Chapter 558

Chapter 556

The white doctor saw that Murphy was such a strong man, and now he began to ask these words, his body was shaking involuntarily.

He also knew how fragile Murphy at At the moment was, and at the same time he knew how much Murphy at At the moment needed comfort.

After touching Murphy’s shoulder lightly, the white doctor said.

“Mr. Murphy, the first thing you must believe is that Fort St. Peter’s Hospital is one of the top hospitals in the country, and my medical skills can be ranked first in the hospital in terms of surgery.

If I recognize the second, no one will mistake the first. This is a show off of my personal capital, but it is also my confidence in myself.

It’s no exaggeration to tell you that I was very successful in this operation of yours, and your operation will really make me feel very proud.

Whether it is theoretically or practically, your operation was really successful.

Science often has two sides. You, as a top scientist, should also be very aware of this. I have done everything I can to the extreme. The rest is what you have to cooperate with. ”

Murphy looked at the doctor in front of him silently. He didn’t know how he had to cooperate with him, even though he was a scientist and a scientist in biochemistry.

But for Murphy at the moment, he really doesn’t know what he should do.

“Doctor, I don’t know how to cooperate with you. Although this matter is my problem, I don’t know how to cooperate.

Because I know you are a very good person. As long as I can get my feet up again.

I am very willing to cooperate with you in any way. ”

The white doctor glanced at Murphy at At the moment. After just finishing the operation, Murphy’s pain must be very strong.

And at this time, there is no way to help Murphy do anything to make his body painless.

After all, physical pain can also reflect some problems, so after looking at Murphy, the white doctor at the moment comforted her and said…

“Mr. Murphy, you may be very clear about your current physical condition. The pain is inevitable. Now as long as you can bear such pain.

Then there may not be some follow-up treatments, after all, your leg injury is too serious, if there are any more problems.

We will do another surgical amputation if we fail to do so, so I hope you must carefully observe your leg during these few days.

After all, our nurses and doctors cannot follow you 24 hours a day, if you have a little problem here.

Please be sure to tell us, and don’t let your own body happen to something bad because of patience. Pain is a yardstick to let us know whether your body is normal.

Because we did not use any method to help you relieve the pain, this is also for your own good, and you can only do it like this. ”

Murphy was a little speechless, looking at the chief doctor in front of him, what he said was too irresponsible. .

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