“Now even if we are in a hurry, we have to take our time!”

Perhaps seeing Ye Yu’s somewhat urgent mood, Tony Stark looked at Ye Yu and said with a smile.

“I know that.”

Ye Yu nodded, and then asked Tony, “Tony, what month is it?” ”

“September, what’s wrong?”

Tony heard Ye Yu’s inquiry and couldn’t help but ask curiously.

“It’s about to start!”

Ye Yu muttered in a low voice, then looked at Tony and asked with a smile: “Do you have any plans next?” ”

“I really don’t want to talk about this!”

When Tony Stark heard Ye Yu’s words, he couldn’t help but roll his eyes and said, “This period can be said to be one of the few times of the year when I can relax, especially the half month of preparation plus the half month of filming. ”

“God testifies that you don’t have to stay in the lab every day, and you don’t have to think about where to start and continue your research, even when you’re dreaming. It’s really relaxing! ”

“But next, I may be leaving the crew!”

Tony Stark looked at Ye Yu, then shrugged his shoulders and said, “I can’t stay with you all the time, I’m going to a place full of desert, and a batch of weapons has been sold.” Obadiah is clearly no longer willing to go far! ”

“No way, this time I can only go!”

Tony blinked and looked at Ye Yu and said.


Ye Yu nodded, thought for a while, and said to Tony: “Tony, do you know, I had the same dream these few nights, this dream is particularly magical!” ”


Hearing Ye Yu say that he was dreaming, Tony couldn’t help but look at Ye Yu curiously and asked: “Generally speaking, the thoughts in the minds of those of you who write books are fantastic, tell me what kind of magical dream you had?” Curious tight! ”

“I dreamed of a man wearing a suit of armor made of steel, and then the armor was covered with various weapons, and not only that, but this armor could also carry people in the sky. Isn’t this kind of dream a little too far-fetched, you say? ”

Ye Yu looked at Tony and asked with a smile.

“It’s ridiculous!”

When Tony heard Ye Yu say this, he smiled: “According to the current technology, it is simply impossible to develop armor that can take people into the sky, you must know that although this is not the nineteenth century, the corresponding technology is not too developed!” ”

“If you want to make your dream come true, it is estimated that it will take fifty to one hundred years, after all, it takes an energy reaction to control the steel coat in your dream to fly…”

Speaking of this, Tony stopped, and his eyes began to think a little.

After half a ring, Tony stood up and looked at Ye Yu and said, “Maybe it’s really possible, as long as the problem of energy is solved, the rest will be very good!” ”

Looking at Tony Stark’s appearance, Ye Yu laughed.

“Man, you don’t have to keep laughing, anyway, this idea of yours is expected to come true soon, and when I return from the desert, I will start researching this.” You know, if we can really succeed, then we won’t have to make planes anywhere in the future! ”

“I’ll give you a set of such armor then.”

With that, Tony stood up and prepared to walk outside.

“Where are you going?”

Seeing Tony preparing to leave, Ye Yu asked loudly.

“It’s a holiday, man!”

Tony waved his hand towards Ye Yu, and shouted to Ye Yu while walking towards the private yacht: “Dude, it’s very fun to work with you during this time, don’t forget what you promised me, leave the detective series to me.” Maybe I’m better suited to shoot Sherlock Holmes! ”

After that, Tony didn’t wait for Ye Yu to answer, immediately boarded the private yacht, and then quickly left.

“Hell, when did I promise to let you play Sherlock Holmes?”

Ye Yu rolled his eyes, but secretly prayed in his heart.

I hope that things will not be deviated because of my appearance, otherwise, there will be no Iron Man in this world!

Three days passed in a flash.

Tony is gone, but “Taitanik” has to continue filming.

“The lighting is ready, the photographer is ready, and the No. 4 machine is lifted off, this time we will take aerial photography!”

“10.9.8…3.2.1. Start!”

As Ye Yu sat in front of the monitor and shouted to start, the Titanic continued the next shooting.

On board a private jet.

“Rod, you said that if I develop an armor in the future, and then we can fly, and I don’t have to fly anywhere I want from now on, is this an invention of trans-era significance?”

Tony raised the red wine glass in his hand and looked at his helpless friend Rhode in front of him and asked.

“Please, can you stop your crankiness?”

Roddy looked at Tony and said helplessly: “Tony, I am not your nanny, this time you made me wait for you on the plane for three hours!” ”

“God, can’t you have a time without delay? Know that we are going to fly to this time. ”

“If the research is really successful, what should it be called?”

Tony Stark seemed to have this question in his mind as if he hadn’t heard Rod’s words.

“Hey, hey. Man, will you listen to me? ”

Rod wanted to pinch Tony Stark’s neck and shake it hard.

“Don’t be so whimsical, man, shouldn’t we be thinking about the next thing at this time…”

“I think it’s a good name for the Mark series!”

Without waiting for Rhode to finish, Tony Stark interrupted again: “When I return from the desert, I will immediately start research and development, others may not be able to research the armor at all, but I am Tony Stark.” ”

“This thing is difficult for me!”

After speaking, Tony Stark looked in front of him, looked at his own Rhode with a speechless expression, and couldn’t help but ask curiously: “What’s wrong man?” Was it surprised by the idea of my genius? It’s okay man. ”

“You have to accept this fact, after all, geniuses and geniuses can cherish each other, and only the collision of ideas between geniuses and geniuses can produce the greatest ideas!” It’s like me and Ye! ”

“But man, it’s okay, although you’re not a genius, and you have a head.”

Tony grinned, “But no matter what, you’re my friend.” So I won’t dislike you! ”

Looking at Tony Stark, who was talking to himself, Rhode said speechlessly: “You can’t let people finish talking…” ”

Ask for flowers and review votes… La la.

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