Chapter 252

Chapter 251

Major Kelly decided that she was not able to be here just waiting to save herself. Although there is nothing here to get her out of this place, she still has to find a way to stay here. Coming lower and lower, the auspicious suit on Major Kelly had been torn, and it was not on her.

When I fell just now, the impact was too great, so the sturdy clothes were all scratched, and I felt lucky that I actually fell into this hole.

If it were to fall, then I must have been crushed now. Fortunately, I was lucky to have met such a big tree branch.

If the polar land is lying on your body, then you are not afraid at all. Polar blessing here has a very good warming function and allows your body to heat up -.

I was wearing my own set of clothes, and the auspicious clothes were also scratched. I stayed outside and the temperature on my body is getting lower and lower. This way, I will immediately lose consciousness and put myself on the verge of danger.

Major Kelly stood up immediately, began to move her body, and began to exercise in this small space to make her body warm up, although there was still some air here.

But it is also very thin, and there is no way to stop one from exercising.

If you don’t allow yourself to exercise, your body will get colder and colder. No matter how much air there is, what can it be like? Megan Carey tried to walk to the entrance of the cave and fiddled with the snow. Although the snow is very It is fluffy.

But if I dig, when I have to dig it, I don’t have any tools in my hands. After thinking about it, Majori wants to decide whether to experiment by digging and digging to see how far it can go, so that I can know what it is. Looks like he can get out.

Can’t just wait in place like this. If they didn’t find this cave, wouldn’t they have to wait here to die?

“No, you must find a way to save yourself.”

It’s better to work hard on your own, it’s better than waiting here like this.

Majori feels that someone has been in this cave, so something must be left behind. Although the cave has not been dug to the bottom, but this cave shows signs that someone has stayed, it will definitely leave something worthy of use.

Majorca decided to look for it to see if finding something useful for him could come in handy. Majorca once again walked in the direction of the cave. Majorca just thought that there might be something inside. I found that it was completely dark there, because there was no light and no flames to illuminate it.

Although there are some woods there, Megan knows that they can’t be ignited. If they are ignited, the air here will get more and more, and the thinner they will be, because of the ignition of these woods, they will not be able to Roar suck.

Although my body is hot, there is no way to Roar suck.

Major Carey could only move forward in the dark.

Using her perception to find something useful to herself, Majori groped around looking for something useful to her. Although this is an abandoned hole, this abandoned excavation also requires tools.

Majority walked to the inside of the cave again, this was the end, Majority tried to fumble to see if there was anything that could be used for him.

I groped around the walls and found these walls. These walls have the smell of explosives. The smell of these explosives opened up this cave. Since there are explosives here, will there be a little bit of it?

If you stay, then you can be saved. Put these explosives in the blood outside and blast a hole, can you go out? If you still can’t get out, it’s not impossible to be able to sense the vibration and let them know where you are.

Majority looked around, but didn’t find anything useful. Majority was very frustrated. She had such a bad idea today, and unexpectedly encountered such a ghost place. Alas, I don’t know what I am. Kind of ghost luck.

I was very angry in my heart, but what is the use of being angry? Now that it has reached this point, although Majority is still very confident in them, I can’t just wait like this.

· ··Seeking flowers· ··

Majority stood up and decided to continue searching. Majority just stood up. Due to the thin air, Majority suddenly fainted to the ground, but this fainting made a new discovery. Major Kelly fumbled for something made of iron, and Major Kelly knew in the darkness that it was a transmitter.

At this moment, Megan’s heart is very happy, this transmitter can transmit the signal, so that everyone can contact themselves.

Fortunately, this transmitter is manual, so there is no need for electricity at all. If you need electricity, then you will be in vain.

…. 0

This gave Majori a lot of strength. Majori quickly walked to the entrance of the cave. Only after Majori found that the transmitter was broken, but Majori felt that he could still fix it. , Still have to try.

At this moment, Tony had fallen under the cliff, and he had drifted down the road and found nothing, but found that there were no more positioning instruments for Majori, and this was a white piece of land, and there was nothing left of him. discover.

Is it possible that Majori was really buried under the snow, so it would be difficult to do it, now it has been a long time since the avalanche, it seems that Majori is more fortunate.

But now I can’t give up searching. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I still need to look for it. I don’t know how this Majori got it. The parachute didn’t even open.

Someone who could not take care of Majore made such a big mistake. Alas, in my own heart, although Majore is always arguing with him, Ability is still possible. How could it happen at this time? Did you make a mistake?

Tony felt that this error was simply too low-level. The error that the low-level can no longer be low-level happened to Majori. Originally, he had never thought that Majori could make such a low-level error.

Tony didn’t even think about the factors of nature in it. Ding.

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