As an international metropolis, the center of the universe, the freest land in the world, the pride of Americans, the yearning of people all over the world...well, how else can we boast?

Anyway, New York's public security has never been worthy of the city's reputation.

Therefore, as a New Yorker born and raised here, Parker believes that he must shoulder the important task of saving the city.

"I will do everything I can to protect this city, and I will definitely protect my family from any danger or harm."

If you want to protect your family, the best way is to immigrate. The Kingdom of Xia on the other side of the ocean is the place with the best security in the world.

Lin Haoshang had something to say in his heart, but he couldn't say it out. After all, he said Even if you become Parker, you won’t believe it. If you believe it, you won’t be able to do it. If you do it, you may not be able to do it. You won’t be happy if you become Uncle Ben and Aunt May.

"Well, I hope you can remember your words, and I hope your wishes and ambitions can come true. Come on," Lin Haoshang stretched out his hand excitedly,"I can't wait to see the day when you become a city hero. , Captain Peter!"

The two high-fived excitedly, then packed up and prepared to go outside to find a place to verify Parker's mutated abilities.

According to the plot, after Parker became Spider-Man, he should have fallen into extreme doubt and fear, and therefore... He found his father's former colleague, Dr. Connerson, to inquire about cross-species inheritance.

After all, his mutation was very close to Dr. Connerson's research project. Only by getting an accurate statement from the other party could he give up. Concerns that have gone bad.

Of course, this also led to a lot of nonsense about Dr. Connerson transforming into Dr. Lizard.

And after Lin Haoshang’s scientific, simple and comprehensive analysis of metaphysics, Parker He has given up the intention of exploring the cause of his mutation.

After all, the old version of Spider-Man never thought about why he mutated, but simply enjoyed the benefits brought by the mutation. The later Dutch version of Spider-Man even did not even have the plot of the mutation All are omitted, and the appearance is just a mature and naughty little cute spider.

Why does your Garfield version of The Amazing Spider-Man have to dig deep to find out the reason for his mutation?

You know, this itself is a very strange thing at first glance. Science, in fact, is a matter of metaphysics, okay?

Anyway, as long as it is not required by the plot, life will be better if you ignore these details, right?

In short, after putting aside those unnecessary doubts, the two teenagers now only have The exploration and excitement of magical things.

Especially Lin Haoshang, this is a great opportunity to conduct a physical examination of Spider-Man, but it is a pity that it is not in the dream world, otherwise, if the data is captured like this, it can be directly Another upgrade for No. 18.

In an extreme sports venue transformed from an abandoned factory, Parker demonstrated to Lin Haoshang his ability to become stronger, bounce, and climb vertical walls with his bare hands.

And What amazed or envied Lin Haoshang the most was Parker's one-handed swing that was comparable to Tarzan.

This is the essence of Spider-Man.

Afterwards, Lin Haoshang directly proposed this suggestion to Parker, find a The material is made into a rope like spider silk.

This material must be light enough, strong enough, easy to carry, and can instantly form a rope. The other end must be able to stick to the wall like a flying claw, so that He was swinging unbridled among the buildings in the city.

After hearing the request for this material, Parker immediately spread his hands

"Brother, are you serious? How can such materials be available? Even if you get a spider belly, it can't do it."

Facts have proved that there is nothing impossible, only imaginable.

In the Marvel world, as long as you can come up with a seemingly feasible concept, then it has the possibility of becoming a reality.

Osrp tensile strength biological cable, produced by Osborne Group An industrial material invented based on spider silk just met all Parker's requirements.

So an exciting device that even though Lin Haoshang was in the top three in the class but still couldn't understand, was made in Parker's hands.

In After being equipped with this lightweight biological cable, which is full of metaphysics from its name to its function, this excitation device becomes Spider-Man's weapon for flying over walls and walls, a web launcher.

After that, the most important thing is Spider-Man's suit. At this time, Parker once again showed his all-roundness. After rubbing the spider silk launcher, he used his unreasonable and superb female red skills to create a well-fitting Spider-Man suit.

When he saw a complete Spider-Man appearing in front of him, Lin Haoshang instantly felt that he was a waste.

This is not the fault of exam-oriented education, waste is waste.

For now, let's continue.

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