Those two weirdos are really interesting. They can fly without Icaran. They talk so weird. What the weirdo waved to him just now was a bit like goodbye. Yes, that’s goodbye. They will see you again, just don’t know them. What are you talking about? By the way, the priest must know what they are talking about, and I will go to the priest.

After Sodana thought of a way, she immediately jumped between the branches of the woods like a monkey and dashed towards her tribe. She wanted to tell the priest about her new discovery.

"Sacrifice your lord, Sacrifice your lord, there are a lot of weird people over the forest, and there is a big weird bird, which is bigger than Toruk, and there are two weird people who can fly. Those weird people don't have tails."

After running all the way back to the tribe, Sodana ran to a wooden hut and said loudly, making the female Namie with all kinds of gorgeous feathers and bones in the room show a helpless expression.

"Okay, okay, little Sodana, say it slowly, say it slowly, you said I'm dizzy, you mean a group of people who look different from us came outside the forest, right?"

The body decorated with feathers and animal bones is the sacrifice of this tribe, and the wife of the tribe leader. The general Namei tribes are male leaders and female sacrifices. They are generally husbands and wives, and some tribes are female leaders.

"Yes, Uda sacrifices, they don't have tails, they are very low, and they don't have weapons in their hands. I can't understand what they say, and they don't seem to understand me, and then they left."

Sodana's head kept shining, the Lord Sacrifice was great, and he knew what he wanted to say all at once.

"Oh, that's the case. They may also come from far away, but there is no message from the sacred tree. I will go and have a look with you."

The priest of Wuda thought for a while and said that she also didn’t know what the creature was, because she didn’t hear any information from the Virgin. There is a neural network between the Nami people, and the connections between the Nami people and the Nami people are all Relying on this network, this network was developed from the sacred tree they worshipped. Many Nameis’ knowledge is preserved in the sacred tree, and the cultural heritage of the Nameis is based on the sacred tree.

In Wang Kai's view, this kind of inheritance is also a stumbling block to the progress of the Namei people. The reason why mankind continues to progress is to constantly overturn some of the arguments of the predecessors. For example, from the geocentric to the heliocentric, it is a challenge to the predecessors. A lot of price has been paid, and there is also the saying that if it weren't for those great navigators who dared to challenge the end of the world, if people want to know that the earth is round, it would be hundreds of years later.

The Namei people’s inheritance directly inherited the culture of their ancestors instead of indirect learning, so they have a strong sense of identity with their ancestors. This will cause them to live only according to the lifestyle of their ancestors, even if they make progress. It's only about how to shoot the bow and arrow farther, or how to tame animals faster, not about creating more advanced weapons and inventing other means of transportation.

Therefore, if the Namei people want to enter the interstellar age, they may be more difficult than human beings, and they will be beaten if they fall behind. This is an unchanging principle. Wang Kai is not a virgin or a human traitor. If the Namei people hinder themselves To develop Umbrella Star, then Wang Kai didn't mind a massacre.

When the Uda sacrifice brought people from his tribe to the edge of the forest, he was immediately discovered by Umbrella’s security personnel. The security personnel immediately protected the researchers who were collecting various plants from evacuation. Although the other party did not launch an attack, who Knowing that the other party is a friend or an enemy, he also notified Wang Kai and Tony.

"Those aliens are here, you fly slowly behind, I'll go back and have a look."

After receiving the notice, Wang Kai said to Tony that there are several small flying bodies behind Tony, supporting a large rock, the rock is as big as a container, this is Tony's harvest.

"Well, you go and have a look, try not to have conflicts. We have to develop on this planet. If there is a conflict with these indigenous people, it will be more troublesome to clean up in the future."

Tony said that he also does not approve of conflicts with these alien natives, but he is not afraid of war, nor does he have the heart of the Virgin. If there is a war, it will be a little trouble for Tony, as long as the trouble is solved.

"I know."

After Wang Kai said, he speeded up and flew towards the spacecraft.

After seeing the weird people, the Uda sacrifice felt that they had never seen them. Even in the records left by the ancestors, there were no such weird people. Are those people holding weapons in their hands? Why is it so short, there is no bowstring, and the size is so small, it is really strange, and the Uda priest clearly sees that those weirdos do not have braids connected to the Virgin, they are not their own people.

Wuda sacrifice did not step forward rashly, because she could see those people guarding herself, if she moved forward rashly, she would be attacked, and the tribe behind Wuda sacrificed themselves felt the hostility of the opponent, and they all raised their bows and arrows. , Ready to attack at any time.

"Uda worships the look, flying weird."

At this time, Suodana, who had seen him next to the Uda sacrifice, said quickly that she had already seen Wang Kai flying from the sky. She had the best eyesight in the clan, otherwise how could she be the first to discover Wang Kai and their spacecraft? .

The Uda sacrifice also saw Wang Kai. He was indeed a flying weird person who could fly without Icaran. The opponent was not simple, but should be the leader of the weapon weird person, because when he came back, those people would be much more relaxed. It shows that they have the backbone, and the backbone is still very powerful, they don't need to worry about themselves and their people anymore.

Wang Kai saw that group of Nameis. Among them, one of them met before. It was not that Wang Kai had a good memory, but that the other party’s dress was more special. It was a little more special than the other Nameis, that is, he decorated his headdress with flowers. As for the appearance of the Namei, please forgive Wang Kai. Wang Kai is a bit blind and can't tell the appearance of the Namei at all.

I really don’t know what the aesthetics of Europeans and Americans look like. When the movie came out, some people thought that the Nameis were good-looking. They were really different in race and aesthetics. Don’t blame Wang Kai for straight male cancer. The international supermodels are all squinted eyes, big mouths, and veiled faces. I really don’t know if the Europeans and Americans deliberately tout the black Huaxia. It is because of this kind of aesthetic concern that the Europeans and Americans’ understanding of Huaxia is just squinting. , This is simply a kind of discrimination.

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