47. Teasing

Translator: Antonia

“I didn’t know my princess can read faces.” He didn’t suspect that there was something between Du Chuxuan and Shan Zhongli but was curious what had happened that he was so hesitant in telling him.

In fact, whether Du Chuxuan chose to tell him or not, Yuxing Tianrui would at last be told as long as he wanted to. Playing with the teacup in his hand, Yuxing Tianrui curled up his lips and almost laughed out loud.

It was fun for him to tease his princess.

The more he being like this, the more flustered Du Chuxuan felt. Speaking of this, their Crown Prince was so strange in that, except in bed, he strived to top him in every aspect and must get an answer crystal clear to everything.

Yet, Du Chuxuan merely dared to roast inwardly. When he turned to Yuxing Tianrui, he turned into an obedient well-behaved boy, “My shifu said that if I had no means of living one day, this face-reading skill would support me for a while.” He chuckled at the thought of his cheap shifu.

Yuxing Tianrui wasn’t less cared as him. Even though martial cultivation didn’t mean a lot to him, he had certain knowledge about various sects of it. At least he found Du Chuxuan’s martial cultivation didn’t remind him of any currently popular sect. Instead, it was similar to that of a person who had been living in seclusion for a long time.

“You watched carefully. But that day you were almost killed by him.” Speaking of this, Yuxing Tianrui suddenly remembered those tiny arrows like silver needles which had helped him get out of the besiege. He had a pair of sharp eyes, so he noticed that the silver needles ran so fast that all of them entirely pierced into the body of the targets.

If every general of Shenglan Army was equipped with such an amazing weapon, the whole country would be peaceful and safe. However, the idea was discarded immediately.

The more amazing a thing was, the more he should prevent it from coming into existence.

Otherwise, there would only be bigger disasters.

Since Yuxing Tianrui asked about it, Du Chuxuan didn’t plan to hide. To him, it was something that only relieved him after using.

He raised his left hand and shook his sleeve down to reveal his wrist. On his slim wrist tied an iron thing. Yuxing Tianrui narrowed his eyes at it. It was the first time he saw such a thing, but he already knew it was made of top-notch materials.

Even in the palace, there couldn’t be found a blacksmith so skillful as to make such a thing.

The patterns on it were fine and exquisite, but the whole thing was already tiny. But for having witnessed with his own eyes its power, an ordinary people would take it as an ornament.

In view that Yuxing Tianrui was so fascinated, Du Chuxuan moved his fingers, “My shifu gave me this. He said I have a hard life. Whoever with me will die because of me.” As he said that, he could feel that Yuxing Tianrui’s body stiffened slightly.

However, he didn’t mind. Even if Shenglan was quite an open country, there were superstitions that took root in people’s mind and were hard to extirpate. Otherwise, his dad wouldn’t have happily sent him to the deserted mountain to stay for many years.

“However, my Fate is entirely Yin and my Life is entirely Yang. The two mixed together surely fight until one of them ends. As for which would win, it depends on whether I could survive my Fatal Disaster.”

When he heard this, Yuxing Tiarnui’s pupils shrank slightly. He vaguely figured what this exquisite tiny thing meant to Du Chuxuan. So that day was his Fatal Disaster?

To this matter, Du Chuxuan was also confused, “I don’t think the old man was right.” He frowned and continued, “That day couldn’t be counted as my Fatal Disaster, at least it wasn’t that perilous, but I used this thing anyway.”

He smiled stupidly, “In this way, I also broke his foretelling that I could only use it against my Fatal Disaster. Probably I will live more carefree in the future.”

Saying this, Du Chuxuan planned to take the thing off but was instantly stopped by Yuxing Tianrui, “Why take it off?” Yuxing Tianrui certainly understood Du Chuxuan’s thought, but he felt, though he knew little about Du Chuxuan’s past, the thing could act as a reminder.

This thought shocked Yuxing Tianrui himself. He stole a glance at Du Chuxuan and only dared to regard him carefully when making sure he wasn’t looking back.

Since his identity was exposed, Du Chuxuan was more relaxed in front of Yuxing Tianrui. At least, he didn’t have to pretend in every second, so his gestures of sitting, walking and sleeping all changed. These were supposed to be something ungraceful, but actually Yuxing Tianrui found Du Chuxuan acting this way was mind-freeing.

Especially, Du Chuxuan had a pair of narrow charming eyes. For a man to have these eyes, it was no wonder that his Life was entirely Yin.

Now Yuxing Tianrui’s head was full of irrelevant stuff. The two totally forgot that their intended subject was Yuxing Tianrui going to find out Ashina Yi’s health condition.

Du Chuxuan struggled for a while and finally gave up. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to take it off, but that when he first wore that thing, it had been his shifu who had secretly slipped it on his wrist. Therefore, sometimes, Du Chuxuan doubted whether this thing could be taken off or not.

He was fighting with the thing on his wrist, when Yuxing Tianrui heard very hasty footsteps from outside.

In a while, Shan Zhongli’s voice rang outside the tent, “Your Highness, please pardon me for my abrupt disruption, but now the Turks are using a very weird military formation that our troops are fought back successively.”

The battlefield was twenty miles away from the barracks, not very far. Yuxing Tianrui and Du Chuxuan had experienced that formation and knew that except Ashina Yi, no one was able to break it.

“Now you are the one with military power under father’s imperial edict. Even if I’m the Crown Prince, I can’t ignore an imperial edict, so please go back to the battlefield. I believe you’ll surely be able to figure out a solution.”

Yuxing Tianrui didn’t at all panic. There were all his people around the tent, so he didn’t fear that his words would be known to others. Nonetheless, his calm manner was enough to put Shan Zhongli in torturing anxiety.

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