28. The Turks

Translator: Antonia

Because Yang Guang was impressive in the last performance, these days he was thought highly of.

Besides, Yuxing Tianrui didn’t say anything about his performance, so everyone believed Yang Guang had gained affection of His Highness.

“I agree. Instead of sitting idle for the enemy to come, we’d better take the initiative.” General Leng also stood up. He was always a supporter of taking the initiative to attack, because he believed only in this way would they obtain the momentum to win. In addition, Yang Guang had gained his consent to make this proposition. Otherwise, a deputy general didn’t have a say at the meeting.

“Well,” Yuxing Tiarnui read the map, hands at his back, and only snorted, hard for others to tell what his attitude was.

In view of this, another general felt compelled to speak.

“I think we should stay motionless at this time. The art of war tells us that only when we know the enemy equally well as we know ourselves can we win every battle. We could send out more spies at night for more intelligence. After that incident, the Turks know us very well, but we know too little about them.”

“Right.” Yuxing Tianrui still didn’t respond seriously, but others were anxious by his attitude. Just as everybody thought this would be a fruitless meeting again, Yuxing Tianrui suddenly asked, “Honey, what do you think?”

Holy crap!!!

Wasn’t this usually what a stupid emperor did? He had told him that in this tent, he was merely his close guard. How could a commander asked for the opinion of a close guard and call him honey? Yuck!

Du Chuxuan wished to find a stick and pry open Yuxing Tiarnui’s head to see what was in it. Why did he always find troubles for him?

“Your Highness, I’ve never learned the art of war, but I believe you already have an idea in your mind.” Du Chuxuan, gritting his teeth, snorted out the reply, not noticing Yuxing Tianrui’s momentarily alight eyes at the sight of his unwilling-but-have-to-yield look.

“It turns out honey understands what I mean.” The words put everyone in confusion. What were they talking about? Did they say anything?

“No need to waste breath, generals. Just go back and wait first. By then, I’ll naturally inform you.” This was evident speech of driving them away. Therefore, no matter how confused they were, they didn’t dare to linger anymore and left with bewilderment.

After the tent was clear of others, Ada came out of the shadow, “Your Highness. News came that the Turks are deploying forces.”

Yuxing Tianrui nodded slightly to indicate that he already knew. He took out of a box a red flag and sandwiched it between fingers like playing chess, murmuring, “Honey, where do you think they will start to attack on the short distance in between the two armies?”

Without other people present, Du Chuxuan directly sat on the nearest chair. Originally, he didn’t need to show up at meetings, but Yuxing Tianrui insisted him to stand here and listen.

In the whole morning, he didn’t even drink a sip of water, not to mention his growling stomach.

“I thought Your Highness already knew. I have no idea of it.” He really found it harder to understand Yuxing Tianrui. He thought he would have immediately had Yang Guang arrested after he told him that.

But to his surprise, he should let Yang Guang still run wild in the barracks and even give others a feeling that he was going to entrust Yang Guang with an important mission. He had even tolerated Yang Guang’s arrogantly radical remarks at the meetings.

Yuxing Tianrui wasn’t in a hurry to get a reply and began to place the chess pieces in his hand in an order along the border. So what difference would it make though the Turks had arranged spies over? No plan was unchangeable.

In order to win a victory, Ashina Yi really tried all means. He dispatched his forces in four directions, with different numbers of soldiers in each direction so as to achieve certain balance.

The structure seemed loose, but any veteran could tell the cunningness. The trick lied in the flexibility that if one force became weak, soldiers in the other three forces were able to arrive in a shortest period of time.

“Report! There are enemy forces attacking in the northwest, west, northeast and east.” The messenger rushed in from outside, kneeling on the ground, with no time to think about how he looked at this critical moment.

Yuxing Tianrui sat in his chair, deadpan. The generals all panicked. They had known that the Crown Prince was too young to have wasted a great chance. If they had launched a battle first, the Turks wouldn’t have this opportunity to attack now.

“Your Highness, please! I’d like to lead the battle!” General Leng suddenly rose to his feet. At this moment, the mere military merit was no longer his major concern. If the border was broken through, the next move for the Turkic Army was to march onto the capital city. By then, the entire country of Shenglan would be in danger.

Soon after he stood out, several senior generals followed suit. There were the people who had lived a life next to blades. It was fair to say that the peace of Shenglan lied on them. Therefore, in the face of this emergency, they worried more than others.

It happened to be exactly one of the days when Du Chuxuan pretended to be uncomfortable, so he was lying lazily in bed but couldn’t help asking when he heard the noise outside, “Dongxiang, anything happened?”

Dongxiang just got the news too that the Turks were attacking, which for a time created an urgent situation. It was said in the main office His Highness was distributing missions to each general.

When he heard Du Chuxuan woke up, Dongxiang was greatly relieved, “Your Highness, you finally wake up. The Turks’ attack reaches here. His Highness already went to the battlefield.”

His meaning was obvious. Dongxiang feared His Highness might be in danger and hoped Du Chuxuan could go to protect him.

Hahaha. Du Chuxuan couldn’t help sneering. He had been around Yuxing Tianrui for many days. He was clearer than Yuxing Tianrui himself of what he had deployed.

The fox had set up a seamless net. Not to mention the Turks, even gods wouldn’t be able to escape.

Thinking of this, somehow, he suddenly felt something was not right, which inexplicably made him restless.

When a lazy man became diligent, a diligent person was scared. As the thought popped up, Du Chuxuan had no mood to lie down and instantly turned over and sat up.

Taking up his armor and slipped into it quickly, Du Chuxuan ordered, “Go and ask in which direction did His Highness go?”

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