some snacks. The banquet was about to start in less than an hour, and only then Du Chuxuan was hurriedly sent back to the East Palace to get dressed up.

“Your Highness, His Highness means that no matter what’ll take place, you pretend you know nothing.” Aer stayed here to pass the words from Yuxing Tianrui to Du Chuxuan.

Du Chuxuan was confused. For the past two days, all occupied his mind were food for the banquet or clothes and the sort. How was it possible for him to remember the scheme? Reminded by Aer, he finally came to the realization, “Luo Yi, do you know His Highenss’s plan?”

“No, I don’t.” Luo Yi’s smothered voice came from the above, “When His Highness made the plan, he only took Ada with him, so we don’t know much of it.” Du Chuxuan fronwed on the words. But this was good too. Just pretend to be a fool, something he was best at.

After all the banquet was a nation-level, so the guests were not only the imperial members; some official also took their wives and daughters. The female guests who arrived early all went to the Empress’s place, while the official directly headed for the Yaoran Palace, where the banquet would be held.

Du Chuxuan arrived not very early, but none of the female guests daren’t to say anything about that. They saw Du Chuxuan and his servants walked right to the Empress’s lobby, curtsied in a graceful manner and then took a seat. They had to admit that as a daughter of a merchant, Du Chuxuan performed his etiquettes quite well.

What was in their minds Du Chuxuan certainly could tell by a glance. He, holding a teacup in his hand, searched with his eyes among the crowd. He hadn’t seen Zhao Zheng since he came in. It wasn’t like her not to try all means to gain the Empress’s favor at this time!

As if sensing his doubts, Dongrui murmured in his ear in a low voice, “Now the Zhao family is in the teeth of the storm, so Miss. Zhao mustn’t make a splash. What she needs to do is being clever and protecting herself.” Dongrui was also a member of Sect Luo, guised as Du Chuxuan’s maidservant, which he needed as the Princess.

He gave a shadow of nod. This wasn’t unexpected. He had thought Zhao Zheng would stay at home in the pretext of illness, but if that was the case, the Emperor, if his mercy was excited, would waver on account of its past contribution. However, if she dared to choose to come at this time, then she must have decided to go all out at all costs.

His eyes darkened a little. Not only Yuxing Tianrui was ready, even Du Chuxuan was in a state of fight. To take away his man? Ask Du Chuxuan’s permission first!

Everyone kept their thoughts in the mind and wouldn’t let others see. Take the guests for example, many of them were awaiting to see a good drama whether Miss. Zhao would succeed in marrying into the East Palace or prioritize the country’s interest and marry the Turk.

In a short while, a eunuch came over to announce that the female guests might enter the banquet. Then, the Empress preceded the group and headed for the Yaoran Palace.

It was said that women had natural fragrance, and it seemed so. Now though it wasn’t autumn yet, the flowers all withered. However, along the causeway, there was waves of floral fragrance, which all came from these women.

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