Marvel: The Second Element is Fierce

Chapter 595: Best test product

"I'm curious, how do you know my existence, I have confidence, I hide it well."

Alexander Covinus changed the subject, and Wang Kai said it to that point. He couldn't put on a posture anymore, let's be realistic.

"Well, please allow me to keep some smiles, but to find you, I have spent a lot of time, and I have to abandon some experimental materials at the train station for you, so that you can show up and I can find you. How about your position, I'm full of sincerity."

Wang Kai said, "Don't explain things that can't be explained. Anyway, no one puts a knife on his neck."

"In that case, am I your test product?"

Alexander Covinus said, he didn't expect that Wang Kai would also attack vampires and werewolves, so it was only natural to find himself.

"Yes, although they are all test products, there are still differences between test products and test products. Some are rudely thrown on the test bench and just throw the knife directly, and some only need to contribute some blood or The hair gene will do. Of course, it depends on the degree of cooperation of the test product. For example, the beautiful Ms. Amelia is very cooperative. Of course I will treat it very gentlemanly. As for the old fellow Victor, he has no Chance to choose."

As soon as Wang Kai raised his hand, a leather chair flew behind Wang Kai, and Wang Kai sat on it, really comfortable.

Although Alexander Covinus does not have strong combat power, his financial resources are not small. He is the invisible super rich man in the world. Look at this cruise ship and you will know that Wang Kai has seen a lot of high-precision instruments along the way. It shows that this ship has been remodeled a lot, and the cost of raising an army is a lot, especially since this army is still fighting vampire werewolves. You can see how advanced the weapons and equipment they use. .

"In other words, if I don't cooperate, I will become the kind of test product on the test bench."

Alexander Covinus said that he had already heard that Wang Kai was about to kill the vampires in one go. Amelia, Victor, and the three elders caught two of them. Can the last one still run? His own son has fallen into Wang Kai's hands.

"No, no, Mr. Covinus, you are very special. I will not treat you this way. At most, I will turn you into a vegetable person, erase your personal consciousness, be muddled every day, and provide a variety of experimental materials. I think Mr. Covinus must not want to do this. In addition, I told Mr. Covinus that we have found a human offspring of you. He has the same ability as you. Of course, the life span may not be that much. You can get to know each other."

Wang Kai said, and also secretly warned Alexander Covinus, telling him that he had the means to get what he wanted.

"It seems that you have really worked a lot. You have even found my human descendants, and you still have so many methods. It seems that I must go with you?"

Alexander Covinus heard what Wang Kai said so carefully, he knew that he had no choice. As for his descendants, Alexander Covinus didn’t care about them. I don’t know how many generations have passed since this descendant. I haven’t seen him, I don’t have any feelings at all,

"That's right, otherwise I have spent so much time and effort to come and find you what to do."

Wang Kai said that with regard to Alexander Covinus, Wang Kai just wanted to tell him that he was innocent, and that he did not have much strength, and he still possessed the human dream of immortality, even if he did not come to Alexander Covinner. Si, there will be other people coming to him, as long as the secrets of his body can be obtained, those super chaebols will definitely use all means.

"Since there is no choice, please."

Alexander Covinus stretched out his hands very cooperatively. Wade went up and put the handcuffs on his hands, and then took Alexander Covinus away.

Wang Kai also left with him. This cruise ship, if you can drive away, just open your mouth. If you don't drive away, you just abandon it. Anyway, Wang Kai's Qian Nong ships such a cruise ship is easy, and it can be transformed even better.

Back to Umbrella’s company, the security personnel took away all of Alexander Covinus’s men. Most of them were alive because Alexander Covinus gave the order to surrender. On the way, Alexander Kovinus Vinners also begged Wang Kai not to hurt his men.

Wang Kai agreed to Alexander Covinus’ request and told him that as long as he was honest, Wang Kai would not kill his subordinates, and Wang Kai was going to send them all to Shipboard Star as workers, although they were very elite. But Wang Kai didn't dare to absorb them. Otherwise, if they still had loyalty to Alexander Covinus, that would be bad.

The laboratory for the study of vampires and werewolves is located in the underground part, there is no way, these things are not visible, not only have their own shortcomings, but also external factors, let's study slowly in the dark.

In the underground test area, the big bosses are ready. The living vampires are placed in a space without restraint, but their management is very around this space. There are powerful ultraviolet lamps. As long as these vampires are not honest, they will take care of them in the sun. As for the werewolves, they are much stricter. Everyone is heavily handcuffed, and there are also collars around their necks. The collars are divided into two layers, with one in the middle of the two layers. A needle, as long as the werewolf transforms, it will break through the collar on the inner side, and then the needles will pierce their necks. The needles are hollow and filled with silver nitrate, which can directly kill the transformed werewolf. .

As for the important figures in vampires, such as Amelia, there is a separate space. Although it is still relatively simple, it is treated differently. Lucian, thrown directly with the werewolves, Wang Kai needs Lucian to control those werewolves. Don't let those werewolves look for trouble, or you'll be rude.

"Wang Kai, this is Mr. Alexander Covinus."

The big boss saw Wang Kai coming back with a white-haired old man, and he came over to inquire excitedly. At the same time, he looked up and down Alexander Covinus with his glasses. Vinners looked uncomfortable.

"Yes, this is Mr. Alexander Covinus. I will leave it to you. You have to take care of him."

Wang Kai didn't say much, Wang Kai believed that the big boss was professional. 89

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