Chapter 187

Chapter 186 New Weapons

What kind of things can be done, so as long as the three of them put forward one opinion, everyone will agree. After all, they all know each other very well, but Ann Nina and Julie are different. Everyone doesn’t understand the things they put forward. Ann, Nina, and Julie are not too familiar with everyone originally, so that’s why they questioned it.

This cannot be blamed on everyone. I believe that Ann Nina and Julie can also understand why everyone is like this?

“Then Ann, Nina, Jolie, enter your program into the computer. Do we need to remove the external warning system? If it is removed, let Tony and Esquilet go out and remove it. Drop, don’t affect your system.” Murphy asked.

In fact, Murphy’s question means it has its own reasons, because I want Ann Nina Julie to play by himself, and I don’t want to participate in it, just want to see whether Ann Nina Julie needs to remove the outside things.

If it is to be removed, let Tony and Esquilet go out and remove others’ systems that affect Ann Nina and Julie. It’s not good to do the test. After all, if it affects the garage, in another In the eyes of people, the things designed by Ann Nina and Julie are unusable.

Because the first impression of a person is very important. If the first impression is not good, then a series of problems will appear in the future, that is, even if you are doing the right thing, but the first impression is not good, you will be in the future. Think you are not right.

“Or you want to add your early warning system to my original system. You can decide on these now. I don’t participate in it. I will change it after you are done. Do you think this is okay?”

Murphy feels that since he already believes in Ann Nina Julie, he should ask others for their opinions. After all, after they have completed the system, they have to check it. Take precautions and check everything.

It’s okay to be careful. Just like before, I didn’t check carefully the outside early warning system to let Ann Nina Julie find out, and only then did Ann Nina Julie destroy what happened today. If I checked it earlier, What happened today won’t happen anymore, how can there be so much-troublesome?

Let Ann Nina Julie make the decision by himself. Everyone knows what Ann Nina Julie has done. Otherwise, who can trust Ann Nina Julie? Just a northern bear will give Ann Nina Julie like this. , Who can cooperate with Ann Nina Julie next.

Although Ann Nina Julie stayed at the base to meet everyone, the task of this response is also very important. After all, sometimes data needs to be transmitted. Who can trust An Nina Julie to transmit it if you don’t trust each other. The data.

Tony just stayed beside him, just like watching a play. It’s not his own business. As long as Murphy tells him to do something, he will do what he does. After all, these are in Tony’s scope, but those early warning systems or something. Are not in their own scope

I can’t get it in. I can only play around with the new weapon in my hand. This new weapon was newly designed by Murphy. I am still unfamiliar with it. I still have to move around and study the feel to get a good shot.

This biochemical weapon is very powerful. I took it for the first time and saw it on the table when I entered the laboratory. I was curious for a long time. Then Murphy saw what was going on and started to play around. , Tony just likes these novel weapons.

With Murphy, there will always be a new type of weapon that I can study. Tony has dismantled and removed the makeup and has dismantled it several times back and forth. I don’t know the difference between this pistol and other pistols, but that’s it. Murphy designed a new type of weapon, I really want to find an opportunity to go out and try it out.

Take a look at how this bio-chemical weapon is different from others, but this pistol has one advantage. It is relatively short and convenient to hold in the hand. It is also convenient to hide it on the body. Tony fiddled with what he was holding. , Eskilet came over, and Eskilet had seen it before.

But it doesn’t like this new type of weapon very much. Asquilet likes large and heavy ones. He and Tony are two opposite people. Tony likes this kind of light things, and Asquilet just likes them. The heavy one, and the one that looks very sturdy.

· ··Seeking flowers· ··

Eskilett was originally tall and burly, such a small thing in his hand, it was like a piece of candy, how could it be used smoothly, but Tony is different, Tony is also quite tall.

But his hand is relatively slender, and it is just right to hold it in his hand, so Esquilet is not very interested in this new weapon, but he also wants Murphy to design himself a biochemical weapon that can be used by himself. which type.

I’ve mentioned it to Murphy before. It may be that Murphy has been busy recently and didn’t have time to develop the weapon he wanted, and then he would get Tony’s favorite weapon.

.. ….. …….

“Don’t be so troublesome. I can just add my system to your original system, and I also brought this chip. Just plug in your external alarm system and my chip will be fine. It can be used, and if you think there are any loopholes in my system, you can add it directly.”

“After all, I just came to this place in the Carlus Mountains. I still don’t know much. You have been here for so long. You can already control the magnetic field here. You should add what you need later.”

Ann Nina Julie just said it politely, because Xiaoben knew that after installing his system, Murphy didn’t need to change it, although the magnetic field in the Carlus Mountains was not well understood by himself.

But at home, I have done a variety of magnetic field tests, and Murphy asked himself to look for the Carlus Mountains. On the other side, he was also doing a test. That chip was enough to prove it.

Ann Nina Julie’s home is very big, and it’s okay to adjust any magnetic field. Ann Nina Julie has her own special laboratory.

But as a football grows up, he can adjust what he wants to adjust. This was specially designed for him by his father. Murphy knew that Ann Nina and Julie just said it politely, don’t take it to heart. Ding.

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