Ye Hai did not leave the villa, but directly teleported to Tony's room, Tony is now lying on the bed and sleeping, the windows and lights are closed, and even Jarvis, who is monitoring here, is blocked by Ye Hai's magnetronic ability.

He took out a pinhole from his pocket, and used his telekinesis to control the pinhole to fly to Tony's arm, and gently pierced the meridians of Tony's arm, very slightly, Tony just felt like a mosquito biting him, and then felt that his whole body began to heat and ache.

Tony woke up from his sleep in pain, and hurriedly asked into the air, "Jarvis, my body suddenly has a fever and pain, what's going on?"

"Sir, did you overwork and have a high fever yesterday?"

"I was working yesterday and didn't do anything like that. Jarvis, turn on the lights!"

Tony was a little speechless, waited until the light came on, walked out of the bedroom, and staggered to the living room, Potz saw it, immediately walked over, and asked with concern: "Tony, what's wrong? Can't you sleep?"

"No, my body is getting hot and aching for some reason!"

Tony picked up a mineral water and took a few sips of it, then sat down in his chair, "Do I have to go to the hospital, so I can be on the news again." "

"Fever and pain?" Potz seemed to remember something, and hurriedly asked, "Are you in pain all over your body, as if the musculoskeletal, internal organs, meridians, and even skin of your body are in pain?"

"Yes, how do you know?" Tony looked at Potts in surprise, "Is this a recent epidemic?"

Pozzi smiled slightly and said, "I can't confirm it yet, but I'll know the result after waiting for more than an hour." "

She looked at Tony with a hint of anticipation in her eyes, hoping that her guess was correct, Tony was transforming into a mutant, and she had such an experience, very similar to him.

"More than an hour? I can't wait. Tony stood up and said, "I'll go to the hospital right away!"

"No, I can't. Potz immediately stopped him and pressed him ~ on the chair at once, "With your condition not suitable for going to the hospital, let a reliable family doctor take a look." "

Tony was slightly stunned, seeing Porze's nervous appearance, he couldn't help frowning slightly, stared at Potze, and asked, "Porze, are you hiding something from me?"

"This ......" Potz pondered slightly, then looked at Tony and nodded slightly, "Tony, I have experienced this kind of pain and fever of yours before, just when you were in Afghanistan......"

Tony suddenly exclaimed angrily, "You mean that this pain of ours is caused by someone?"

There was a murderous look in his gaze, and he couldn't tolerate someone hitting Potz with attention.

"Maybe, maybe not, Tony, don't be angry now, listen to me. Potz quickly comforted Tony, and then continued: "This change may be a good thing, if you can accept him......"

Potts watched him stop talking, and Tony felt strange in his heart, so he asked, "Potts, what do you mean by that, is this pain causing us trouble?"

"Yes, there will be trouble, if I'm not mistaken, Tony, in an hour, you'll be transformed into a mutant, just like me. "

As he spoke, Potz grabbed a small statue on the table and squeezed it hard, and the stone statue was crushed to pieces.

"This, this, this ......"

Tony was stunned for a while, took the gravel in his hand and rubbed it, it was indeed a stone, and he felt that there would be no mistake, it was not a prop for acting, when did this soft and weak woman have so much strength, wait, she just said mutants?

"You've become a mutant?"

Tony looked at Potz in shock, and for a moment he couldn't accept that a woman was stronger than a man he was, especially a woman who got along day and night.

"Yes, I became a mutant after that mutation. These febrile pains may be the awakening process of our mutants. Potz said with some naivety.

Tony didn't think so, there could be no such coincidence in this world, but if it wasn't for other reasons, he didn't have a clue now.

"I hope you're right, and you can turn me into a mutant. "

Tony relaxed slightly, but he was very worried in his heart, worried that he was not awakened to a very powerful ability, and even his body mutated and turned himself into a monster. If that's the case, then it's ugly, and those girlfriends of mine are probably going to run to the point where there is no one left.

"Wait patiently for an hour!"

The two sat on the sofa and watched today's news, but fortunately, the pain in his body was not very strong, and Tony was able to endure it.

More than an hour passed unconsciously, like a cocoon turned into a butterfly, Tony had a feeling in his mind, as if his own feeling suddenly broke through a door, everything in front of him became clear and bright, he could clearly see the fluttering of the surrounding magnetic field, this kind of seeing is not with the eyes, but a mysterious feeling to see.

These magnetic fields sent him a cheerful invitation, summoning him to confuse him to urge them, Tony was bewitched by you, so he released his spirit, and at once he stirred up the surrounding magnetic fields, and in an instant, the metal objects in the entire hall left their original positions and spun rapidly.

"Oh my God, what's going on, Tony, is this what you're capable of?"

Potz had a long mouth~ looking at the strange scene in front of him, Tony was slightly shocked, quickly retreated from the state of magnetic control, took a deep breath, and saw that the hall was in a mess, and he was startled, and he was randomly excited again.

"It's great, I really have the ability to magnetron!"

He shouted like this, but his mind couldn't help but think of the conversation he had with Ye Hai yesterday, when Ye Hai asked him, "If you were given a chance to choose a mutant ability, what ability would you choose?"

His answer was magnetronics.

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