Looking at the long sword in his hand, Ye Yu nodded with satisfaction after gesturing for a while.

“I don’t know why you like such a long sword!”

Tony Stark sat on Ye Yu’s sofa, while looking at Ye Yu’s longsword and couldn’t put it down, while eating cookies and said a little helplessly.

“By the way, didn’t I tell you at the beginning, as long as the armor is made, I will give you a set? After all, you came up with the idea yourself. ”

Tony Stark looked at Ye Yu and continued, “But why don’t you just need a long sword and not armor?” Man, you know, my set of Mark armor is… ”

“I don’t want to make a big move!”

Hearing Tony say this, Ye Yu shook his head and said: “Now no one knows that you made the steel armor of the Mark series, Tony, believe it or not, when someone knows that you really made the armor, there will definitely be many people and you want to snatch the right to use the armor!” ”

“You must know that your armor is too powerful, even an ordinary person wearing armor can basically be invincible for so long as he does not encounter large-scale destruction!”

Ye Yu looked at Tony Stark, and then said seriously: “So, once someone knows the value of your armor, then I think you will definitely have a lot of trouble!” ”

“I’m a director, I just want to write books, make movies, and make money, I don’t want to get myself into big trouble!”

Ye Yu looked at Tony Stark, and then said with a smile.

Ye Yu was right, when Tony Stark announced that he was Iron Man, the armor of the Mark series was also seen by many people.

Not to mention Ivan, who wanted to seek revenge on Tony, that is, Ross wanted to fight for his armor, so he used a very large relationship and even held a hearing.

In addition to a S.H.I.E.L.D.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. did not explicitly ask for Tony’s armor, if the second person who came out of Tony Stark had Mark series armor, then the future life would definitely be difficult.

After all, Tony Stark’s father is one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., and they naturally can’t do anything to Tony.

And everyone knows Rod’s background, so S.H.I.E.L.D. can only default to Rhode having a set of armor.

But if Ye Yu has a set of Tony Stark’s Mark series armor, you don’t need to think about it, S.H.I.E.L.D. will definitely shift its attention to Ye Yu.

Shu Da Zhao said this matter, not to mention that Ye Yu did not have the background of Tony and Rhode.

And I really have itchy hands, if I want to do things, it’s good to do things secretly, on the surface, I am a director and writer, what a good identity.

So Ye Yu rejected Tony’s decision to give him a set of steel armor, after all, Ye Yu really didn’t want to fight S.H.I.E.L.D.

Although he was not afraid of them, Ye Yu knew the importance of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the future.

I still honestly made a movie.

But if you want to live a superhero addiction, you can also get an identity in secret.

On the surface, he is a much-admired director and genius writer, but secretly he is a superhero.

When these two identities are announced at the same time, the repercussions will be particularly large.

“Forget it, if you like this sword!”

Tony Stark shrugged his shoulders and said, “I’m not afraid of these troubles, if anyone wants to come and snatch my armor, then let them come.” I, Tony Stark, am not afraid of anyone. ”

“Oh yes, it’s been almost a month since the movie was released, and the box office has reached a staggering two and a half billion dollars. This has left all the studios speechless in surprise. I heard that it will be extended by another month, how much do you think the final box office will reach? ”

Tony Stark looked at Ye Yu and asked curiously.

“Even if you are singing for a month, it is estimated that about three billion US dollars is already up to the sky!”

When Ye Yu heard Tony Stark’s inquiry, he said with a smile: “After all, the current movie market of “Titanic” has begun to be saturated, and even if it is growing, it will not grow too much!” ”

“But at the global box office, I estimate that there can be about five billion!”

Ye Yu thought for a moment, then spoke.

Hearing Ye Yu’s words, Tony Stark nodded and said, “Making movies is really making money!” Five billion box office, you account for 20%, that can also be divided into about 100 million, even if you remove some taxes and the like, it is estimated that there are about 700 million in your hands! ”

“Gee. It seems that I should have set up a film company in the first place, so that we can make money together! ”

Saying that, Tony Stark said seriously: “What do you think would happen if I really wanted to set up a film company?” If the two of us join forces, I think we will make a lot, a lot of money! ”

“Are you serious?”

Hearing Tony Stark say this, Ye Yu asked curiously with a smile.

“I didn’t think about it!”

Tony Stark thought about it, then shrugged his shoulders and said: “You are also a person in this industry, and you know that it is not so easy to set up a film company, after all, whether it is from the channel, publicity or professionals, we are all newcomers now!” ”

“And now that there are so many things, let’s slow down first!”

“This time makes me think about it, but seriously, you have to keep it for me in the detective series, I like the character Sherlock Holmes, I can try to play it.” After all, my interest in movies has been completely led out by you! ”

Hearing Tony Stark say this, Ye Yu smiled.

In other words, if Tony Stark plays Sherlock Holmes, it is a very good choice.

After all, Sherlock Holmes and Iron Man in the previous life were all played by Robert Downey Jr.

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