Marvel: The Second Element is Fierce

Chapter 684: Facing the air in a daunting manner (1)

"Brent, did you not rest last night?"

The next day, in the meeting place, Daisy looked at Brent's ugly face, her dark circles could not be covered, and her eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. It seemed that this guy didn't sleep well last night.

"Yes, the United Nations actually came up with such a clause, which is simply to suppress our Umbrella company. Faced with such a clause, how can I sleep? If we don't sign it, I don't know what kind of suppression we will face. ."

Brent seemed to be speaking out of his mind, and at the same time secretly reminded Daisy that if she didn't sign it, she might be suppressed by various countries.

Sure enough, after listening to Umbrella’s negotiating team, they all bowed their heads and started thinking about this issue. These are two different paths. If they are signed, they will be suppressed after they enter space in the future, but if they don’t sign, they will immediately. Will be suppressed, what should I do?

"I think those governments don’t have the guts. Not to mention how popular Umbrella’s products are, but our allies will make those governments scrupulous. So don’t worry. In order to protect the company’s interests, everyone has to cheer. ."

Daisy was upset. This guy is really a traitor. He actually used this method to influence the military's morale, but Daisy still wants to cheer everyone up.

With Daisy's words, the people in the Umbrella company negotiating team regained their confidence. Yes, Umbrella's products have always been in short supply, and they are popular in the market. And there were so many exits with them yesterday. Some companies, and even giants like the Olympus Group, are there any concerns about what they are still worried about? In the end, they still have their own bosses, who are hailed as the strongest on the planet. What are they afraid of?

"Yes, everyone, come on, and we must strive for conditions that are beneficial to us."

Although blood was dripping in his heart, Brent still had to speak without his own heart. He really regretted that he owed the money, and now he has no way out.

Coming to the venue, Umbrella and Stark Industries came together again. The group of companies that stood with them yesterday also got together, including the Olympus Group.

This makes the faces of the representatives of the United States, Britain, and France sitting on the rostrum look very ugly, and China and Russia seem to be watching a good show. Through yesterday’s events, they have already seen that the United States, Britain, The three countries in France wanted Yin Umbrella, but they didn't buy it. Although I don't know what the three countries have, it is clear that this time they are going to be against Umbrella.

The meeting on the second day was much more orderly. The major countries submitted their own questions and then started discussions, and revised the clauses in accordance with the voting method. People saw it as a show, but after all, it was the enterprise group that couldn't get around it.

Representatives of Umbrella Company and a kind of enterprise group coldly watched the performances of the representatives of these countries, which made the representatives of those countries feel a little embarrassed. They basically passed the air in private, just to squeeze the interests of the enterprise group. However, governments of various countries will secretly give some benefits to their own country’s corporate groups, but Umbrella and Stark Industries, which are most capable of independent development, are destined to become cannon fodder.

"We do not agree to this treaty. If we do not make fundamental changes, we will withdraw from the signing of this treaty and will develop the planets of the solar system and other planets farther away according to our own capabilities."

When the Secretary-General of the United Nations asked business representatives to speak, Daisy stood up and said that this is the ultimatum. If they still play a set, then everyone will not be over. Umbrella is not the last century. The colony, let these powers suppress it, although doing so will be hostile to governments around the world, but Umbrella will not harm its own interests.

"Ms. Daisy, this treaty has been unanimously approved by all countries and cannot be easily changed."

The Secretary-General of the United Nations said with conscience that even he can't see it, but what can he do? He is just a puppet, and even the cost of the United Nations support is paid by the major powers, and he only has to listen to it.

"Since we are all agreed, why invite us? You should distribute the benefits according to this treaty, and then we will see who has the better means."

Daisy said coldly, this is not just playing with us. Since there will be no changes, then I will ask myself and others to do something. Do I still want to use myself and others to decorate this treaty so that outsiders feel More fair? Want to be beautiful.

"Ms. Daisy, I hope you can think about Umbrella. All mankind on the earth is a community. There is nothing special. Although Umbrella’s technology is advanced, it should be harmonious in the wave of human advancement. Humans stand together."

The UN Secretary-General said awe-inspiringly It seems that if Umbrella does not agree to this treaty, it will be an enemy of all mankind.

"This hat is really heavy. It will immediately put us Umbrella into the opposite of humanity. If this is the case, why don't governments of various countries share their highest new technology with mankind? The U.S. government seems to have a pulse. The prototype of the weapon, share it, let humans have the ability to protect themselves in the universe, the United Kingdom seems to have a complete electromagnetic weapon system and propulsion system, take it out and share it with humans, as for France, a bunch of idiots, even one There are no decent things, and can only follow the United States and the United Kingdom."

Daisy disdainfully said that this kind of theory may be useful in China. After all, China has a large group of Internet virgins, and it is moral kidnapping at all times. But in Europe and America, this theory simply does not work. If this is the case, it will directly enter socialism. In the private system, anyone who develops new technology must contribute. This theory is ridiculed by people in Europe and the United States. Therefore, there are far fewer people in Europe and the United States who hate the rich than in China.

After hearing Daisy’s words, the representatives of the United States and the United Kingdom immediately looked around and did not answer Daisy’s words, while the French representative glared and looked at Daisy, but helplessly, Daisy was telling the truth, and Daisy was Wang Kai’s lover, if How about Daisy, guarantee that Wang Kai will come to Paris, France the next day, who will bear this responsibility then.

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