238. Suspicion and Apprehension

Translator: Bryan

Therefore, although these two people were in a tent at the edge of the camp, there were a lot of soldiers in the vicinity, keeping watch on the two men’s each and every single move. This made it very difficult for the rescue team of Sect Luo to carry out their plan. To ensure the fulfillment of the task, several members voluntarily left the team to lead the pursuers away.

Even so, when they reached that tent and heard the voices, they were still infuriated by the voices they heard and nearly went on a killing spree. The tent was only a few square meters in size and could hold five people at the most.

Luo Xing was not an impulsive man. Though the sounds from inside was giving him the overwhelming desire to burst into the tent and cut those people into pieces, he still restrained himself and calmly arranged for the next part of the plan to be executed. There were five of them still on the team. Luo Xing instructed two of them to go into the tent to rescue the prisoner. One of them was told to stand at the door to act as a lookout. The last one was sent out to find an escape route.

All arrangements made, everybody quietly hid outside the tent, waiting for the one who had gone to look for an escape route to give them the signal to take action. Every second was torturous. All those who had been promoted to commander in Sect Luo had unswerving loyalty, consummate kung fu and were expert in many fields.

Given that Luo Er, an outstanding commander, was letting out such despairing cries, those people must be inflicting inhumane torture on him in the tent. After receiving the signal for action, Luo Xing told the others, “Our lives are nothing compared with the commanders, but we must not die a pointless death. Be extra careful!”

This was the long-standing spirit of Sect Luo. They existed to serve Yuxing Tianrui, but that was not the only purpose of their existence. They always put Yuxing Tianrui’s needs first, but Yuxing Tianrui had also told them Sect Luo was their home, that they were the sole reason why Sect Luo had stood for so long.

Three shadowy figures whooshed out of the tussock at the same time. Those in the tent, naturally, had never bargained on a team of men venturing into the encampment to rescue the prisoner. The two of them had been sent here by Ashina Fei. They had deliberated for a whole day, planning to drag some important information out of the prisoner so as to claim credit in front of Ashina Fei.

Therefore, while Ashina Yi was doing whatever it was that he was doing, the two of them had transferred the prisoner from the dungeon, believing that as long as they could get some useful information from the prisoner, annoying Ashina Yi would be a small price to pay.

As time had been short, the two of them had sent all their subordinates to distract the soldiers in the dungeon. Now they had no guards in the tent. Therefore, when Luo Xing and the others burst through the tent flap, the two men could do nothing but hold their heads and cry for help. Luo Xing who had been consumed with rage for quite some time unhesitatingly killed them.

His saber rose and fell, and the two men were beheaded, but their screams were so loud that the soldiers in the neighboring tents were alarmed. A ghost of smile touched Luo Er’s lips at the sight of the intruders. He opened his mouth and was just about to speak when he spat out a mouthful of bloody foam.

“Don’t worry, commander. I promise I’ll get you out of here.” The three of them, working as a seamless team, immediately cut the ropes binding Luo Er. One of them caught Luo Er before he could fall to the ground, and then the three of them mobilized their inner power and hurried towards the door, the one carrying Luo Er flanked by his companions.

They carried out every step methodically. After a bloody fight, they finally burst through the surrounding circle of enemies. They wooshed forward nonstop and it was not until they saw the city gate that they truly felt relieved. Those on the gate tower had been waiting for quite some time. They were beginning to suspect that the rescue attempt had failed and were on the verge of giving up when they spotted the team of rescuers.

Luo Feng had finished treating Du Chuxuan when they returned. Du Chuxuan was feeling miserable due to the potent poison in him, and he was not in his right mind, so he decided to have an early night.

Yuxing Tianrui personally received the rescue team in the main hall. “Thank you for your service.” He had spotted Luo Er on one of the rescuer’s back some time ago. Yuxing Tianrui had been leading Sect Luo for many years, but this was his first time seeing all the three commanders injured. At the sight of Luo Er’s wounds, a pang of belated alarm clutched at his heart.

If Du Chuxuan were the one who had sustained those wounds, Yuxing Tianrui might have galloped into the Turkish encampment single-handedly with a saber in his hand. After managing to compose himself, he quickly instructed Luo Feng to treat Luo Er. Fortunately for Luo Er, his injuries, though looking grievous, were actually superficial.

“I’m sorry for my incompetence. I failed to keep His Highness out of harm’s way.” Luo Er, the instant he got the chance, related to Yuxing Tianrui what had happened last night. “But Ashina Yi seems to be pretty close to His Highness.”

He said those words hesitantly. Theoretically, he was just Du Chuxuan’s subordinate, and Du Chuxuan should be the one to tell Yuxing Tianrui these things, but anything could happen on the battlefield, and nobody could say for sure how the situation might evolve when it came to an issue like this. It struck Luo Er that Ashina Yi harbored dishonorable intentions towards Du Chuxuan.

Yuxing Tianrui frowned slightly. “He knows Xuan?”

“Exactly. His Highness and I had no choice but to hide in that tent. At first I thought the one in the tent was asleep, but when we entered, I found I was wrong, and the man turned out to be the Turkish prince, and he addressed His Highness as senior sect-brother.”

All those present were members of Sect Luo. On hearing those words, they gasped in unison. Several of them looked at Yuxing Tianrui almost subconsciously. Turk was the very country where Manlou was located, and now Luo Er was telling them that Ashina Yi had addressed Du Chuxuan as senior sect-brother.

They couldn’t help but start wondering about the reason behind that. They were making all kinds of speculations inwardly, but Yuxing Tianrui didn’t seem to be bothered by the news. “So, it was Ashina Yi who poisoned Xuan?”

“Sire, if His Highness—” someone asked involuntarily, but before he could finish his sentence, Yuxing Tianrui interrupted him with a frigid glance.

“Xuan is my marriage partner, and he will always be. Nothing can change that. There are words you’re allowed to say, but there are also some that you’re not even allowed to think of uttering! He’s your leader. If you can’t trust him completely, you may leave Sect Luo right now!”

He had never said any harsh words to any members of Sect Luo which was a legacy from his father, but on this occasion he did it. The others exchanged uncertain glances. Now they, for the first time ever, came to realize what the crown prince felt about Du Chuxuan.

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