Chapter 562

Chapter 560

With the X-ray that Murphy’s hand pointed, the white doctor and Thomas saw a small white spot.

This white spot will have its image in every X-ray film, and Dr. Ban Ren didn’t feel any difference in this white spot.

After all, he did this operation himself, and he had already done any reinforcement for the connection of the bones, and there would be no problems at all.

So when he saw this little white spot on Murphy, he just stared at Murphy in wonder.

At the moment Murphy was telling them a story.

After everyone heard this story, they could clearly know that Murphy’s body has actually undergone a certain mutation.

And the reason why Google cannot recover quickly is actually very different from the mutation this time, because the density of Murphy’s bones is already very strong.

And the density of bones can no longer allow him to continue. Growing together, if you really want Murphy’s body to get better quickly.

Then Murphy must develop an antidote by itself, so that it can change its bone density.

Then change the shape of his foot bones and change this variation of his own body, so that he can get better quickly.

The white spot is the top priority, only the white spot is forcibly removed, or only the white spot is dissolved.

The bone density of the ossicles can return to normal, so that the two bones can gradually integrate between the bones. Otherwise, Murphy’s leg will always be as good as it is now.

Moreover, there is no visible injury on the outside, but the qualitative change has taken place completely inside his bones.

When a person hears these words Murphy said in his life, he is also very surprised, because he knows the bones of the human body and everything about the human body better than anyone else.

And at this time there were already many biochemical weapons, but he didn’t expect that he could actually see the sequelae caused by a biochemical weapon in this place.

· ··Seeking flowers· ··

Murphy is a very good scientist, and his research in these biochemical fields has really reached a certain height, so Murphy knows his body better than anyone.

It’s really hard for this white doctor to imagine that Murphy has reached the point where he sleeplessly for the sake of scientific research, and has reached the point where he is experimenting with himself.

….. …. …

It was other people who mutated to make themselves stronger, but Murphy was because this experiment was a failed experiment.

So for Murphy at At the moment, it really felt that he was too sad, and such an experiment changed him only a little bit of bone density.

Moreover, he finally made his body no longer as fragile as before when he first did the experiment, but this trip to the snow-capped mountains has suddenly changed a lot of his life.

It also made Murphy feel that his life was really too difficult.

Little Thomas felt that his son was too disobedient at this time. Do such a dangerous experiment. Ding.

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