Almighty Cultivation Supreme

Domestic Animation Adventure

The leader immediately let his subordinates connect to the prison's control computer with a laptop computer, and opened all these doors through a virus intrusion. There are more than a dozen important Hydra rapes imprisoned here, all of whom have held high positions in S.H.I.E.L.D. Domestic rapes, those low-ranking domestic rapes, have been handed over to the U.S. judiciary.

"You are finally here."

The highest-ranking Alexander Pierce came out and said that he had waited too long.

"Mr. Pierce, I'm glad you didn't sell the organization. This time we are here to pick you up."

The leader said to Alexander Pierce.

Alexander Pierce understood very well what the leader said. If he waited for someone to betray the Hydra, then they would not come here to pick him up and wait for someone, but to execute himself and others.

After rescuing Alexander Pierce and others, they returned the same way. This time it was much easier. More Hydra members entered here, occupying more than ten floors below the headquarters of Sanquyi, and are moving upwards little by little. Moving forward, S.H.I.E.L.D. people could only fall one after another, but fortunately, the casualties began to decrease.

After Alexander Pierce and others were sent out of the Sanquyi headquarters, they quickly got into a few unremarkable cars and drove away from some small roads. After that, they would leave the United States through the Hydra pipeline and reach the Hydra site. .

The Hydra soldiers who rescued people went straight to the apron below the headquarters of Sanquyi, where there was the newly-built Aerospace carrier by S.H.I.E.L.D.. Although they could not start the Aerospace carrier, there were still quite a few parked there. Kun fighter, this is part of their evacuation plan.

However, more than half an hour passed. Even on the weekend, everyone who should have reacted also reacted. A large number of police and troops gathered at the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the HYDRA members outside could no longer resist it.

Steve carried his shield and led a team of special police to rush towards the blockade of Hydra. Hydra’s bullets immediately focused on Steve, but unfortunately they were blocked by the shield. A few rockets. It flew out again and hit Steve's shield, only to blow Steve back two steps, and Steve did not suffer any injuries.

"Hi guys, do you miss me?"

A passionate rock music suddenly appeared in some speakers around, and Tony Stark, who was wearing a steel suit, fell from the sky and said with anger.

"Tony, open their cordon."

Steve said to Tony behind the shield.

"No problem, Captain, look at me."

Tony whizzed down from the sky and opened a small box on his body. The warheads inside locked the Hydra soldiers hiding behind the building bunker. These warheads were fired at the same time, and the soldiers' heads were blown out at the same time, blocking Steve. The cordon was directly dismantled.

"Let's go."

Steve said to Bucky and the police soldiers behind him, and then took the brunt of it and pushed forward.

At the same time, the pool at the entrance of S.H.I.E.L.D. opened slowly, revealing the aerospace aircraft carrier below, and then several Kun fighter jets soared into the sky and flew to other cities in the United States. They have their own channels to leave, as long as they leave. In Washington, without the eyes of S.H.I.E.L.D., you can blend into the sea like a drop of water.

"Tony, don't chase them. There are still Hydra people at SHIELD headquarters. They are still attacking and must be resolved quickly."

Seeing the escaped Quinn fighter, Tony wanted to chase him, but was stopped by Nick Fury. Now the Hydra army at the headquarters of S.H.I. If the computer center of China is breached by Hydra, the loss to S.H.I.E.L.D. will be huge.

Tony took a look at the Kun fighter that had no shadow, and could only give up, and then launched a frantic attack on the Hydra soldiers who remained here. He flew back and forth to clear the firepower of a Hydra, Steve Bringing the police and the army also moved forward quickly.

The soldiers on the periphery of the Hydra also retreated immediately, and they all retreated to the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., using buildings to defend themselves, but Tony, an invulnerable guy, and Steve’s shield, even more in such a narrow place. Can make a difference.

The agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. also cheered up, resisting the approach of Hydra, and began to press down from upstairs. Tony and Steve led people from bottom to top, and both sides quickly wiped out the nine heads. Snake man.

From the start of the Hydra attack, two hours later, in addition to the more than 200 people who fled, the other more than 1,000 Hydra soldiers were all wiped out, but what was left was a mess and an empty underground prison. .

Nick Fury’s face became darker again, even blacker than smearing coal. This is simply a stain on his life. Nick Fury allows himself to make mistakes and be stupid, but he absolutely does not allow himself to be made like this by Hydra~ Sir, the refrigerator was also attacked and some things were taken away. "

Hill came over and told Nick Fury about something worse, which caused Nick Fury to sweep everything on the table to the ground.

"Fry, if you don't mind, I'm going to track those planes. I won't let a Hydra man go."

Tony watched Nick Fury go crazy and stood up and said.

"Tony, you don't need to chase them. Those planes have landed on a highway. Those people have disappeared in pieces. The forces of Hydra are hiding very deeply. They are probably dispersed into the surrounding cities and cities. , Can't find it."

Hill said to Tony again that those planes had positioning systems, and the Hydra people didn’t remove them, but they had a careful plan. They didn’t drive the plane to make a stronghold, but landed on a highway. The highway is well-connected, and you can go anywhere, even back to Washington, if you just get on the corresponding car.

"Damn it."

Tony knew that the clue was broken.

"Nick, we need to fight back."

Steve said that S.H.I.E.L.D. was slapped in the face so Steve was also very angry, but he was not a supervisor and could not call the shots.

"I will take care of this matter. Go ahead. I have to accept the inquiry of the World Council."

Nick Fury said, of course he knew he wanted to fight back, but what's the use is that it is just a small slap that can't hurt the roots of Hydra. The World Council keeps dragging his legs back. He is so angry that he has nowhere to send .

Seeing that Nick Fury was on the verge of an outbreak, Hill, Tony and others left Nick Fury's office, watching the messy aftermath of the people below, and a few people were not in the mood to go down and went straight to Hill's office.

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