Marvel’s Princess Becomes King

Chapter 625: Desmond and Partiti

There are very few residents in the town, and only a few residents hide in their homes. The people walking around on the street are basically soldiers of the Holy Trinity. They are careful about everyone who passes by. Looking at it, there are high-power jammers installed on the high platform in the center of the town. If the Brotherhood had not used some Cybertron technology now, Desmond Miles could not contact the headquarters at all.

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"The leader of the Holy Trinity should be that person, Dr. Dominguez." Desmond Miles and Bella stood together in the simple two-story building, looking at the distant town outside and saying something serious. Middle-aged man.

Both of them have eagle-eyed vision, and they can see very clearly from a distance of more than 100 meters.

At first sight, Dr. Dominguez was a native of South America with obvious features. His rough skin, tall and thin body, big hooked nose and stern eyes all proved that this person is very difficult to deal with.

Bella just took a casual glance and stopped paying attention. This person was not her target.

She asked Desmond Miles: "How are you getting in touch with the locals in Patiti?"

The young assassin made an embarrassing motion of scratching his head. Not long ago, he brought a yellow-skinned woman who looked four or five years older than Desmond.

Bella glanced at the distance between the two. Are they so close? This is the distance between lovers! Female junior holding gold bricks! What is the senior or fifth year old? its not right! what does this mean? Means old William Miles will have a daughter-in-law?

Desmond um ah ah for a long time, didn't know how to speak, the yellow-skinned woman was very active: "I am the leader of the Partiti Rebellion. My name is Jaw Nuratu. Are you really willing to help us? "

Jaw Nuratu can't speak English. The locals in Peru speak Spanish. This language is the second foreign language in Bella's high school. They have no barriers to communication.

Bella nodded solemnly: "You also know the purpose of our Brotherhood? We fight for free will, which is completely different from the Trinity organization that gains rights by controlling freedom. You can trust us and neither Ask for any return."

Jaw Ratu was very satisfied with this statement. She looked at the young assassin beside her generously: "Desmond has passed the Mouth of the Jaguar, the Trial of the Spider, and the Trial of the Eagle. The waiting hero, can you let him stay in Partiti? I can marry him as his wife and let him inherit the throne of Partiti."

Bella glanced at Desmond Miles with a weird expression. She was not surprised that the young assassin passed the eagle trials and spider trials, but she didn't expect that this buddy would come out with a wife after a business trip? Does your father know?

Bella is noncommittal, this is the freedom of others and has nothing to do with her.

"Our assassin's purpose is freedom. As long as Desmond does not violate the Brotherhood's Three Precepts and does not do anything to endanger the Brotherhood, there is no problem with me. If you... forget it, it's okay. "

Bella wanted to say that you should seek Desmond's father's opinion, but the men and women here don't seem to care about their parents' opinions, so after all, they didn't continue to say.

She asked to understand the ancient history of Pattiti, and the other party happily agreed.

In the afternoon, Bella, Desmond Miles, and Jaw Latu entered the mountain together. They walked through the high mountains and finally came to a valley, where the Partiti Rebels now live.

Partiti still maintains the social structure of the ancient times, and insists on their own culture and tradition very stubbornly. They are very resistant to many external affairs.

Bella walked all the way and saw basically the old and weak women and children, with very few young people.

Patiti said it was a kingdom, but the United Nations did not recognize it at all. Bella doubted whether these locals knew that there was an organization like the United Nations outside. There were at best 800 people here. Even with such a small number of people, they are now divided into two factions. , Come out to make an appointment if nothing happens.

In the valley, Bella saw Jaw Latu’s son, a five-year-old boy, which meant that Desmond not only had a daughter-in-law, but also had his own kingdom, and now even has a son! If this marriage is successful, William Miles, who is far away in New York, can be directly promoted to become a grandfather!

"In 1000 BC, the Maya left the land where their ancestors lived for generations due to natural disasters and other reasons. In order to protect the artifact, our ancestors decided to make a pilgrimage to the south. We set off from Cozumel, Mexico and followed the Amazon River to Peru. Some people stayed in the lower reaches of the river, and our ancestors went all the way to the source of the Amazon River. They saw a snow-capped mountain at that time, and then established Pati Ti in the snow-capped mountain...

Our ancestors formed an alliance with the Incas, learned to farm, and built two temples in the deepest part of the valley to worship our god, Kukulkan! "

Jaanuratu thinks that Bella doesn't understand Maya, so she tells her the history of her ethnic group in Spanish.

According to her account, the Chakchel Lock Wheel and Ishchael Silver Box are artifacts for summoning Kukulkan, the **** of creation. During the great migration, some of the tribe kept Chakchel in the lower reaches of the Amazon River. Lock the wheel, and this one of their Patiti took away Ishchel silver box.

The current King Partiti is the leader of the Holy Trinity I have seen before Dominguez. He used the knowledge he learned from the outside world and the military support of the Holy Trinity. The former king, the Jaw After the death of Nuratu's husband, he seized the throne of Patiti, and then began to mobilize a large amount of manpower and material resources to find the silver box of Ishchel, who has been missing for many years.

"If you are here to find the silver box, then I can only say that it is a pity, because no one knows where the silver box is. Dominguez and I don't know. The specific information has probably been buried by time. "

Jaw Nuratu told her many clues left by her predecessors when they searched for the silver box. Bella just listened to her casually and didn't even think about it. These clues were useless at all, they were all in the wrong direction. If you can find it, there will be ghosts!

She probably knows the location of the silver box. When she finds Patiti, even if the silver box is more than half of it, it is not easy to find the Chakchel lock wheel.

The place names recorded by Partiti are different from the place names today. The colonists have killed too many locals, leading to the breakdown of many well-ordered knowledge.

Bella looked back against the route they had originally migrated, and theoretically they could find it, but it was a waste of time.

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