Grabbing Victor’s arm, Serena immediately used force and directly dislocated the front half of Victor’s forearm. Victor’s sword hand was immediately weak, and Serena took the opportunity to grab the long sword. .

Victor couldn't believe that his descendant Serena was able to take away his long sword. He had forgotten that his strength had been reduced and then reduced, and if he became weaker, even Klein would be able to take it away. He was killed.

After grabbing the long sword, Serena didn't hesitate, her body rotated, and the blade of the long sword drew across Victor's neck. Victor's body suddenly stopped there, and then her eyes were filled with weirdness, and a red line appeared on her neck. Victor didn't hold on for long before he fell heavily, and his head was like a ball, rolling on the ground for a few times. When he stopped there, Victor's eyes still widened.

Victor is dead, but Lucian has no time to see him, because the big werewolf that Lucian turned into is covered with frost, and the werewolf's movements have become a little slower, and he doesn't even dare to touch the king. Kai's blade, previous experience has told him that as long as his claws touch the blade, it will be frozen into a large block of ice.

When Wang Kai saw Serena solve Victor, he appreciated that Serena really implemented the three key principles of stability, accuracy and ruthlessness. Without any delay, she deserves to be the goddess of the moon. After solving Victor, then Only Lucian is left, and it is time to solve Lucian himself. Werewolf’s attack methods have already been seen. Transforming into a werewolf can indeed improve one's strength by about 20 to 30%, but for Wang Kai, it is still Not enough, use your various abilities, you can get Lucian done.

"Thunder Dunk Thousand Bird Blade!"

When Wang Kai used Thunder Escape, Jiuhua's knife was instantly bursting with lightning, which made Lucian terrified. Without a weapon, even if he had a weapon, it would still conduct electricity. Lucian wanted to escape.

But Wang Kai’s figure quickly disappeared, and the next step appeared on his side. Lucian could only attack Wang Kai with his paws, hoping to force Wang Kai back, but Wang Kai disappeared again, and the next time he appeared in Lu On the other side of Xi'an's body, Wang Kai's blade had already kissed Lucian's body, and the electric current on the blade instantly exploded, making Lucian this big wild wolf radiant.

This is not a star, Lucian can't tell how he feels, but knows that he has lost control of his body, and his body convulses involuntarily, becoming a lamb to be slaughtered.

The blade of Wang Kai flipped over and hit the back of Lucian's head heavily with the back of the sword. Lucian immediately fell to the ground. As his body was drawn out, the huge werewolf body began to slowly degenerate and reverted to a werewolf.

As soon as Wang Kai waved his hand, the surrounding Umbrella security rushed in and put heavy handcuffs on Lucian, who had no electricity on his body, so that even if Lucian wakes up, there is no way to break free, and Wang Kai also controls the Ryan put on a handcuffed look and asked the security personnel to handcuff him.

"She doesn't need it anymore. Maybe you will have one more vampire colleague in the future to make a good impression on others."

Wang Kai said that the security staff who wanted to handcuff Serena laughed, because they also saw Serena’s beauty. Although Umbrella’s security department also has many women, it is now Alice stands out, and finally someone can compete with Alice.

"Selena, you did a good job. Now that you have considered whether you want to join Umbrella's company or not, the blood family has no value in going back. I think you should find some new goals for your life."

Wang Kai said to Serena that Victor had been slashed, Serena’s vengeance had been avenged, and because of Wang Kai’s intervention, Serena did not have any feelings with Michael Corvin, so Serena There is no concern now. At this time, Wang Kai thinks that the possibility is greater.

"Do you really mind if I am a blood clan, the vampire you are talking about?"

Serena asked, she is not a little girl who does not listen to things outside the window. She has been active outside for a long time and has a relative understanding of some human books and culture. She knows what humans think about vampires, many literary works or film and television works. Serena is a little worried about her identity as she puts evil on vampires.

"Don’t worry, Umbrella’s more evil things have been seen. Vampires are just small things, and when I solve your daytime problem, no one will know your true identity if you don’t say it, and don’t underestimate modern times. People’s acceptance even dark wind has become a popular fashion. Vampires are really nothing. I can influence public opinion a little bit, and people’s understanding of vampires will gradually change."

Wang Kai said that the issue of identity is too trivial. Umbrella’s "crimes" are much more than vampires. Just a human test can make Umbrella a target of public criticism, as well as the ancestor virus. If you dare to speak out, you are guaranteed to be washed out by a nuclear bomb the next day.

And what is public Public opinion is the toy of the rich. People are blind. Wang Kai only needs to make a few movies like Twilight to ensure that there will be a large group of little girls. Dreaming about being fallen in love by a vampire prince, this is so simple that no one will come out to stop him.

Wang Kai is very curious. Since there are creatures like vampires in this world, is there no natural enemy? Is the natural enemy the werewolf who are also dark creatures? The opposite of vampires should be the bright existence of the Holy See. As a result, the Holy See is useless at all.

Without the Holy See, Serena's identity would be even more of no problem. Even if public opinion is used to acquit vampires, there will be no hindrance. The Holy See will not say anything about this kind of propaganda.

"Well then, I will join Umbrella Company."

Serena thought about it. Since Wang Kai is not afraid, what else is there to worry about? Joining Umbrella is the best choice for now. Serena has no plans to return to the blood family. She has something to do with the blood family. She felt a deep sense of disgust, because the kinship was the murderer of her parents. If it weren’t for her identity to be revoked, she didn’t even want her kinship identity, even if the kinship identity could give her a long life. 89

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