219、Banner was scared and transformed.

Mothership Iliad, in the combat meeting room.

The four dolls, Zi, Nick Fury, Yelena, and Dr. Banner are sitting here, watching the real-time images projected on the wall, and seeing the process of Loki being captured with their own eyes.

Yelena said with her eyebrows: “The process went so smoothly. My instinct told me that Loki had a conspiracy.

Nick Fury also feels like this: “Bring him back first, Zi, it’s up to you.”

The doll Zi nodded and opened the gap again.

On the German side, on the 28th square of Königsallee in Stuttgart, the Iron Man Vibe female Captain America trio just grabbed Loki, and a few seconds later, they emerged in the crevice next to them.

Loki, who was caught, was surprised when he saw this thing. Is this space magic?

He didn’t think it was like it. He had seen space magic, and it would cause some movement when using it.

This made him feel a little uneasy in his heart, worried that the magic placed on the 28 rod would be seen by the opponent.

Iron Man, Captain America, and Vibe women saw this familiar space wormhole “emerge, and took advantage of the trend to press Loki into it.

Loki was put in a special detention room, and its weapon scepter was confiscated by S.H.I.E.L.D.

This special detention room was originally designed for monsters like the Hulk. It is not only capable of preventing abilities, but also particularly strong. If necessary, it can be used with prisoners to eject the mothership and enjoy the VIP luxury experience of free fall.

It’s really impossible for ordinary existences to be locked up here.

Doll Zi did not participate in the interrogation of Loki. At the moment, she and Nick Fury were coming to Loki’s psychic scepter, which was called: to check its safety.

The original soul stone inlaid on the scepter has the Ability that it can give people, and the doll purple originally has it.

So this thing is not very attractive to her.

She took the soul scepter and began to study. In her current realm, the original stone had no secrets to her, everything was clear and clear, and she easily understood the principle.

He also found some interesting things.

The rough stone seems to have life characteristics?

She is not very sure, because the life characteristics on it are not complete.

Perhaps six gems can be confirmed in one.

I remember that the comic universe has a setting, saying that the infinite rough stone was a very powerful life entity at the beginning, but it was too long and crooked, so it disintegrated itself and split into seven Infinite Gems.

The name of the living entity was Nemesis, and he was given the nickname God’s Punishment, codenamed Nemesis.

Is the movie universe also set in this way?

She suddenly had the urge to observe the origin of Infinite Gems from the timeline!!

But she still suppressed the idea.

There is a theory in occult: Some things happen because people know it. Conversely, if people don’t know, it means it doesn’t exist.

For example, a paragraph in a horror story can be described very well:

-You have seen it, now he can hear you.

-You have touched it, now he can see you.

–Never let it make a sound, if you hear it, he can touch you.

(Excerpt from SCP-513)

Another example is a paragraph in another story: There is a theory that claims that if anyone really discovers the reason for the existence of the universe, the purpose of the universe, then the universe will immediately disappear, and be affected by something weirder and incomprehensible. Replace with gadgets. (From the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)

To be honest, this is against our intentions, but this phenomenon is real.

Doll Purple believes that once he observes the origin of the infinite rough stone, something will be born because of his own observation.

For example, if a self-raw stone is born, there will be seven infinite rough stones by then. Maybe you can summon a dragon with one together.”

This kind of intuition, Zi Zi, is inexplicable, but she believes in her intuition, because this is the magical power derived from her gods law Jindan—celestial induction.

In addition to studying the original mind stone, Doll Purple is still observing the mind scepter originally.

She could see that this scepter was enchanted, and the effect was to interfere with people’s hearts and make people manic and irritable.

At this moment, the sky tens of kilometers outside the Iliad aircraft carrier suddenly changed from night stars to dark clouds, lightning and thunder.

In the detention room, Loki raised his eyebrows when he noticed the changes in the weather outside.

Yelena, who was interrogating him, found Loki’s expression and asked, “Are you still afraid of thunder?”

“I just don’t like the person who came with Thunder.” Loki said with a subtle expression.

Above the sky, a colorful rainbow beam of light descended from the sky and landed on the deck of the Iliad aircraft carrier.

In the beam of light, a tall man with blond hair, silver armor and red cloak holding a square-headed hammer emerged.

As soon as he appeared, he made a hole in the steel deck of the aircraft carrier with a hammer in his hand and jumped in.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence. Right below him is the Mothership’s internal laboratory, where Dr. Bruce Banner is.

The movement of Thor smashing the ceiling scared Dr. Banner directly into a Hulk.

So the scene of Thor vs. Hulk was staged ahead of schedule.

Observing that the doll in Act 897, Zi is very speechless. She has released the magic on the scepter here. As a result, Dr. Banner still becomes Hulk due to various force majeure factors.

Visually inspecting this mothership, it still can’t escape the fate of a forced landing on the sea!

The battle between Thor and Hulk was very dynamic. The two of them simply added all the skill points to the demolition. During the battle, everything that could be destroyed in the surroundings was destroyed by the two.

The whole mothership roared and trembled.

Loki, who was being interrogated, raised his mouth. Although it was not the same as his original plan, the goal was achieved in disguise.

At this time, Nick Fury ran to the doll Zi, and said to her who was holding the soul scepter: “Zi, stop them quickly, if this continues, the mothership will crash!”

Doll Zi rolled her eyes. She felt that she was here to fill a hole, filling in where there is a hole.

She got up, took a step, and quickly crossed obstacles and distances to reach the laboratory area inside the mothership.

Hulk’s roar, Thor’s thunder, sparks and lightning, the ground shakes the mountains.

The battle between the two people froze in a posture of thousands of troops.

The doll purple appeared here, and what I saw was such a scene.


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