Chapter 493

Chapter 491

“Hulk, you are a jerk and utter lunatic. Do you know the consequences of doing this? Do you know what the end of humanity will be if you do this?

You are an out-and-out madman, if you want to die, then you die by yourself, but don’t drag down so many of us.

It is not a pity for a person like you to die, but we are still alive for the reason that we are alive, and for a person like you, we really think you should die sooner. ”

Hulk on the other side of the screen couldn’t help laughing after hearing Murphy’s curse. He knew that Murphy would never give up these research materials easily.

And at the moment Murphy copied these things, Hulk had already known it, but Hulk wanted to make it Murphy at this time.

Copy all these data, so that no matter when, one day you will be able to use it.

At the moment’s sister Mei Kaili has also heard Hulk and Murphy, these two of them can not help but be very angry, sister Mei Kaili is an expert in this area.

And when sister Mei Kaili of At the moment saw these data, she couldn’t help but froze there. She didn’t expect it, although Hulk was a bastard.

But the experiments he himself made were really cutting-edge, and the experiments he made himself really made people feel particularly liked.

Sister Mei Kaili stretched out her hand to hold Murphy, the idea of ​​wanting to smash the computer, and then watched At the moment’s small bones have copied all these things, he was very satisfied, and directed at Hulk on the screen. Said cruelly.

“Hulk, you are a scum, a scumbag, how can you make people like this? Are they ordinary people?

Or are they all the Mutants you found? If this is the case, what is the difference between you and making biological and chemical weapons.

You are experimenting with all these people as weapons. It’s really hateful for you to experiment there. And when you are like this, I really think that when you know you, you will feel that the air is polluted by you…

And your current face is really disgusting, take your face away, don’t let people see you again, you disgusting thing. ”

Hulk on the other side of the screen was not frightened by these words of Sister Mei Kaili at the moment, and at the same time he did not think that these words of Sister Mei Kaili were so bad.

Instead, he laughed loudly there, and his laugh was also very arrogant, and his laugh could also give people a hint of another kind of thought.

It’s just that all of these are in him. It seemed to Hulk that At the moment’s small bones, they were just bluffing here, if they could really do anything to themselves.

Maybe they have already cut themselves a thousand times, they are just cursing themselves viciously now, which means that they have no way to do it now.

Treating themselves, and they can only vent the dissatisfaction in their hearts in this way, which is actually enough.

As long as they can’t treat themselves, there is no problem at all. .

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