After finishing this, Shang registered a company under the identity of No. 18, registered in the Cayman Islands, and its business scope is game production and operation and peripheral development.

The name of the company is Bulma. This name is naturally chosen to pay tribute to the great genius girl scientist and has nothing to do with the meaning of the name itself.

After setting up this empty shell company, the US$8 million was not used much. The remaining money was mainly used to rent offices and recruit a team of workers.

8 million dollars may seem like a lot, but it is not enough to support the R&D expenses of a regular game company, let alone land and buildings. Those follow-up plans need to be considered in the long term.

In a high-end office building in Manhattan, Felicia, a woman with silver-white hair, walked in holding her resume.

Felicia is 18 years old. Like many American children who started working independently in high school to earn tuition, she also has a story.

She originally had a good life, but her father, a salesman, was imprisoned for unknown reasons some time ago, and her assets were frozen. Due to the pressure of life, she had no choice but to work on her own.

Originally, she wanted to apply for the position of assistant general manager at Osborne Group. After all, as a young girl with good looks and a banging figure, this was the fastest way to get rid of poverty and become rich.

But after accidentally seeing the information from Bulma Company, Felicia changed her mind.

A newly established company that is energetic and dynamic will definitely have more opportunities than those large companies with a bloated structure.

Moreover, Ms. Gro, the person in charge of this company, is also a strong woman who looks very shrewd.

Maybe, I can learn something from her and become a strong person like her.

Felicia thought to herself that a strong and independent woman would never be willing to become a man's vassal.

In the office, No. 18 rubbed his eyebrows helplessly, and Shang, who was attending classes at Zhongcheng High School more than ten kilometers away, was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

Recruiting is really a torturous thing, especially in a place like the United States.

This morning, she has received more than thirty applicants, including men, women, middle-aged people and young people.

Forget about those who are older, they are capable and have a career. If they apply for a job in order to advance to a higher place, they naturally have to comprehensively consider the abilities of the new company. So when they see the young interviewers, they are a little arrogant. Although it is excessive, it is reasonable..

But why do those young college graduates dare to ask for high salaries without any social experience, and do not accept overtime work? They only sit in offices and must have air conditioning in summer and heating in winter. Why do I have to serve as a young master when I hire a worker?

In particular, there are a few people who feel really good about themselves, and they even brag that their bodies are twice as good as the penis, and they even have to let the merchants try them on for size on the spot.

If it weren't for the wrong situation, Shang would have gotten violent and hurt someone directly.

However, those provocative merchants did not intend to let them go. They marked them one or two. From today on, you'd better not sleep, otherwise you can go running in my dreams.

No, just running is too cheap for them.

Shang is considering whether to design a more perverted dream specifically to exploit those hateful people who do not deserve to be pitied.

This can be done.

The whole morning has almost passed, why is there not a person who is extremely capable, but is unemployed because he was squeezed out by his peers, and urgently needs a salary that is not high or low to support his family, or someone who has outstanding abilities but has a wide network of connections but likes to work in a small company What about the great people who were developed through playing?

Isn’t this kind of hiring of high-quality workers an inherent routine in business wars?

Just as he was rubbing his brows, another figure pushed the door open and came in.

"Hello, I am a new employee here. My name is Felicia Hardy."The silver-haired girl who entered the door introduced herself.

"oh?"No. 18 raised his eyebrows, oh, hey, I can actually meet a top-notch girl who is only a little bit worse than me in figure and appearance to apply for a job?

So, this can be regarded as changing the settings at the slightest disagreement, and the business war has turned into a domineering one. The CEO is dating Mary Sue from Cinderella?

Damn it!

Looking at the charming and charming beauty in front of him, and then contacting her name, a character image quickly appeared in Shang's mind, Black Cat.

Shang's love for Marvel His knowledge basically comes from the movie universe. He doesn't know much about some characters in the comics that have not been adapted into movies, but Black Cat happens to be one of them.

In the comics, Black Cat is one of Spider-Man Parker's mistresses.

Haha , Spider-Man Parker, who looks like an innocent young boy, has dated more than double digits of women in the comics, including many mutants with outstanding abilities such as Phantom Cat and Rugrats. Just ask if you envy him.

But among the American comic characters The communication between people is usually very open and intersecting, so green and being green are actually a superposition state, just like Schrödinger's cat, it depends on how you open it.

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