Chapter 225: The Avengers of the Future Timeline

At the banquet, the doll Zi sat aside, playing with Tesseract and the soul scepter in his hands.

At this time Nick Fury came here, he looked at the two objects in Zi’s hand, and he was about to say something.

Without waiting for it to ask a question, Zi handed these two items to him and said: “There are many existences in the universe with infinite rough stones, you can figure it out.”

Marinated the one-eyed bald head took the two items, only feeling hot.

It’s fine if they can be used by him, but he just couldn’t find the correct posture to use the infinite rough stone. If he doesn’t say whether to use the fart, it will cause a lot of trouble.

Fury thought for a while. He left the mind scepter himself and handed Tesseract to Zi: “Please help keep it. I think the Rubik’s Cube is too easy to attract aliens compared to the original stone of the mind.”

The two alien incidents Fury experienced were all related to Tesseract, one was the Captain Marvel incident, and the other was the Battle of New York.

God knows if holding Tesseract will appear for the third time.

He was able to keep this thing in Zi’s custody, obviously he trusted Zi very much. On the one hand, the two have known each other for many years, on the other hand, Space gem may not be valuable to others, because the doll purple originally has a powerful space Ability. Rui rest assured.

The doll Zi nodded, stretched out his left hand to accept Tesseract, and squeezed it hard.

Just hearing a pop, the shell of the Rubik’s Cube shattered, revealing the Space gem in it.

Then, a white light flashed in her hand, and a necklace emerged out of thin air, and Space Gem was automatically inlaid on it, turning it into a very beautiful sapphire necklace.

Then she put the necklace on her neck.

Nick Fury stared at this scene in a daze, suddenly he didn’t know what to say.

Then he shook his head and stopped paying attention to this matter. He was leaving. The soul scepter was a very important thing, and he needed to keep it properly.

What Fury didn’t know was that someone had already stared at the soul scepter, or the original stone of the soul. After Fury left the Hellfire Club, he quietly followed.

Those who followed were Iron Man and Captain America who came here from the future timeline.

In their timeline, Ye Bai does not exist, there is a normal style of Marvel Movie Universe, the plot is exactly the same as the movie.

In that time and space, five years have passed since the Thanos snapped fingers incident, and half of the lives in the universe have also died out for five years.

Completed the director of the Family Planning Office, he destroyed the infinite rough stone and returned to his hometown, but it was not long before he was beheaded by Fat Thor.

The surviving Avengers alliance members had to go back to the past timeline to collect infinite primitives in order to return the half of the population that was turned ashes.

This is why they are here.

Not only them, the Hulk Banner and Ant-Man Scott Lang also came in 2012. Banner went to Ancient One to borrow the rough stones of time, and Ant-Man got into the banquet scene and prepared to steal Space Gem from the doll purple.

It is worth mentioning that when they first came to this time and space, they were forced, because this “past” is completely different from what they experienced, and a lot of superman classes that they don’t know have emerged. Not to mention, the intruder Chitauri actually They were hanged and beaten, which made several people feel like they were spiraling three hundred and sixty-five degrees.

Where did so many Superman classes come out? We must have come to a fake past!

However, no matter what the ghost looks like in this time and space, they must save their time and space, so the plan remains the same and continues to collect infinite rough stones.

After Fury left, the banquet continued.

However, a guy smaller than a fly sneaked into the banquet scene.

He is the second-generation Ant-Man Scott Lang, and he flew to the purple doll in the corner.

Puppet Zi is a master who listens and sees all directions. Ant-Man’s arrival has not concealed her perception.

She was speechless when she saw the other person flying towards her, Ant-Man, shouldn’t she steal the necklace from her neck?

She rolled her eyes and got an idea. She planned to go to their timeline and take part in the plot of the final battle.

After all, the time and space where she lives has changed drastically. If Thanos dared to come to Earth, she would definitely kneel on the ground, so things like the final battle would never happen.

If you want to experience that epic plot, you have to go to another timeline.

The doll Zi got up, walked outside the banquet hall, took the elevator downstairs, and exited the Hellfire Club.

In order to get the Space Gem, Ant-Man chased after him silly.

People have become smaller and their legs have become shorter.

On the other side, Fury met Iron Man and Captain America. The two did not hide their identities. He recognized them at a glance, but they looked a little old.

*] Fury, long time no see.”.” Captain America said.

This is a bit of a lot of information, haven’t you seen it before?

Fury is very knowledgeable and thinks of Captain America’s words, as well as the two people in front of him who are slightly fellow and savage. There is a guess in his heart, but he did not speak out. He waited for the two to tell him.

“We come from the future… Iron Man briefly talked to Fury about the disaster in the future, and finally said: “In order to save the missing half of the population, we have to go back to the past to collect infinite rough stones.

Fury asked with an eyebrow, “Is Thanos strong? Are the people in Hellfire Club not opponents?”

The corner of Iron Man’s mouth twitched. He didn’t know how to evaluate this weird past. He believed that there were too many people better than Thanos.

Captain America smiled bitterly: “To be honest, you here make me feel strange, it’s not like our past.

There is no Hellfire Club on our side. During the Battle of New York in 2012 (Chan Nuo Zhao), only the Avengers organized by you participated in the battle, and no Ability players participated in the battle. ”

“Say something that can prove your identity.” Fury needs to confirm before considering whether to lend them the soul scepter.

All in all, ten minutes later, the two successfully persuaded Fury to borrow the soul scepter from him.

On the other side, the Hulk Banner found Ancient One, a girl with long hair fluttering in a yellow monk robe.

That’s right, Ancient One is now in the image of a girl. She was replaced by Ye Bai with a younger and healthier new body. Haven’t you forgotten this matter?

She looked like a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old, but she did not have the innocence of a girl of this age, and only the vicissitudes and wisdom of the years.

The plot after the two meet is similar to that in the movie, so I won’t repeat them here.

In short, the Hulk Banner successfully borrowed the rough time stone from Ancient One.

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