Marvel: The Second Element is Fierce

Chapter 638: Leviathan? Kraken?

"You old fellow."

Captain Colin smiled helplessly.

"You old guys have all left one by one. After a few years of work, I will also go to the nursing home, and then help me take a good position."

Captain Colin is not too young, only a few years younger than Old Weiqi, but he is in good health and can work for a few more years. Captain Colin is still single, and will also go to nursing homes in the future. In Europe and America, The elderly care system is very mature, and nursing homes are very standardized. At this point, it must be admitted that it is stronger than China Xia.

"Don't worry, I will give you a good place next to me, do you want me to take a good place next to you?"

Old Weiqi smiled and said that he has been with Captain Colin for more than 20 years. Everyone has good feelings like brothers. It's common to joke.

"I won't die on land anymore. Even if I die, I will also die on the sea."

Captain Colin said loudly, turning the rudder at the same time, and avoiding another wave. For Captain Colin, this kind of wind and waves is almost like a drizzle. He has long been able to shuttle freely in this kind of wind and waves, or else not. Maybe as a captain, he usually trains a new helmsman, but in case of wind and waves, he has to go on the field himself, and the other crew members are hiding in the cabin, otherwise on the deck, after falling into the sea, it is equal to die.

All crew members who love the sea hope that their destiny can be in the sea, and dying in the sea is a saying they often say, and many of them have been realized.

"I'm going to die on the sea too. After Linda is gone, the sea is my love....OMG, what is that? My goodness."

Old Weiqi also wanted to express his emotions. After all, this was his last sailing. Maybe the next time he was buried in the sea, his eyes widened at this time, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

Captain Colin opened his mouth. Even if his beloved pipe fell, he couldn't care about it, because at the bow of the ship, after a wave passed, a huge monster appeared in front of them. This monster was actually exposed. The body outside the sea is already more than 20 meters high.

"Leviathan! Kraken! God is angry, Poseidon is angry."

Old Weiqi screamed frantically, he saw such a terrifying picture for the first time, his brain has lost the ability to think, only those monsters in mythology have such a huge body.

"Help, help, there is a monster in the sea, more than 20 meters above the sea surface, it is still uncertain in the sea, it is Leviathan! Kraken!"

Captain Colin held the walkie-talkie frantically and called for help. He also thought that this was a monster released by God or Seagod. He was dead. It seemed that he was really going to die in the sea.

The giant beast also spotted the boat in front of him. The searchlight on the ship dangled its eyes and attracted the attention of the giant beast. The giant beast raised its claws in the water and looked at the claws larger than the fishing boat. There was despair in Lin He Weiqi's eyes, and then he plunged into the darkness. On the surface of the water just now, only a few fragments were left, proving what once existed here.

After the giant beast discerned its direction, it swam towards the east, one thousand and five hundred nautical miles away in the east, where there was a brightly lit city still immersed in joy.

"Sir, just received a distress signal."

In the tower of the Maritime Guard on the west coast of the United States, a soldier reported immediately.

"Play it."

The patrolling officer said, after all, what they are managing is the affairs in the ocean, especially the rescue of fishing boats.

"Help, help, there is a monster in the sea, more than 20 meters above the sea surface, it is still uncertain in the sea, it is Leviathan! Kraken!.................."

There was a horrified cry from the radio, and then it ended quickly, turning into a noise, which made the soldiers in the entire tower startled. Is this April Fool's Day? Are you kidding me?

"Who sent the signal?"

The chief frowned. He hated these fishermen who used them to get rid of them. He always teased them in various ways, called false police, and often made fun of people.

"It's the Sonny, but the ship's signal has disappeared. The sea is experiencing a storm, but it's not big."

The soldier immediately replied that he knew about the Sanchi, and it often called in nearby harbors, and the other party didn't seem to have teased them, especially when he heard the horrified voice just now.

"It's Colin and the others. Colin is not the one who came to the trouble. Could it be that something really happened? Report it immediately and let the satellite conduct reconnaissance, and the nearby aircraft rushed to rescue immediately."

For the sake of insurance, the chief still followed the procedure, but he felt faintly uneasy about the monster Colin was talking about. Is there really a monster?

Ever since the emergence of superheroes and the successive visits of aliens, the receptivity of the people on Earth has also been rapidly improved. Such anomalous reports, if placed in the past, will definitely be sneered, and never thought it might happen, but now, it’s not allowed. Don't let the chief be vigilant, he thought of a department that would definitely attach great importance to this call for help.

"Sir, there is a message from the Coast Guard. It is a distress signal they received. It may be related to us."

In the office of Nick Fury at the headquarters of Trinity Wings in Washington, Coulson walked in quickly. He was still holding a tablet in his hand. His expression was a bit It seems that he has heard this. The content of the distress signal, yes, that officer passed the distress message to S.H.I.

"What signal?"

Nick Fury was taken aback, but there were not many things that made Coleson so anxious.

"...For help, for help, a monster appeared in the sea, more than 20 meters above the sea surface, it is still uncertain in the sea, it is Leviathan! Kraken!..."

Coleson used the tablet to release the distress signal, and Nick Fury’s expression became wrinkled. The content of the signal was very bad. As the S.H.I. This signal is treated as a prank, if there is such a huge behemoth, it will be over.

"How long has this distress signal been, and where is the accident?"

Nick Fury asked immediately, now time is life, and it is necessary to verify what is going on at the first time. If it is true, then it must be reflected immediately. The hope is false. Nick Fury now hopes this very much. The distress signal is a prank. Nick Fury would rather be played by himself than such a huge monster on the earth.

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