Chapter 333

Chapter 332

Many parts need to be modified. Who makes them dislike stealth fighters? They just want to modify this aircraft. That is what they are looking for.

“Don’t worry. With Esquilet’s help, we will finish it quickly. You can rest assured of Murphy. Just wait.”

Eskilett listened to how he mentioned his name, what did it have to do with him, but he didn’t make a bet with them, why did he help him install the plane?

“It’s not Tony, why did I hear something wrong? What does it have to do with me? Why should I help you? I have brought you so many desserts, all of which you like, and you let me help. ”

“Esquilet, do you know? The cause of the matter is all because of you. If you hadn’t chosen the road in the city, how could I have lost? How could I accept this task? There is no way. .”

Tony felt that Escherette needed to help. Who made him choose the wrong path? If he didn’t choose the path, he wouldn’t be able to lose, and he could win Murphy a round. I blame Ace. Qilet chose the wrong path to let himself lose, and then accepted this difficult task.

When I said to change the plane, I didn’t say that I should change the plane. If you know that, it’s better to drive a stealth fighter. Sit and squeeze a little, so you don’t care.

Escherette felt that he was too innocent, how could he not participate in anything, and then he was joined in.

“You really blame me. How can this be a problem for me? Then the route was chosen that way.”

Eskilett felt it necessary to defend himself. It was just a tool for their betting. Why did you let yourself do this?

“The two of you are arguing here, I’m going back with Ann Nina first. Just let us know if you have anything to do.”

Major Kelly didn’t think there was any need to watch them arguing here anymore, so let’s go quickly, maybe I can help them for a while, but I don’t want to help them.

Or go back and continue to use those skin care products. Maybe we have been here for a long time. Everyone will help Tony modify the plane.

Major Carey and Ann Nina waved to everyone, then turned around and walked out, leaving the three of them here.

“Anyway, the Esquilet thing is because of you, you have to help me to do it, then that’s OK, let’s go, hurry up, Esquilet, don’t waste time anymore, get it done early and get it right. .”

Without waiting for Eskilett to speak, Tony directly took Eskilett out, and did not give Eskilett a chance to refute. Anyway, Eskilett had to help himself.

Anyway, the cause of the matter is all because of Eschlet, and no matter what Eschlet thinks, as long as he pulls Eschlet like this, Eschlet will definitely help him. As long as there is Eskilett’s help, it will be completed very quickly.

Murphy felt that it was necessary to minimize the dangers around him now, not

Suffice it to say that Hulk just ignored other people recently.

It was known from the fact that Eskilett met the expulsion. Murphy felt that there were too many people in various places in the Carlus Mountains, and it was more complicated.

They should be investigated clearly, what is the purpose of their coming here, is it simply to train here, or to develop tourism projects here, or to do some other things.

If they were all sent by Hulk, it would be troublesome. There are people with Hulk everywhere. They only have five people. If they can’t be observed in other places, then five of them will be affected. Surrounded and lived in groups.

Murphy decided to re-deploy their strategy. He could not just pursue it forward. He should also see if there are some dangers behind him.

Sometimes some people only look at the front, not the back, and ignore the dangers at the back. Sometimes the dangers at the back are more important than the front.

Murphy remembered the recording he had listened to before. In that recording, he could clearly hear the voice of his old friend. At that time, Murphy himself felt that the voice was a bit unusual…

At the same time that Esquilet was transporting weapons to them, did this old friend already come to this place in the Carrouse Mountains? It’s impossible to be so fast, or it’s just an old friend.

But when I didn’t contact myself, I had already arrived at the Carrouse Mountains, but I didn’t pay much attention to him. I also helped him. I didn’t expect that he actually came to the Carrouse Mountains. , Be sure to find out if there is a connection between him and Hulk.

If there is a connection, then I can’t blame myself. I also helped him solve Lehman Kevin’s problem. He actually cooperated with Hulk in this way and came to the place of Carlus Mountains.

If he comes to the Carlus Mountains alone, just to train his own soldiers, then let him stay where he treats consumers, and don’t bother him, let his old friends concentrate on it. Train his men here.

If you let yourself find a little bit of cobweb horse trails, if he has a connection with Hulk, then he will never let him go. Then don’t blame yourself for this wife, you will let him be the next Lehman Kevin To deal with.

It’s not a big deal to look at their base. I just saw the minister’s time. According to the above time to calculate 1.2, when he transported weapons to him, did he deceive himself by transporting these weapons? Is it just to come here and use it?

Murphy thinks that is really ridiculous. Is it possible that the weapons he sold have to be returned to him in the end? I think it’s impossible for such a funny thing to happen.

After all, when my old friend told me before, when their base was attacked, I only sold these useless weapons to him after investigation.

Those weapons have been eliminated by myself a long time ago, and they have no effect on me at all. If they are powerful to others, but for myself, if they can’t touch their base at all, they will be natural. Exploded. .

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