Marvel's Strongest Godfather

Chapter 005 The First Show Of Strength! (Superior)

It can be seen that Tiffany must have been struggling before saying this.

Because if you really follow the method she said, you can temporarily get rid of the people ambushing the other party in the car behind, but it is also equivalent to giving up directly on Luke and others who are trying their best to delay the other party.

"I disagree--"

Richard knew the truth, so he rejected Tiffany's plan without any hesitation.

Not to mention that he has just harvested the ability of the 'Barrier Fruit'. Even without this ability, he would never accept such a proposal.

How is this approach different from betrayal?

He hates betrayers, so how could he do the same thing?

"Master, now is not the time to be willful!" Tiffany was a little anxious.

"Sorry, I don't have the habit of sacrificing other people's lives to fulfill my own needs." Richard looked indifferent.

"Have courage!"

A strange voice suddenly came from the direction of the passage leading to the car in front, which made Tiffany's expression change suddenly!

"Sure enough, there are ambushes before and after..." Richard was not surprised at all.

If it turned out that he was really killed in this assassination, then no matter how many attempts Tiffany made, the assassination would eventually succeed. This is the conclusion that Richard came to through the process of inferring the results.

Therefore, it is actually expected that there are ambushes before and after.

boom! boom! boom! boom! ——

Realizing that the situation was not good, Tiffany fired several shots in the direction of the passage where the sound came from!

However, almost at the same time, there was a "ding-ding-ding" metal collision sound from the other side of the passage.

When the sound of metal collision dissipated, a mysterious man covered in black armor, wearing a white faceless mask, and holding a dagger was walking in from the passage while inserting the dagger back into the scabbard behind his back. out of the carriage.

The mysterious man who was unharmed said with a slight smile: "As expected of the son of 'Jin Bin', his courage is commendable!"

When Tiffany saw this scene, she immediately reacted. The bullets she had just fired should have been chopped off by this mysterious man with a dagger. Such strength... At this moment, Tiffany's heart had completely sunk. !

The mysterious man didn't pay attention to what Tiffany was thinking, and continued: "Unfortunately, 'Kingpin' doesn't seem to want you to inherit his career, but instead cultivates you into a flower in the greenhouse. I have to say, this On the other hand, Kingpin is really naive... Is it possible to live in darkness and hope that his family can run towards the light?" the mysterious man sneered.

"Who the hell are you?!" Although Tiffany's heart had completely sunk to the bottom, she still tried to think of a way, "Master Richard is Lord Kingpin's opponent. If something happens to him, No matter who you are, Kingpin will never let you go..."

"Okay, Tiffany, don't talk nonsense." A voice suddenly interrupted Tiffany.

What Tiffany didn't expect was that the person who interrupted her was not the mysterious man, but her young master.


The mysterious man was also a little surprised and looked at Richard with interest, wanting to see what tricks this little boy could do.

"Since they are coming for me, and they have obviously planned it, do you think they will be afraid of the old man's revenge?" Richard patted Tiffany on the shoulder, motioning her to calm down, and then looked at He said to the mysterious man: "Having said that, your views coincide with mine. The old man is indeed a little too naive in this regard..."

"Once you enter the dark world, how can you get out so easily? He doesn't want me to be exposed to too much of these fighting and killing things, but he doesn't know that doing so will only hurt me in the end." Richard sighed.

In fact, had it not been for his arrival, the other party's plan would have been successful this time.

Although the "Kingpin" has risen quickly, it is not like many gangs and organizations with long heritages that have predecessors to pass on these experiences.

Therefore, 'Kingpin' was a little too idealistic in how to raise his son. He just wanted to use his own strength to protect Richard and keep him away from the dark world, but he did not consider whether it was true or not. correct.

As for Richard calling "Kingpin" the old man, it was not because he was afraid of embarrassment. This was also the original name he used to call "Kingpin".

"Oh? It seems that you not only have courage, but also great wisdom... Kingpin is really stupid to have a son like you but not to cultivate him." Seeing that the teenager in front of him could After saying such words, the mysterious man couldn't help but praise.

"Stupid? If the old man is really that stupid, do you have to go to such trouble to deal with me? Why don't you just kill him?" Richard had no intention of saving face for the other party. He shook his head and smiled, " You will take action against me to prove that the old man really made you miserable. You have no choice but to take your decision from me, right?"

"Master!" Tiffany's expression changed slightly after hearing this.

How could she not hear that Richard was sarcastic about the other party, but sarcasm in this situation would only irritate the other party and was really unwise.

As expected, the mysterious man snorted, obviously annoyed.

Richard was too lazy to pay attention and continued to talk to himself: "The old man's fatherly love is indeed used in the wrong place, but to say he is stupid is a bit too harsh. When I go back this time, I will have a good talk with him... …”

"Go back? Hahahahaha -" the mysterious man's voice suddenly raised half an octave, as if he heard some joke, he laughed and said, "Kid, I just praised you for being smart, why did you say such stupid things? What... go back? Where else do you want to go back? You don't still expect those losers sent by the Kingpin to protect you to save you, do you?"

The mysterious man said and clapped his hands.

The next moment, there were several guys dressed similarly to the mysterious man at the other end of the carriage. They walked into the carriage carrying several beaten and half-dead people, and threw those people on the ground of the carriage.

"Luke! Elliot!"

Tiffany exclaimed, clearly recognizing the beaten men on the ground who were almost inhuman form.

Needless to say, these people were the guards that Tiffany said were doing their best to hold back the enemy in the rear, but they didn't expect to be captured by the opponent so quickly.

"Now, do you still think you can go back?" The mysterious man smiled half-heartedly.

Richard did not answer the mysterious man's question, but said calmly: "Actually, I really hate those so-called good guys and villains in movies who keep talking endlessly, but I still chatted with you for so long. ,Do you know why?"

"Why?" The mysterious man felt something was wrong.

"It must be because I'm waiting for a mission, idiot!"

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