“I always feel that Ye Yu seems to know something!”

Natasha Romanoff looked at Nick Fury in front of her, then shrugged her shoulders and said, “From the first time he saw me, there was something wrong in his eyes.” ”

“Something is wrong?”

When Nick Fury heard Natasha Romanoff’s words, he smiled and said: “He is still young, he has just celebrated his eighteenth birthday, so when he sees a charming beauty like you, his eyes are naturally wrong!” ”

“I didn’t mean that!”

Widowed sister Natasha shook her head and said: “After he saw me for the first time, it was as if he knew me, and the look of “it turned out to be you” flashed in his eyes, and I also read a trace of pity and a trace of distress in his eyes, do I have anything to pity and feel sorry for?” ”

The widowed sister took a sip of the coffee in front of her, and then looked at Nick Fury and continued: “And obviously, during this time, Ye Yu did not regard me as a real life assistant, but thought that I knew everything. Even sometimes the problem of shooting will be discussed with me! ”

“God, why do you say he is so erudite? From the real thing seventy years ago to the development of technology now, from interstellar composition to alien affairs, many things are all discussed with me. Even ask some agents about special registration methods and so on! ”

“You say, has he discovered my identity?”

Natasha Romanoff said with some helplessness.

“If he discovers your identity, then why not debunk you?”

Nick Fury thought for a moment, then spoke: “You said that the first time he saw you, there was a flash of pity in his eyes?” Could it be his ability to foresee the future? So he sees your future, and the heartache and pity for you is what happens in the future? ”

“Foreseeing the future?”

When the widowed sister heard Nick Fury’s words, she couldn’t help but feel a little funny and said: “Do you really believe that someone can see the future?” Come on, this is not making a movie. I think you are more suitable to be a writer and film director than Ye Yu! ”

“Actually, I’ve always had concerns about this!”

Nick Fury sighed softly and said: “The first time I saw him, I felt that he was very extraordinary, and as the king of agents, I could feel that he was not surprised at all that I appeared in his home, and there was not even a trace of hostility!” ”

“This is definitely not the reaction of ordinary people, you must know that in the face of people who appear in his home rashly, ordinary people will definitely be vigilant, let alone people with supernatural abilities like him.” Not in line with the reaction of a superpower like him! ”

“Moreover, he doesn’t have any hostility towards me or Coulson, and even I can feel that he thinks we are good, but he has great concerns about S.H.I.E.L.D., isn’t S.H.I.E.L.D. under my control?” That’s why I’ll let you stay with him! ”

“I always felt as if he knew something! For example, as I just said, being able to see some of the things that happen in the future! ”

Seeing Nick Fury’s serious eyes, Natasha thought for a moment, and then shook her head and said, “With him for so long, I haven’t found anything unusual, except for his often wild imagination. ”

“Oh yes, he is very fond of Tony Stark, so after receiving Tony Stark’s call, he immediately dropped all his work and ran straight back. Could there be any danger from Tony Stark’s side? ”

“Or is it true that, as you say, he sees what’s going to happen in the future?”

Looking at Natasha, who was a little doubtful by her own words, Nick Fury thought for a while and said: “In this way, you continue to stay by his side for a while, if he can really see the future, then this is very important to us!” ”

“Even if we can’t, if we think too much, then it doesn’t matter!”


Natasha Romanoff nodded and said, “This is fine, after all, staying by his side is quite relaxed.” It’s also a kind of vacation! ”

After that, the widow sister left the restaurant directly.

Watching the widowed sister walk out, Nick Fury took out the phone and dialed out.

Soon, Phil Coulson’s voice came over the phone: “Phil, you have time to go over and take a look at Tony.” I always thought something was going to happen to Tony Stark! ”


Phil Coulson nodded after hearing Nick Fury’s instructions.

Since the last time S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were discovered by Tony Stark, they have all withdrawn. There are no other people being sent, after all, Obadiah Stan, who has always wanted Tony Stark’s life, has been arrested, and Tony Stark will not be in any danger.

So there is no need to monitor and protect him all the time!

But now, since Nick Fury, the boss of S.H.I.E.L.D., has given orders, Phil Coulson immediately dispatched a squad and then moved towards Tony Stark.

At the moment, inside Tony’s seaside villa.

“So, you didn’t expect that Obadiah Stan would be able to fake his death and then snatch your energy reactor away?”

Ye Yu looked at Tony, who was sitting on the sofa with a somewhat pale face, and asked speechlessly.

“Who would have thought he would be able to play this hand? And his back hand, who exactly is the person who helped him get out of prison, I have not found out until now! ”

Tony covered his head and said, “If Obadiah hadn’t heard Rod’s voice at that time, and thought that I would have died without the energy reactor, it is estimated that I would have been killed by him on the spot!” ”

Looking at Tony Stark, who frowned tightly, Ye Yu thought about it and said, “I gave the crew a few days off during this time, so you don’t have to worry about Peibo’s safety!” ”

“But now we need to hurry up and find out where Obadiah Stan is. Otherwise, if you don’t solve him one day, you won’t be able to stay safely for a day! ”

“That’s it!”

When Tony heard Ye Yu say this, he nodded and said, “I’ve already asked Jarvis to connect Stark’s satellite, I think we’ll be able to find out where that Obadiah Stan guy is soon!” ”

“It’s just that I’m worried that since he took my energy reactor, will he also have a set of Mark armor?” Otherwise, even if he took away the energy reactor, it would be of no use! ”

Looking out the window, where the sky had gradually darkened, Tony said with some concern.

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