After asking what they wanted to ask, Coleson and May left Umbrella’s company and took away ten stabilizers made by Maya Hansen before. They were given to Coleson by Wang Kai. The medicament is just an excessive method made by Maya Hansen, and it is not a real solution to the Extremis Virus, so it does not matter if it is given to Coulson.

"The Umbrella Company absolutely has something ulterior to tell."

On the way, Agent May said suddenly.

"But you have no evidence, and the chief doesn't want to provoke Wang Kai. I think Wang Kai's combat effectiveness can be seen with your authority. It is not a good thing to force such a powerful combat effectiveness on the opposite side of mankind."

Coleson knew what May was talking about. Wang Kai was so blatantly covering up. It must be covering up some special things. It is definitely not as simple as a trade secret, but Coleson has nothing to do, because unless he uses administrative coercive means, he can't think about it. Know what Umbrella has.

"Does Fury trust Wang Kai so much? What if he just hides more deeply against human criminals?"

The friendship between Mei and Wang Kai is not deep. Everything is viewed from the perspective of professional suspicion.

"Then before Wang Kai is exposed, we have to maintain good contact with him, and the possibility that you said is very low. The director has found hundreds of psychoanalysts to conduct psychological analysis on Wang Kai and determined that Wang Kai is a very ordinary selfish young man. Apart from his combat power, he has no plans to destroy the world. It is the joker that the government has been looking for. He is a dangerous man."

Coleson understands May's judgment, but Coleson also has his own judgment, and Nick Fury also has his own judgment. Regardless of whether these judgments are correct or not, Wang Kai currently has no signs of anti-humanity. This is a good phenomenon.

"You are too optimistic. If the world is destroyed one day, I am afraid that it will be destroyed by Wang Kai. At that time, it will be too late for you to save it."

Sitting in the co-pilot, Mei said coldly that Mei has always distrusted Wang Kai, a man with powerful strength and not under the control of the government.

"So what, even if Wang Kai destroys the world now, we cannot save it now. Wang Kai's strength is too strong. The director only hopes to maintain Wang Kai's status. If the earth is to be destroyed, Wang Kai will be the first station. Those who come out to stop, this is enough."

Coleson said that according to Wang Kai's battle data, Wang Kai was even better than when he first met him in the Stark Industrial Park. Wang Kai can no longer contain it, and now he only wants Wang Kai to be normal.

"I hope so, what's the matter with Agent Natasha? Why follow Wang Kai?"

May asked wonderingly, why Natasha had resigned suddenly when she was once May's idol.

"Because of Wang Kai's strength and freedom."

Coleson had talked with Natasha, and knew the real reason why Natasha wanted to leave the last time Natasha had the idea of ​​resigning.

"What is the relationship between Wang Kai's strength and freedom?"

May did not understand Coleson's words.

"Natasha has always wanted real freedom, to live for herself, but she has a special identity and it is difficult to want freedom, but Wang Kai can give her freedom and be her backer, and Natasha also wants to To learn more powerful abilities from Wang Kai, Wang Kai is not very friendly to SHIELD, so he will not teach a SHIELD agent."

Coleson said to May that this was the real reason for Natasha's departure.

"Wang Kai really has the ability to strengthen a person?"

May asked, she was afraid that Natasha would be deceived.

"Yes, the little girl next to him, Mindy, used to be the level of an elite soldier in the game, but after following Wang Kai for so many years, maybe only Hulk can deal with her, and the others are not the little girl's opponent at all."

Coleson said that the person responsible for investigating the heroes of the night in New York City was Coleson, so he has a very intuitive understanding of Minty's abilities.

"Then maybe Natasha really found a way to freedom."

In this case, May has nothing to say. It is everyone's right to pursue his own ideals, and Natasha is on this road.

"Don't be tempted, or I will lose a good partner."

Coulson said jokingly.

"Don't worry, when I get tired, I will learn from Natasha."

May said that she did not leave the heart of SHIELD. Her dark history is different from Natasha's. She has regarded SHIELD as her home, and Natasha just regarded SHIELD as a life. Resting point in the middle.

"Before you are tired, you have to tell me that I can find someone to take over your job, or you won't be able to find a partner who is so cooperative with you."

Coleson knew that May was joking, and he also joked. The two of them talked and laughed and went back to their base.

In Umbrella company, some conversations about May also started. It is true that everyone talks about it.

"Natasha, how much do you know about this Agent May?"

Wang Kai was in an office, sitting there chatting with Natasha.

"She is a natural agent, and all the qualities an agent needs can be found in her. She is more suitable as an agent than me, and I am only suitable as a spy."

Natasha said that there are still some differences between herself and May ~ When in S.H.I.E.L.D., everyone said that the person closest to her is May, and she is very likely to be the next eighth-level agent.

"Oh, how do you know about her family?"

Wang Kai asked, Natasha should have the right to view May's data files.

"What? Boss, Mei can be your mother. You won’t have any special habit, though I can be sure that as long as you ask, Nick Fury will send May to your bed, but you’re sure Do you want to do this? Cough cough cough, boss, bullying me again."

Natasha was taken aback, and then began to tease Wang Kai. This made Wang Kai quite speechless. When she snapped her fingers, Natasha felt her chest tremble, as if she had been hit hard. This was Wang Kai’s ability. He often Use this method to punish yourself.

"Let you talk nonsense, you can make up so much, why don't you write a novel? Go to a certain point in China to make sure that you can be a great **** with your brain. I'm asking you about her family."

Wang Kai said, this Natasha is really noisy. Fortunately, no one heard these words.

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