According to intelligence, there are now less than 1,000 people participating in drug running every night, and there are less than ten games in each round. Although the chance of encountering someone in every game is small, it is still there.

Of course, the widowed sister has not forgotten that the purpose of coming here is to find trouble for Bullseye, but the prerequisite is that she can meet the other party.

What makes the widowed sister happy is that in the next nine games, as long as she can survive to the top ten, she will definitely meet Gul'dan, and this is not difficult for her.

However, the road to revenge is not that easy, especially in this dream world where there are no weapons at hand, and her combat effectiveness is suppressed.

What's even more distressing for the widowed sister is that as the games progressed and the encounters happened again and again, Gul'dan realized that there was something wrong with his routine, and began to improve his offensive methods later on.

Only then did the widowed sister know that he was not only good at women's fighting skills?

In this way, the widowed sister has to face an opponent who understands her offensive routines and is good at other fighting skills, and her own strength and speed are not comparable to the opponent. With this back and forth, the gap widens in an instant.

Later, the widowed sister no longer even considered using close combat for revenge. Every time she was pressed to the ground and rubbed, it didn't feel good, but it was simply unpleasant!

So the angry widowed sister began to choose direct long-range guns, sniper rifle headshots, machine gun fire, submachine gun bursts, and when the distance was close, various grenades, explosive bombs, smoke bombs, Molotov cocktails, pans, crowbars and other weapons that could be thrown to hurt people were attacked.

Only when there is no other choice will he choose close combat.

However, close combat is also a weapon battle. Although sickles, machetes and the like are not what the widowed sister is most accustomed to, as long as they can hurt the enemy.

The night passed quickly like this, and the two of them won and lost each other. After all, shooting is very random.

No matter how good you are in combat or how good your marksmanship is, you can't prevent a headshot from 800 miles away, you can't prevent random stray bullets, and you can't prevent mines hidden in your crotch!

So at the end of the night, the widowed sister also succeeded in revenge several times, but in the end she still fell behind with a big score of 6:9, and the night's battle ended in disappointment.

Serious students may ask, no, there are a total of 10 rounds in one night, how can we give a total score of 15 points?

This is easy to understand. Entering the body to break the defense is considered real damage, and it counts as two points each time.

Yes, it is like that.

And while the two were fighting all night, in the Sledgehammer world on the other side, Bullseye felt like he was almost gone.

At first, Bullseye just wanted to smash the tank under him and free himself. Then he started to use the hammer to climb mountains and jump off cliffs.

But after trying it, he found that falling would only make him more troubled, because a mysterious force that he didn't know where it came from always punished him in the name of protection, making him unable to fall to death no matter how hard he fell.

Later, when Bullseye was about to give up and simply take a rest in the tank, the water in the river disappeared and the bottom of the tank turned red.

Bullseye is not afraid of death. He even begged to die before, but he doesn't want to be scalded to death by a red-hot water tank. This method of death is a game where even the natural disaster players who like to seek death can be resurrected immediately after death but with 100% pain. , and will not try it easily.

No one can endure that pain, no one.

So, before the eggs were roasted, Bullseye picked up the sledgehammer again and climbed towards the top of the mountain with hammer after hammer.

Before, he was just trying to kill himself by smashing the vat, but Bullseye was not distracted, and he didn't even take a good look at the world or the sledgehammer in his hand.

But this time, when the Bullseye Hammer climbed up a hill, he was surprised to find that the handle of the hammer in his hand seemed very comfortable to hold.

Moreover, since I have already climbed a small hill, why not continue to climb to other higher hills to have a look.

Well, just take a look at what the whole place looks like. You are here anyway, and it’s not easy in the middle of the night. Just take a look.

So Bullseye rubbed his hands and flew out again.

This time, he wasn't trying to smash the water tank or escape from the magma. He just wanted to climb to a higher place to take a look.

Soon, he was halfway up the hillside, and then he was stumped by a small slope and a javelin stuck in a stone above his head.

As long as this small slope is not so inclined that his water tank slips, or if the javelin is shorter, he will not regard this as a difficulty.

But with a 60-degree reverse slope and a five-meter-long javelin horizontally above the head, there is no intention of letting people pass it.

Is there no one to take care of it?

Bullseye wisely chose to give up the hammer after trying that it was impossible to pass smoothly with the hammer less than one meter long in his hand.

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