The intelligence of the great white shark is higher than expected, and the eyes are indeed not so good, but the sense of smell is better than that of a dog. Natasha took the woman out to swim less than 30 meters away, and the **** smell of the woman’s thigh wound was in the sea. It spread out and immediately attracted the attention of the great white shark.

Bella immediately noticed the strangeness. This guy smelled blood, and his combat power suddenly rose by a large amount. Not to mention the crazy rolling, his power was also 20% stronger than before. Is this violent?

She beat the great white shark with a fist, and took a look away from her busy schedule. The woman's injuries were extremely serious, and her left leg was still bleeding continuously. The blood made the great white shark crazy.

The woman was in a daze, mechanically swinging her arms, the actual effect was minimal. Natasha was holding her waist and quickly paddling to the beach.

The great white shark completely ignored Bella on its back, flapped its tail fin on the water, and rushed towards the two of them quickly.

Natasha changed directions twice, but the great white shark still stared at them.

Seeing that the distance between the two sides was only five meters, Bella yelled, "Grab my feet!"

Two ice stabbing swords appeared in her hand, one on the left and the right, piercing the great white shark's head, and then using the stinging sword as a support, forcibly breaking the great white shark's head to the left.

She lay on her side, her right foot sticking out, and Natasha grabbed her ankle.

"Your feet are so slippery!" Bella's ankles are very thin, but Natasha's hands are not big, she just barely grasped.

"At this critical moment, don't say such emotional words!"

"It's just a talk. Anyway, this woman has almost passed out."

With two pendants on Bella’s legs, Bella forcibly manipulated the great white shark to swim towards the beach. A fish and three people instantly rushed out more than a hundred meters away. When the great white shark was unwilling to approach the beach no matter how it was manipulated or beaten, Na Tasha let go in time, relying on the previous acceleration, dragging the woman to the beach.

Bella took the emergency rescuer, once again gathered psychic energy, and stunned the great white shark with a psychic explosion. After that, he caught up with Natasha, and the two rushed to the shore with the woman.

The woman is in a very poor state, almost completely unconscious, her body trembling constantly, her lips are white, and her breathing feels like nothing.

"Here!" The distance of 800 meters is nothing to them. Even with one person, the two swim to the shore quite easily.

Quickly ran back to the jeep, and there was no time to change their clothes. The two of them just wiped them with the towels in the car and drove quickly on the highway, preparing to find a nearby hospital.

"Hello? Can you hear me? What's your name? Do you know where there is a hospital nearby?" Natasha drove fast, and Bella asked the woman in the back seat while checking the map.

The warm environment in the car made the woman sober, and she said in a faint voice: "My name is Nancy...Nancy Ingram, and my dad... is Nathan Ingram. ...The phone is..."

Bella picked up her mobile phone and dialed it, and the call was quickly connected. Across from him was a middle-aged man with a rather magnetic voice.

"Mr. Nathan Ingram? There is a lady here who claims to be your daughter. She is injured. Her name is Nancy..." Bella just said an opening remark, and the other side exploded.

"Nancy? What's wrong with her? Is it badly hurt? Where are you?"

The opposite series of questions confuses Bella.

She looked around, and there was no place name in the wilderness in this place, she could only say a rough location.

"It should be on Highway 206. We need to send Miss Nancy to the hospital now. She seems to think you can provide some help?"

In fact, Bella is a little bit disapproving of this. Looking at the phone number, what kind of help can such a person in New York offer? Isn't the superman who can fly over in an instant? However, it is natural for a daughter to ask her father for help when she is in a crisis. She helps to call her mainly to inform her family.

But she didn't expect that the other side was really capable.

Just listen to the middle-aged man on the phone shouting to him: "Finch! Nancy has an accident, help me locate this mobile phone number! See if there is a hospital near them!"

There was a sound of typing on the keyboard from the other side. Within thirty seconds, I heard another very flat and gentle voice saying: "There is a small town three kilometers away from them called Oak Street. Medical Facilities."

"Oak Street? I remember! Nancy lived in that town when I was a child..." Nathan Ingram picked up the phone again: "Please drive northwest, about three kilometers, I saw a small town called Oak Street, where there are medical staff and facilities! I will rush over as soon as possible, please help my daughter!"

"Oak Street, right, I see."

There are too many small towns in the United States. Towns are renamed, revoked, and even collectively moved. Common maps can’t be accurate to every town. The two of them searched on the map for a long time and didn’t see this. Where is the so-called Oak Street.

But people say they have noses and eyes. At this kind of moment, they should be very sure. Bella doesn't think any father will deceive at this time.

The BMW M3 drove very fast, and the three-kilometer distance was fleeting. A very prosperous town appeared in the sight of the two. Before entering the town, Bella took a look at the town sign "Welcome to XX Street."

There are traces of burning flames on the name of the town, which is really difficult to distinguish.

Nathan Ingram seemed to be a very influential figure. When they arrived at the town hospital, several hospital staff had already stood by the door and waited for a while.

A bunch of people were busy arranging the operation, and Bella and Natasha were fine.

"Give me your car key, and I'll catch that big fish!" Bella said cheerfully.

"Big fish? You mean the great white shark? You want to catch it back? Then take it back to Los Angeles!" The little beauty has always been interested in these exciting But this time Bella gave it to She poured cold water: "My dear sister, I want to remind you that Charlie and Samantha will not agree with you to raise sharks, I am... I want to catch them and sell them... ..."

When it comes to money, Bella, who considers herself a cultural person, is a bit hard to tell, but she is indeed short of money now. Even if the Da Vinci Code is selling well, it will take half a year to settle royalties.

This also means that in this little half a year, she was still very poor.

Experts say that there are only more than 3,000 great white sharks in the world. In fact, there must be more than this number, but it will not be too much. Catch it back and sell it. This is Bella's only idea.

"All right, you go, I'll find a hotel in this town to rest." Natasha lost interest in a moment when she heard that she was not allowed to raise her own. She threw the car key to her and left the town hospital with her cheeks. .

Bella drove back to the beach. The great white shark escaped from the impact of the psychic shock and ran away. After searching nearby for a long time, he found this guy before dawn.

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