44. Shan Zhongli Could No Longer Sit Restful

Translator: Antonia

Since Yuxing Tianrui was in a good mood, he didn’t mind what Du Chuxuan said. But this man was so strange. Sometimes he was smart and some other time he was so stupid.

He took a glance outside and heard the drums gathering the soldiers to fight against the enemy, lips curling up, “Get out with me and you’ll know.” They still put on the guard uniform and sneaked out from the other side. Besides Yuxing Tianrui’s people, no one found them following.

Shan Zhongli was really stupid because he was wearing a red armor. In Shenglan, armors had levels. Even though the people of the imperial family were eligible to wear red armors, now the Crown Prince was nowhere to be found, his intention of wearing it was obvious to everyone.

Shan Zhongli didn’t know the thought of others and only felt proud and complacent looking at the red armor on him. He turned slightly and searched with his eyes carefully in the crowd but didn’t see that person. He couldn’t help being shocked. It was impossible that Yuxing Tianrui didn’t get the news.

The reason why he dared to blatantly steal Yuxing Tianrui’s plans was because he believed Yuxing Tiarnui wouldn’t allow him to do so or swallow the bitterness.

Ashina Yi didn’t give Shan Zhongli much time to think. His eyes also searched around in the crowd. After confirming his sect-brother was not among the troops, he burst out flares of anger through his eyes.

Stupid people. On that day, he had ordered people to search but they not only failed the task and lost traces of them! If shifu knew that he had bullied his sect-brother to such an extent, he wouldn’t have a good time.

His face looked somber, misleading the surrounding generals into believing that he had a way to defeat Shenglan Army and thus getting more and more excited. They had been waiting for this day for a long time.

“You’re the second Turkic Prince Ashina Yi?” Shan Zhongli yelled to Ashina Yi as loud as he could. Du Chuxuan, following behind Yuxing Tianrui, couldn’t help frowning.

Why did Shan Zhongli behave like a vendor crying his wares on the market? There was nothing in him resembling an imperial member. What a shame!

Actually, the generals felt the same way but didn’t spell it out, all turning to suppress down the soldiers who were in discussion with glares.

Ashina Yi snorted with a chuckle, not wanting to make a reply. Asguba Yi was a boastful man, dressed in red and sitting in a sedan chair made of top-quality wood carried by eight people. On a glance, even a fool would know he was different from the rest of the others. But this man should actually ask such a stupid question.

One of Ashina Yi’s general evidently understood what his commander meant and immediately stood out, “You Shenglan boast to be a large country with dignity. Yet you people should ignore the peace treaty we’ve signed. Why did your Crown Prince lead an army to attack us last time?”

General Leng subtly arranged his own soldiers in the back rows. He was confused by the famous son of Duke Ningyuan. Obviously, the Turks came here well-prepared after they learned about the disappearance of His Highness. Why didn’t he figure out a way to repel the enemies but made a gesture in the front?

Shan Zhongli’s face wasn’t looking good. The addressee of his speech was self-evident, but the enemy merely designated a general to talk with him. To those who knew the situation, they would say the general was progressive, but to those who didn’t, they would believe Shan Zhongli was at the same level of that general.

Ashina Yi began to feel impatient and waved his fan a few times. Instantly, some clever soldiers began to pass down the order and beat the war drums.

After all, Shan Zhongli had been a scholar for so many years. At once, he picked up the flag and roared, “Listen to my order! Today, we’ll leave none of the barbarous Turks alive! I’ll wait to drink with you the wine of victory!”

As announced, the Shenglan soldiers rushed towards the Turks like a flood. The sides of soldiers met. At a time, there was ear-deafening cries and clashing weapons.

A touch of benevolence flashed in Ashina Yi’s eyes but was quickly replaced by annoyance, because he saw Shan Zhongli, sitting on a horse, picked up a bow and pulled the string, targeting at—him!

Should he laugh at Shan Zhongli for overestimating himself too much or should he laugh at him for his confidence to shoot him down at such a distance?

Du Chuxuan obviously noticed it too, and his smile became broader. Yuxing Tianrui saw the smile as soon as he turned to look him, “Why are you smiling?”

“Of all kinds of lives, he chooses the most uncomfortable one.” Du Chuxuan wasn’t being mean. He had grown up with Ashina Yi and knew he was a man holding grudges. He would definitely give you a hard time even if you just gave him an unfriendly look, let alone to point at him with a weapon.

Yuxing Tianrui checked the situation of the battle knowingly. Now it just started, and the result couldn’t be clear until days later when both parties were exhausted. Then, it was the time for him to work his wit. Therefore, the couple left secretly, as if they had never come.

It felt so good to sit indoors when someone else was commanding on the battlefield for you. Yuxing Tianrui had to admit that he was a little grateful towards Shan Zhongli.

If it hadn’t been him who endeavored to steal and publicize his marching plans, he couldn’t have been so relaxed and carefree right now, because someone else was carrying out his plans step by step.

It wasn’t easy at all, because no two people thought in exactly the same way. The first thing Shan Zhongli needed to overcome was to completely abandon his own ideas in order to copy Yuxing Tianrui’s marching plans.

“Your Highness. News comes that the two sides are in a stalemate. The situation isn’t promising.” Dongxiang walked in, bowed to the couple and reported gently.

Yuxing Tianrui was a bit surprised. He had thought that Ashina Yi aimed to make hasty achievement. But this was already the third day. How could he still be so patient?

“He wants to lure you out?” Du Chuxuan pondered. This seemed to be the only possibility. After all, Ashina Yi only felt intimidated by the Crown Prince of Shenglan.

Yuxing Tianrui shook his head, “Ashina Yi has that military formation that even I can’t solve. No matter I’m here or not, he is able to march all the way over the border.

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